Easy Affiliate Marketing - The Exciting Viral Method
Copyright (c) 2010 Riley West
Affiliate marketing is in the area of internet marketing in which the salespeople (the affiliates) get paid a commission each time they cause a sale that comes in through their affiliate"link."
It's a great model and many people have become rich just by selling other people's products.
It's the online version of the offline world's commissioned salespeople, such as the one's employed by cars dealers, furniture dealers, appliances, real estate and insurance, to name just a few.
But being a commissioned salesperson online (an affiliate) is a lot easier in many ways.
First of all there are the onerous things the affiliate doesn't have to do.
Affiliate salespeople don't have to stand "belly to belly' with their prospects.
They don't have to show up at certain hours or work on their days off.
They don't have to dress in a certain manner and they don't have a "boss."
They also don't have to solve delivery or product satisfaction problems.
And they don't have to collect the money and handle the financing.
Add to that the fact that online commissioned salespeople get a far larger commission than their offline counterparts.
However you look at it, affiliate marketing online is, in lots of ways, better than the offline version.
There are some things an affiliate marketer does have to do, though, and one of them can be the most vexing problem for most affiliates.
And that is the challenge of generating enough traffic to their offers.
Many affiliates suffer from volumes of traffic that are too low for their conversion rates.
Higher traffic will 'solve' the problem of low conversion rates. And higher conversion rates will compensate for low traffic.
So the "holy grail" for affiliates is to find high conversion products and expose that product to a high traffic flow. An online marketing marriage made in heaven.
But there is another way. It is referred to as 'viral."
A good example would be an ebook, or a PDF report, or a series of videos that cover all the points and tools needed to be able to succeed at Internet Marketing.
It could cover the basics, such as terminology and marketing concepts. Also included could be explanations of hosting and domains, traffic generation methods, keyword research, and the basics of websites and blogs.
In this product a prospective affiliate could place some of their affiliate links.
They could then sell this for whatever price point it would bring and make some money. And maybe later a few hits on their links therein.
Or they could give it away, and, knowing that many of the people who got it wouldn't take it to the next level, they might click some of those links and make the original product developer a nice affiliate commission.
There are internet marketers out there that offer "rebrandable" reports in which you can take the original affiliate links out and put yours in. That's another great idea.
If you need to make some extra money or you have the ambition to make a lot of money, affiliate marketing could just be perfect for you.
About the Author
Are you in need of extra money? Would you like to see a way to make that money that isn't so hard and can even be fun once you get it up and running! At Riley West's Famous Blog go to Easy Affiliate Marketing and you'll find a way! For other plans with the emphasis on Easy Affiliate Marketing look at the dozens explored in the Famous Blog or see our sister site at One Week Marketing
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