Monday, 30 January 2012

Anatomy & Physiology Workbook For Dummies

Anatomy and Physiology Help

Anatomy and Physiology is a difficult course. It is time-consuming and requires both the memorization of a lot of new vocabulary and an understanding of physical and chemical processes that affect the human body. Of course you must study to do well in the class, but there is other anatomy & physiology help out there besides your textbook.
Here are some suggestions from a current RN, and former teacher who got an 'A' in Human Anatomy & Physiology.
1) Make sure you understand some basic concepts of chemistry such as
* osmosis
* facilitated transport
* what a chemical equation means, and
* how molecules behave in solution.
Water molecules react and interact with other solutes continuously and this has a large impact on many bodily functions.
2) If you don't understand these processes, find a resource on-line, in the biology or chemistry department or in the form of a tutor or textbook to help you. This extra step will help you understand many of the concepts you'll cover in A&P.
3) Utilize the internet.
Many universities have websites with anatomy & physiology animations and tutorials. Also, you'd be amazed what you can find on YouTube. Type in whatever system or concept you are struggling with and you are likely to find something useful. Just be sure that the author is reputable.
When you find animations, turn off the sound and try to describe what you see happening. If you are having a tough time, invite a study partner to watch it with you and see if you can figure out what's going on. You might even convince your professor to do it in class as a group.
4) Ask questions upon question upon questions.
I don't necessarily mean that you should continually interrupt your instructor but that you should be thinking questions as you are listening or reading or watching. Ask some of these questions, but also write some down to be answered later or after class. Find the answers to some of them yourself.
Make sure that when you are reading your text that you stop at the end of a section or page and ask yourself what you just read. If you don't know, you didn't learn anything. It's very easy to just let the eyeballs move back and forth over the page without the words penetrating into learning or thought.
Ask questions that are not necessarily related directly to A&P but show that you are comparing or integrating what you are learning in A&P to what you already know or are learning in other fields. In other words if something you hear in A&P reminds you of something you read about for American History, write down that thought or that question. Talk to someone else about it. Develop the thought and the question. These kind of questions and thoughts are links that build understanding and remain with you much longer than simply memorizing a fact.
There is creative anatomy & physiology help as well. Music can be used to help teach A&P. If you are looking for a way to learn more A&P while riding in the car or doing errands, check out a 14 song CD of songs that teach A&P. Click here to download a free song that teaches bone nomenclature and physiology. Good luck with A&P!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Archaeology For Dummies

What Is Field Archaeology?

Field Archaeology means the search for evidence. Fieldwork can be defined as the search for and recording of antiquities, and collecting data from which their contemporary environment can be reconstructed. In simpler words, it consists of work related to the tracing of prehistoric things, planning of ancient field-systems and their settlements, recording of plans and maps of earthworks of any kind and search for monuments recorded by earlier writers. The chief requirement of the field-worker is a thorough knowledge of maps and their uses.
It is the duty of the archaeologist to make clear and accurate plans of the sites, which he is investigating on. This requires a sound knowledge of a few elementary principles and plenty of common sense. The main two things, which should be kept in mind, are to avoid making any kind of errors. Errors are of two types i.e. personal and instrumental. Personal errors are like reading and writing a wrong figure whereas instrumental errors are those, which arise due to the instruments used. These types of errors cannot be avoided and most of the time they even cannot be detected in case the instrument is not a perfect one. Therefore, it is advisable to compare the instruments they use with known standards so that the errors, which would occur, are kept within reasonable limits.
The main duty of the field archeologist is to record facts. His duty is to publish the measurements of the structure found, nature of the strata covering and filling them and the descriptions of its field. If he is unable to do this, then he has no right to excavate and foist upon public interpretations without any evidence and incapable of being checked independently.
Then, another most important thing is the publication of facts. These facts include measured plans in photographs and drawings of the objects found. Other than this rest all is hypothesis. However, in scientific method of archaeology, the archeologists needs to collect and arrange particular facts and then form general hypothesis. These hypotheses are then further experimented and are held to be true only if they can explain the observed facts. Hence, every excavator must follow two simple rules. Firstly, the evidence must be interpreted and presented as a whole and secondly, no evidence can be interpreted otherwise than by working hypothesis.
It is necessary to publish proper reports of archeological research especially of excavations. This is simply because the site of excavation involves its destruction. So once it is excavated, the evidence cannot be reconstituted except from the records made by the executor. If the executor is unable to publish his records, then it is treated as a crime against science. Hence, publication of records is an integral part of excavation and all records should be published fully and without any kind of delay.
Do you like collecting Antiques? Check out this website for Indian Antiques.

Monday, 23 January 2012

The Pocket Idiot's Guide To Investing In Stocks

Stock Market Guide to Investing For Beginners

As a general guide to investing: the stock market and investing for beginners is a bit like a riddle. All investors should understand the stock market because stock investing is the key to higher investment profits. At the same time, investing DIRECTLY in the stock market is not smart investing for beginners, because it often leads to unnecessary losses. So, here's a basic guide to investing in stocks without playing the stock market, so you can make money and sleep at night.
No matter what anyone tells you, the stock market is not predictable over the short term. For example, not one person on the face of this earth predicted that in early May of 2010 that the U.S. stock market would fall 999 points within one trading day. Most people don't even know what 999 points means. The good news is that you don't need to understand the day to day rhetoric of the market to make money investing in stocks. But you should understand how the stock market works; and how investing for beginners can be simplified.
Stock prices fluctuate based on only one thing: buying and selling activity. Every second the market is open, some people are placing BUY orders and others are placing SELL orders. If these orders are in balance prices change little. If buy orders far outweigh sell orders prices soar; and if sell orders swamp buy orders prices fall like a rock. The stock market is simply an auction where buyers and sellers (buy and sell orders) are hooked up with each other. What prompts investors to buy or sell? More than anything else, the news events of the day influence investment decisions.
For example, there was bad news on debt problems in Europe the day the Dow Jones Average dropped almost 1000 points before recovering most of the loss before the market closed. Why the move was so extreme was a bit of a mystery, but one thing is for sure. Big sell orders swamped buy orders and prices took a dive. The Dow Jones Average started the day at about 10,000 (it was actually a few hundred points higher), so a 1000 point move translates to about a 10% drop in stock prices in one day. Now, let's move on to our guide to investing for beginners.
You do not need to play the stock market game of outguessing the market on a daily basis in order to make money in stocks. The good news is that over the longer term stocks have been good long term investments, with average yearly returns of about 10% over the last 80 years or so. There have been years when the stock market and stock investors on average lost 50%, and years when it gained 50% or more; but these are the exception.
Stock investing for beginners should focus on long term investing in stock mutual funds. As a basic guide to investing... if you own stock funds, bond funds and money market funds in about equal amounts... you should do just fine over the years without wild swings in the value of your total investment portfolio.
In mutual funds professionals do the management for you. By owning all three basic fund types (stock, bond and money market funds) your overall risk is lowered. When the stock market has a bad day or year, you've got money in safer investments to cushion the blow. The real secret to investing for beginners is this: allocate your assets to stocks, bonds and the money market by investing in mutual funds. Decide how much (what percent) to invest in each, and keep your money invested that way. Let's say you go with 50% in stock funds and 25% in each of the other two categories. Once a year review your results, and move money if your percentages have changed. For example, if your stock fund(s) is now only 40% of your total investment, move money from the others to bring it back to 50%... ditto to keep your other funds in line with your original allocation.
If you keep your money invested across all three asset classes (like above) the stock market and its unpredictability should no longer be a major concern.
A retired financial planner, James Leitz has an MBA (finance) and 35 years of investing experience. For 20 years he advised individual investors, working directly with them helping them to reach their financial goals.
Jim is the author of a complete investor guide, Invest Informed, designed for average investors or would-be investors of all levels of financial background and experience. To learn more about investments and investing and his new financial guide go to

Thursday, 5 January 2012

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Personal Finance In Your 20s & 30s,4thEdition

A Guide to Personal Finance Methods

There is a lot that can be learnt on the subject of personal finance, which is the stamina of the commerce industry today. Consumers will need to know numerous topics in finance if they are to uphold a good grip on their finance. There are a few guidelines to help guarantee such achievement.
First and foremost, proper personal finance is only observed with proper budgeting. It is possible for consumers to get their finances back on track but only with the help of a well planned budget. Outlining expenditures, payments, and outlining savings is considered standard in maintaining a healthy relationship with creditors and lending facilities. If budgeting skills are present, hiring a financial adviser to do so is a viable option that should be sought out.
Out of all the components in a personal finance plan, the savings aspect can be a tough one indeed. Saving up money sounds easy on paper, but the glitz and glamor of products often wane the motivation of consumers, who give in to new expenses for the sake of new and intriguing items. In any case, saving accounts are brilliant to have for a rainy day, they can also be very helpful for avoiding loans in general.
For those who can keep a savings account, they are probably responsible enough to also gain benefit form their insurance, social security, and retirement plans. Such plans are also neglected, as they take careful planning in order to get the most benefit from. Gaining help from an accountant or financial assistant will make the process easier- and is recommended so as to keep any mistakes from being apparent in such important plans.
No matter what part of the world you live in credit becomes a part of everyone's life, even for people who don't have personal finance. It's near impossible to avoid a loan throughout one's life. This is made apparent when items such as houses and cars must be obtained- which are commonly expensive enough to warrant the need for a loan. It is important to be clever when it comes to obtaining credit as it is accountable for putting copious amounts of people in debt from which they cannot escape. While consumers won't necessarily have to obtain professional education on the matter, some form of education should take place so one can avoid the finer points of dangerous credit decisions.
As a last note of importance, consumers should keep in mind that personal finance is mostly about planning for the future. Without a proper plan for the future, consumers will be in danger of debts that they will soon regret. Getting help from a financial advisor can help consumers plan ahead of time. This doesn't need to be grueling it can actually be fairly reasonable in such cases. Even better is the fact that financial professionals can plan a budget for years at a time- meaning revisiting them isn't an issue.
Final Thoughts
Debt doesn't have to be part of one's life. Consumers who have mounting debts will undoubtedly agree that planning ahead should not be ignored. There are huge benefits from finding help in budgeting, consumers be more aware of the actions involved. A consumer doesn't have to be in debt for decades on end- or at all, for that matter. The key to accomplishing financial success is planning, as well as educating oneself on the associated topics.
Steve Smith writes for AllAboutLoans, Our visitors can apply online for debt consolidation, debt and all other forms of debt help. Visit today and see what we can do for you.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

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