Wednesday, 30 November 2011

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Personal Bankruptcy

Declaring Personal Bankruptcy - A Guide

Choosing to declare bankruptcy is entirely a personal decision and it may induce different consequences on your professional and financial life. People who are under great burden of debt generally have two choices when filing bankruptcy. They can declare Bankruptcy either under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Declaration of bankruptcy under Chapter 7 allows you to seek forgiveness of most debts, file the same declaration under Chapter 13 will lower the debt amount and each structure them into a repayment plan which will be court-supervised. It is important that you have the knowledge of right regulations to successfully declare bankruptcy.
You can prepare yourself a bit before declaring bankruptcy. It is a good idea to make a list of your debts, child support, pending student loans, daycare costs, alimony and utility bills. There is a required set amount of information that you will need to declare while filing bankruptcy whether you do it own or you hire an attorney.
You must also prepare a list of assets that also includes interests from any property or your house. You will also have to include savings account, stocks, any expensive jewelry or any other personal property. You also have to report your retirement account but anyhow you are not going to loose it. Never ever try to hide anything as this is a serious crime. You must adhere to truth when you're declaring bankruptcy otherwise you may even have to face a federal imprisonment.
Take out any bank statements, paycheck stubs and tax return papers that you have and take out a copy of it. If you do not possess any financial documents; you can ask your employer to provide you with Internal Revenue Service.
An important step is deciding whether you wish to declare bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or under Chapter 13. The Chapter 7 may allow complete forgiveness of your debt with exceptions, in case of criminal fines, student loans and child support. Declaring bankruptcy under Chapter 13 will cause the debt to be reduced but you will require paying according to a repayment plan after a small interval of time. It is always a good idea to consult a bankruptcy lawyer before declaring bankruptcy. He will guide you with the right procedure and also recommend you under which Chapter you must file bankruptcy.
Brian Joneta also writes about Bankruptcy and Credit issues including Declaring Personal Bankruptcy andBankruptcy Lawyer

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Starting And Running A Retail Store

Tips To Open Your First Retail Store

Author: Jane M Dawson

Everyone dreams of starting off on their own and being their own boss. But if you think that you will be free of pressure from above and constant deadlines think again! While it promises to be stimulating it can also be very challenging. Most new businesses fold up within the first few months of operations; so, a lot of thought must go into business ideas and models before they can materialize.
Here are some basic suggestions that will help you open your first retail store.
Initial Groundwork
The first thing that must be undertaken is extensive research of the industry that you plan to enter. Study the entry and exit barriers, the competition, the supply and distribution channels and local regulations.
The size of the market and any shortcomings in the existing players are also important considerations of any business plan.
Business Plan
Once you have decided what industry you plan to enter, it is important to make in-depth plans detailing the initial investments, running costs – (insurance, rent, wages, utility bill estimates and so on), number of employees, expected size of the market, personal investment, partners and, most importantly, the idea that will set you apart from the rest.  Ensure that expectations are based on reality as non-performance has a higher price than lower estimates.
Place Of Business
Where you conduct business will assume relevance if you are opening a new retail outlet. To begin with, it will be difficult to start business at a central location. Attracting the nearby customers with exclusive offers will go a long way in earning goodwill.  You can then slowly branch out into online transactions which will enable people who are far off, to avail of your products and services.
Target Market
It is not possible to begin selling products and services to the whole market. Keep in mind a certain demographic segment and aim at attracting them. It could be the youth or aged, sportspersons, homemakers, long-distance commuters and so on.
Seed Capital Required
Make a list of all the possible sources of finance. The business plan along with reports including expected earnings, payback period, breakeven period, collateral, partner interests, if any, target market and so on, should be ready at hand for banks, financial institutions and venture capitalists to examine.
Manpower Resources
As a retailer, it is important to be able to co-ordinate the different activities of the business and stay in control of all the goings-on. However, while leading by example is essential, delegation of strategic functions is also an important task. Hiring competent personnel with integrity will ensure that business operations are carried on without any difficulty. Those employees who are at the client end of activities, are the face of the company and as a result, must put forward their best foot.
Advertising will make customers aware of your products. Details of services extended, product features and USP of the product should be promoted extensively. It could be done through publicity campaigns, newspaper inserts, road shows and posters. Advertising on popular websites could also attract customers' attention.
Licenses, Regulations And Taxes
Remember to consult local authorities regarding licenses required to practice, taxes applicable and name of the concern. Take care of any other local regulation that needs to be complied with to avoid future hassles and fines. A CPA could also guide you on tax breaks, if any. Also remember to register yourself to benefit from legal recognition by the authorities.
Opening a retail store is not a means to escape from accountability. On the contrary you are now answerable to the general public without a corporate shield. But you get a chance to live life on your own terms. Hard work and persistence are vital to succeed in the retail business. Remember not to bite off more than you can chew. It would be wise to start slowly but steadily and expand gradually.
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A dropshipping list categorizes dropshippers on the basis of price, features, and other aspects that customers choose. This list will save your time by listing many dropshippers and dropshippers reviews.

Monday, 28 November 2011

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Socially Responsible Investing

Socially Responsible Investing for Idiots


Michael Grodsky, AIF®

Socially Responsible Investing for Idiots
Sí, Money! (
By Michael Grodsky
If I have to be an idiot, at the least I\'m a green idiot. I believe in clean air, corporate responsibility, community activism, licorice, pizza and Thai food. And healthy living, freedom, and of course freedom raisins.

Shiny happy raisins
I love trees, sky, and ah, the OXYGEN! But I\'m worried about the dismal state of health care, education funding, the ozone hole, the Medicare donut hole, and your little dog too! Did you know the North Pole is melting? That really scares me. Plus I need to cut down on my Chunky Monkey intake.
In everything I do, in every move I make, it seems that I\'m part of the worldwide web of production and consumption. So I pertly place my recyclables in the blue bin, our family uses reusable grocery bags, and I vote. What more can a light-switch thumping, gasoline-pumping 21st century fox do?
C\'mon, baby, light my SRI fire...

It was only a couple of years ago a friend remarked to me that real estate was the only investment that made any sense, as if his seat on the Ferris Wheel of investments, propelled by an invincible source, would forever be going up, up, UP! Instead, what happened was 'up, up and away.'

The first Ferris wheel, from 1893 World Columbian Exposition in Chicago
The desire for a sure thing is hard to resist. Albert Einstein, succumbing to pressure to support the idea of a static universe, in his 1917 paper added an adjustment number called the 'cosmological constant' to his equation for general relativity. In 1931 he publicly renounced this static cosmology and endorsed the Big Bang expanding universe model, ditching the cosmological constant and returning to his original equation. He later called his bowing to peer pressure the greatest blunder of his entire life. You can read about the adventure in author Simon Singh\'s 'Big Bang - The Origin of the Universe.'
Many philanthropic foundations have long drawn a wall between their socially conscious mission statements that drive grant making, and the investment holdings of their endowment. There is a truism that investing for social benefit results in lower returns. But just as scientific peer consensus eventually embraced the Big Bang theory, so has the thinking of philanthropic foundations changed. The reasons are twofold: A recognition that corporate responsibility and societal concerns are valid parts of investment decisions, (1) and a growing number of academic studies have demonstrated that socially responsible investment (SRI) mutual funds perform competitively with non-SRI funds over time. (2)
For example, according to University of Maastricht and Erasmus University Rotterdam economists in their prize-winning paper, 'we find little evidence of significant differences in risk-adjusted returns between ethical and conventional funds for the 1990-2001 period.' (3)
Foundation investment choices seem to be increasingly guided by effect upon society as a whole, not just financial gain, according to a recent Los Angeles Times article. (4) Fresh thinking in the nation\'s largest foundations may be driving the impetus ever faster: The $8.5-billion William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (Menlo Park), the $6.1-billion John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago), the $7.8-billion W.K. Kellogg Foundation (Battle Creek, Michigan) all have made recent changes to improve the social effect of their investments. (5)
SRI assets are also growing faster than assets as a whole: according to the non-profit Social Investment Forum\'s 2005 biennial report, SRI assets rose more than 258 percent from $639 billion in 1995 to $2.29 trillion in 2005. Over those ten years, SRI assets grew four percent faster than the entire universe of managed assets in the United States. (6)
Some have already been on the SRI track: the nation\'s second largest foundation, the Ford Foundation, along with others such as the F.B. Herron Foundation, the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation and the Nathan Cumings Foundation, have for a long time aligned their charitable and investment practices.
What is Socially Responsible Investing?
Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) is a broad-based approach to investing that now encompasses an estimated $2.3 trillion out of $24 trillion in the U.S. investment marketplace today. (7) The release of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment–subscribed to by some of the world\'s largest institutional investors, asset managers, and related organizations representing over $9 trillion in assets as of mid- 2007–underscores the widespread acceptance of the principle that investors cannot, in the long run, achieve their goals by investing in corporations that externalize their costs onto society. (8)
How do I research SRI funds?
A good place to start is the Social Investment Forum ( Look at the resource list at the end of this article too.
How do I start investing?
If you participate in an employer-sponsored retirement plan, there may be SRI funds already available to you. If you manage your own IRA or other plan, look into what\'s available. But don\'t just go adding a fund without considering the entire makeup of your portfolio.
The key to earning decent long-term returns and limiting overall risk is to have a proper asset allocation, meaning you don\'t have all your eggs in one basket. For do-it-yourself-ers, check out the government\'s website about asset allocation (, or purchase 'All About Asset Allocation' by Richard A. Ferri ($13.57 at Amazon), a great introduction to the topic. Your personal financial advisor or company where you have your investment or retirement accounts can help.
How do I know which funds will produce the highest returns?
You don\'t, you can\'t, and you won\'t, so just forget about it because past performance doesn\'t predict future results. The day-to-day ups and downs of the market receive the media attention, but the daily, quarterly, or even yearly returns are largely irrelevant in constructing an individual\'s portfolio whose objectives are long-range.  What you want to look for are funds that perform well over the long run within their particular sector, as compared to the appropriate benchmark indices. Various areas of the economy are always moving up and down and sideways, and so far no one has ever been able to know ahead of time what the pattern will be. Asset allocation, I\'ll say again, may be the key to long-term success in building a financially secure future. Not panicking helps too!
What makes an SRI fund different?
If a prospective company is a fit according to a fund\'s stated objectives, research is performed to determine whether or not it\'s a good idea to buy stock at the current offering price. It boils down to the question 'Within the guidelines of the stated objectives of the fund, will this purchase help to achieve the highest possible return for the fund\'s shareholders?'
The three core socially responsible investing strategies are screening, shareholder advocacy, and community investing. Screening means a fund will include or exclude companies based upon criteria such as alcohol, tobacco, animal testing, and human rights, among others. These screens can be positive (e.g., including companies that treat employees well) or negative (e.g., excluding companies who do business with disturbed musicians).
Keep in mind that, as with all mutual funds, SRI funds have no guarantees of future return.

In any case, you\'d better take this lad\'s offering of raisins!
If you use electricity, drive a car, and participate in many other activities of daily living, in a very true sense you are already investing in the companies that allow and encourage your consumption. In other words, you are part of the 'market' whether or not you actually own stocks or mutual funds. Socially responsible investing can be a way to make your dollars work toward something in which you believe, and support those companies you believe have a vision in line with your own.
Resources and suggested reading
1.    'The Mission in the Marketplace: How Responsible Investing Can Strengthen the Fiduciary Oversight of Foundation Endowments and Enhance Philanthropic Missions.' Social Investment Forum Foundation\'s resource guide for foundations to manage risk and leverage their investment assets more fully with their core philanthropic purpose, while creating lasting value.
2.    '10 best' list of companies. Corporate Responsibility Officer magazine rates the citizenship disclosures, policies and performance of large-cap, public companies in the following industries: Auto & Vehicles, Paper, Technology Hardware, Technology Software, Transport, and Travel & Lodging industries, Chemical, Energy, Financial, Media and Utilities industries.
3.    Social Science Research Network.
4.    United Nations\' 'The Principles for Responsible Investment.' An investor initiative in partnership with UNEP Finance Initiative and the UN Global Compact.
5.    The Social Investment Forum; national membership association dedicated to advancing the concept, practice, and growth of socially and environmentally responsible investing.
6.    Social Investment Forum\'s 2005 biennial report.
7., a resource for quantitative aspects of socially responsible investing. Includes an annotated bibliography of studies of socially responsible investing. A project of the Moskowitz Research Program, which is affiliated with the Center for Responsible Business at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley.
8.    Socially Responsible Mutual Fund Charts of Financial Performance.
9., an advertising-driven website with information on SRI mutual funds, community investments, corporate research, shareowner actions, and daily social investment news.
10.    'Handbook on Responsible Investment Across Asset Classes.' For asset allocation junkies, individuals and institutional investors the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship created this work.
1. The Maturing of Socially Responsible Investment: A Review of the Developing Link with Corporate Social Responsibility by Russell Sparkes and Christopher J. Cowton. Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 52, Number 1 / June, 2004.
3. International Evidence on Ethical Mutual Fund Performance and Investment Style, paper by Rob Bauer, Kees Koedijk, Rogér Otten. Limburg Institute of Financial Economics, November 2002. (
4. Foundations align investments with their charitable goals by Charles Piller, Los Angeles Times, December 29, 2007. Section C, p 1.
5. Ibid.
6. 2005 Report on Socially Responsible Investing Trends in the United States. Social Investment Forum. (
7. Socially Responsible Investing Facts. Social Investment Forum.
8. PRI Report On Progress 2007. PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment), United Nations. (
Image credits
Sun-Maid/George Bush composite image
•    First Sun-Maid packaging to feature a likeness of Lorraine Collett as the 'Sun-Maid Girl,' 1916. Designer unknown, incorporates painting by Fanny Scafford. Public domain in the United States.
•    Photograph of Bush speaking. Brazil, November 6, 2005. Agência Brasil, a public Brazilian news agency, produced photograph. Published under the Creative Commons License Attribution 2.5 Brazil.

Fox/Morrison composite image
•    Foxes by Franz Marc, 1913. The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. Public Domain.
•    Jim Morrison portrait, 2007, by Amadeu.taradell. Released by author into public domain.

Ferris Wheel/Superman composite image
•    The first Ferris wheel from the 1893 World Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The New York Times photo archive. Public Domain.
•    Screenshot of 1941 cartoon Superman. Fleischer Studios. This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1923 and 1963 with a copyright notice, and its copyright was not renewed.

Musician holding Valentine\'s Day raisins composite image
•    Photo of musician Jeff Hawley, 2007.  Manager, Marketing Content Pro Audio and Combo Division, Yamaha Corporation of America. Courtesy of Mr. Hawley.
•    Photo, August 3, 2005 by Mazbln. Halberstadt, Klosterkirche St. Burchardi, Ort des John-Cage-Projektes 'As slow as possible.' Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
•    Original painting of Lorraine Collett by Fanny Scafford, 1915, later used on Sun-Maid raisin packaging. Public domain in the United States.
This column is meant to provide general information, and should not be construed as providing investment, legal, or tax advice. There is no guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of the information in this article. There are no guarantees of future return for any fund, nor an endorsement of any investment product. Mutual funds are sold by prospectus only. For complete information on mutual funds including sales charges and expenses, call your financial professional for a prospectus. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. Links are provided herein as a courtesy, and no guarantees are made as to the accuracy of the content on the referenced websites.
Sí, Money! - Vol. 2, No. 1  February 2008 -
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About the Author
Michael Grodsky ( is a fee-based financial planner in Los Angeles, California. He serves artists and non-profit organizations, helping them to align their investments with their values. He can be reached at 323-293-6800,

Registered Representative offering securities and investment advisory services through Independent Financial Group, LLC, a registered broker-dealer

and investment advisor, member FINRA/SIPC. Registered to sell securities in the state of California. Aquarius Financial and IFG are not affiliated. Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction: 4518 Winnetka Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Sunday, 27 November 2011

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Guerrilla Marketing

Conventional Guerrilla Marketing



It is not necessary to have big billboards, or expensive ads being played on the television to boost your customer acquisition rate. If you work smartly, you can acquire prospects and turn them into customers at a very low cost.
Since guerrilla marketing is a very interesting thing to do, it is possible that you get so involved in the guerrilla marketing activities that you forget the fact that the guerrilla marketing is not about marketing activities, it is about developing your business, acquiring more prospects and turning them into customers. Guerrilla marketing is the first step of acquiring prospects. Through the implementation of guerrilla marketing strategies you can develop the interest of your target segment in your product, business or service. When the interest is developed, it is very easy to turn prospects into customers. Let\'s find a few interesting ways in which we can do guerrilla marketing.
If you are selling an event, let\'s say a concert one way that you can guerrilla market your event is by having a dummy rock star (made up of soft sheet or anything) where the tickets are available. When people see the dummy rock star they are most likely going to inquire about it and eventually that\'s going to lead them to buying a ticket for your event. If you own a shoe store, you can have a shoe box made with shoes getting out of the box and put it outside the entrance of your door. That\'s at least going to make all the shoe lovers stop and considering entering your shop at least once.  If you own a gift shop, you can place occasion delineating posters on the floors; it would create a gift giving aura in your shop. There are a lot of other ideas that you can carry out as your brand\'s guerrilla marketing. It depends on the type of business you have. No matter what strategy you select for your guerrilla marketing; please make sure that your target segment will appreciate your efforts. If you have a target segment that is likely to get annoyed with such efforts, don\'t market your business that way then.
Some unusual guerrilla marketing campaigns can be carried out by doing simple activities. Such as throwing fliers of different shape randomly in a place where your target segment hangs out the most, you can utilize every little thing such as the subway handles, the door knobs, the trash baskets, fan, walls, floors and the lists can go on and on until you put a limit to your creativity and imagination.  Creativity and Imagination are two things that can flourish your mind and enable you to work smartly and that\'s what guerrilla marketing is all about. Acquire more in less.
If you want to learn more on how your business can benefit from increased traffic check our traffic  guide. and enjoy the true benefits that comes with more visitors in your business.
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About the Author
Michael Moume is a veteran Internet marketer with stint in traffic generation and using Internet to maximize profits. For FREE Tips and Advise, go to

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Foreign Currency Trading

A Beginner's Guide to Foreign Currency Trading


Juvelyn Clark

Foreign Currency trading offers many rewards and advantages that many people are looking for. Everyone has heard of trading on the Forex and time after time it is all success stories. What no one ever hears about though are the failures; roughly 90of all people who start foreign currency trading end up losing their initial investments.
Of course, before you can even think of trading, you need to educate yourself. You will need to take the time to learn more about the Forex market and how trading is done. Learn how to read the charts and how to find trends in the currencies. Once you have learned a fair bit, it is time to open up an account with a broker.
We are not talking about opening up a live account at first, because everyone needs to start off with a demo account. Be very leery about any broker who promises you profits and make sure that the broker you choose is also regulated. While not being entirely illegal, there are a fair number of unregulated brokers and many of them have unscrupulous practices designed to separate you from your money.
The Forex market is a very risky venture and any broker who tells you otherwise is not to be trusted.
Once you have selected a broker and have opened up your demo account, start practicing all that you have learned about the Forex market. Take this time to learn even more about trading successfully and while you are at it, find out what type of trader you are as this will affect how you trade and what brokers are right for you.
Knowing what type of trader you are will help you narrow down your choices of brokers to open a live account with. Using all that you have learned and practiced thanks to the demo account, you are ready to move into trading real money.
Remember though, you are competing against professionals and if you want to become a great Forex trader yourself someday, then you need to start thinking and trading like one. This means not using all of those signaling programs and techniques you find plastered all over the internet. It means that you need to learn how to analyze the market and make well-informed decisions regarding your trades.
Try to stay away from margin accounts no matter how lucrative they appear and remember that more leverage is not always better. Your goal should be to reduce your exposure to the many risks associated with trading on the Forex market and to do so, this means limited leverage and no margin trading.
Above all, education is the key and just because you are already trading does not mean that education should stop. The pros are constantly studying new angles of the Forex market and you should too.
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For more in-depth information that will help you become a professional trader, stop by Forex Brokers Direct.

Friday, 25 November 2011

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Live Auctions

Guide to Purchasing Tricks on eBay


Jimmy C. Albas

Prior to there was an Internet, there were only a few ways people could remove things like toy trains that they no longer wanted. They might sell them at a yard sale for a couple of dollars. They could take them to . They might place a for sale ad inside the classified section of the newspaper. They may auction them at 1 of 2 types of live auctions; a expensive auction which are held by internationally known firms, or a local auction exactly where both the clientele and merchandise are mostly local. In some cases if an auctioneer has enough trains they will hold a educate only auction that is more liable to attract the attention of serious collectors. High end auctions are typically exactly where collectors can find exceptionally rare toy trains, toy trucks, and several collectible cars.

Shopping at an eBay outlet carries a level of protection. Most of the EBay stores are run by reputable dealers who specialize in toy trucks, trains, and autos. These dealers are usually willing to guarantee the products they\'re marketing on EBay. If your looking for a collector toy train look for EBay retailers that have a TCA (Train Collectors Association) membership. These EBay shops take a special pride in their toy trains.

In the event you are considering purchasing a toy educate set from an EBay outlet make certain that they say the transformer it\'s actually functioning. With the exception in the 'ZW' transformers comprised of Lionel, transformers are typically unrepairable. Prior to agreeing to the sale ask the EBay shop if the transformers knobs turn smoothly and if the transformer is working corrA huge advantage to buying a train by means of an EBay store is the ability to discover the feedback the shop has received from past customers. Reading by way of this feedback must give you a good indication about how honest they\'re about the product they are marketing.

If you are merely looking for any type, style and make of toy truck, toy train, or any other miniaturized automobile on EBay all you need to do is go to EBay\'s handy drop down menu and click on the product you would like. You\'ll presented with tons of toy automobile that you can bid on.

If you are searching for a ver distinct item, go to the search section and enter in exactly what you might be searching for. The more specified you are the more likely you can be to discover the item you might be looking for without wasting allot of your time.

Once you have chosen an item you like contact the merchant, ask lots of questions about the toy train they\'re promoting, does it work, is there any damage, etc.. Ask if they would be willing to send a number of photos on the item, displaying it at a number of several angles. Ask the merchant if they would be prepared to guarantee the complaint with the item.

Purchasing trucks, trains, and toy autos at an eBay store permits you to store whenever it is favorable, day or night.

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About the Author
What are your favorite toys? For an idea of how good they are, visit While you are on the site, also take a look at <a href=''>Super Mario Bros action figures</a>.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Day Trading Like A Pro

Forex Trading-Trade Like The Pro's Do


Matthew Closson

Even if you have a full time job, a wife and kids, You can still find the time to gain the knowledge to become as good a trader as the pro\'s. It doesn\'t take much time at all to learn how to trade Forex.
First, a little information about what the Forex market is. The Forex market is the largest , most frequently traded market in the world (the volume is in the trillions of dollars) , plus because you can trade nearly 24 hours a day 5 days a week, Forex trading gives you the most access .
Another great benefit of becoming an expert Forex trader is that the currency exchange is not as restricted as other trading markets . It\'s a liquid market, which means it\'s easier for you to make your trade , and it\'s easier to take tremendous profits out of the market in a relatively short amount of time.
One thing the pros know about trading on the Foreign Exchange is that you don\'t have to have a bank account like a six figure athlete in order to trade Forex . You can begin with a small amount and by using leverage, you can easily make ten times the amount of your initial deposit.
All you have to do is open up your margin account with a broker. Let\'s say you want to trade Forex in the amount of $300,000. Then you would need to deposit at least $3,000 in your margin account if the margin was at 1
Inorder to trade at the expert level you need to learn and understand 'leverage,' all this means is the broker is giving you money to trade with.
Just keep in mind that the Forex market can be a fast and volatile market with a risk of loss, so always have all of your orders in place. Those orders would be a stop order or a limit order .  This way you won\'t lose more than you can afford, if the Forex market takes a turn for the worst.
When you want to trade Forex like a pro, you should understand the basics of how buying and selling the currency pairs operate . The same fundamentals of investing still apply, buy low and sell high. When you sell one currency to buy another, do so on the expectation of selling that second currency at a higher price.
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About the Author
You can find more great free Forex Trading content over at Get the latest reviews on Forex Trading Strategies, Tips and Tricks and Forex Trading products

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Money For Teens

Money For Teens: Ideas For Teens to Make extra money


John Henderson

Money For Teens

Teen Job Basics

1) For many of these ideas a credit card or paypal account will be req uired to make money so make a deal with your parents to use their credit card. Many parents will be hesitant to initiate a deal like this; reassure them that you will pay them back and keep a balance sheet to record the profits and expenses that accumulate.
2) Have no Self-Conscience. Putting yourself out there will be of great import for success. If you want to make money you cannot concern yourself with what people may think about your methods, just think about your deep pockets and their shallow ones with money for teens.
3) You have to be willing to put effort into what you do. Effort conquers ability.
The Money Making Methods
Money For Teens #1 : Caddying
If you live near a golf club then there is no better and more simple way to make money as a teen than caddying, and you get a workout. All caddying requires in most areas is one or two, two hour training courses to become certified. If you can get a job at a country club many members will tip around $80 per bag per round. It is highly suggested that you learn the course you work at quite well, so that you are able to assist your golfer and receive a higher tip. Also if you become studdly enough to build a reputation, members will ask for you specifically, and the more business the more money, so work at it and you could make up to $5,000 in a summer. Use this link to find a local golf club Find Local Golf Courses.
Money For Teens #2 : Landscaping
A kid can do landscaping jobs starting very young, possibly even in pre-teen years. Ask your parents if you can mow their lawn and have them pay you. Argue that you are cheaper than the landscaping company they pay for. Landscaping may also entail other household jobs like painting or laying mulch, just offer your assistance for a small price. Don\'t stop at your parents, ask neighbors and post flyers, especially if you live in a walking community where houses are very easy to get to. Landscaping is a great job to do with a friend and can be quite fun and very simple. First schedule an appointment for an estimate and then if the customer agrees schedule a time to do the labor. Customers will pay you a much higher wage if you supply your own equipment so arrive prepared.
Money For Teens #3 : Manage Landscaping
This job takes a little more smarts and can be more of a challenge, but when pulled off successfully you will become loaded and have all your friends looking up to you. You may think this is an impossibility at the age of 16, but I have seen in my town alone two different kids run a landscaping business and make more than $10,000 in just a summer. I suggest that you start off by learning the ropes of landscaping, mow your lawn and then start mowing your neighbor\'s lawns, try to get some painting jobs as well. As you get more and more business, save your money, hire friends to work for you at a low hourly wage and continue to expand your business. If you get enough money buy your own lawn mower, a cheap truck, and a trailer. If you cannot drive yet you may want to move on from your friends and hire adults. I know a 15 year old with two 35 year old employees and they landscape for more than 30 houses a week. Also with that truck you can buy a plow and start a winter plowing business.
Money For Teens #4 : Make a Website
That\'s what you are reading right now, a website that I made to make money while helping you to make money. Making or running a website is not very difficult with all the new programs that can help you and all the material online to guide you. Ebay(link it) is a great place to buy websites that have already been established as well as it). I will also list some host websites and materials that can help you learn about how to build and run a website. This idea has the most potential for huge success but also the most risk for failure. Luckily the monetary investment is quite small. If you can get good at making websites quickly, you can sell a few hours\' work for hundreds to thousands of dollars. Check out the site below for guidance.

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Money For Teens #5 : Sell On Ebay
You can do this at any age and it will make your parents happy. Ask them what junk that has built up around the house you can sell. Selling on Ebay is super cheap and has a very high success rate. You would be surprised at what some people will buy. You can make a couple thousand dollars in this way, but you will eventually run out of supply. If you find yourself successful, you can find more supply by buying wholesale items and selling them individually or by going to thrift shops and finding underpriced items. I have heard numerous stories of people finding Scotty Cameron golf putters for like $20 and realizing that they sell for hundreds on Ebay. Craigslist is another great source of merchandise that you can buy cheap and sell high. Quick hint, buy diabetic testing supplies on Craigslist and sell them on ebay, a great way to make money as odd as it sounds.
Money For Teens #6 : Create an Ebay Business
Why limit yourself to selling your own stuff? You can set up a business in which you sell other people\'s stuff on ebay for a cut. Go to local businesses and ask them if they need assistance in selling any old equipment that they no longer use, or post flyers advertising your ability to sell on ebay. Take advantage of people\'s stupidity thinking that selling on ebay is difficult. And on top of all that, there is no risk involved, the products are not even your own.
Money For Teens #7 : Sell Candy at School
The profit margins for selling candy at school are huge, often 100 This business can be tackled in many ways, the easiest is selling gum. Everyone loves to have gum, especially for the weekends, so Fridays are the best day to whip out the gum, especially if your school does not allow it to be chewed. The most profitable way to sell gum is each individually wrapped piece. A $1 pack of gum usually contains 12-15 pieces. If you sell each individual piece for $.25 then you make $3 a pack or you can sell the whole pack for $2. Either way in a big high school you can make $50 every Friday throughout the school year, thats an extra $1,500 of income. Although, the real jackpot comes Monday through Thursday; not many kids will buy the regular old candy because it frankly is neither essential nor addictive nor interesting. What kids will buy is asian candy. There is a candy called Hi-chew, in both a cheap American version, and a more expensive Japanese version, that is an absolute delight to eat and is almost addictive. Kids will go crazy for this stuff, especially if there isn\'t a china town around or Super 88 where they can buy it themselves. Because people will first be skeptical, buy a fair amount, they are sold as individually wrapped chews in packs of 10 or 12 for about $1.50, and give everyone a free 2 pieces. That\'s all they need and they will be hooked. I was in 5th grade and I made $80 in a week selling this stuff to a grade of 56 boys. This candy is so good people will literally be willing to pay $10 for a single pack of 12 pieces. You will easily be able to sell this for about $2.50 to $3.00 a pack and make a killing. The american version sells for about $.60 and can be sold for a bout $1.50 to $2.00 and is also very profitable.
Money For Teens #8 : Start a Clothe Printing Business/Screenprinting
Cool Custom apparel for sports teams and individuals are in high demand at all schools and in all towns. (place links for how-to and deigns and such) People love having unique shirts with good sayings on them to show that they are on a certain team. For example, the wrestling team might want to get unofficial shirts for the team that say varsity wrestling for whatever school and then have a wrestling slogan, you could provide those shirts. Starting a custom printing business has huge profit potential as things will usually be ordered in bulk and the prices can be jacked up for customization. Besides a simple hot press the only other requirement is designs, so all you need is an artist. The apparel itself can be ordered after you receive a customer order to reduce risk of overstock. Also if you can successfully brand yourself, you can set up shop at sporting events like wrestling tournaments and make custom shirts, shorts, and sweatshirts for the events and charge a hefty price because there is no other way to get shirts that say 'Beast of the East', except for at that event. Lax pinnies are also taking off in popularity, and if you could get yourself into the business of making custom lacrosse pinnies, which no one does well, you could become extremely successful.
Money For Teens #9 : Start a Car Detailing Business
A business like this, very similar to a landscaping business, can be especially fun and effective because not only do you receive wads of cash, but also you get to be the boss of your friends. I would argue that this is the best and easiest cash business to set up as a teen. All you need is a few employees and very limited supplies; a little bit of car wax, a car vacuum, and cu-tips may even suffice. Cleaning out the crevices in the leather where crap accumulates with cu-tips will definitely earn you some extra dough. Good car detailers get paid around $200, so if you can do even a decent job you should make $50 per detailing. You can set up shop in the parking garages of malls and other places where people stop for a decent amount of time and pay the building owners a cut or just rent out the space. I\'m telling you this can make so much money. A few kids in my town did this and made thousands upon thousands of dollars, this is especially successful in nice areas.
Money For Teens #10 : Buy Old Arcade Games
Assuming you don\'t live in a mob infested area where all the cash businesses are controlled, go ahead a buy a pinball machine or deer hunter game and you could make some great money. I suggest you watch Kinghuman\'s video on youtube about this idea (I will link below), but he claims that he did it as a kid and has inspired others to do so, and some kids claim to make $600 a week from just a couple machines. All you really need to do is find a good used arcade game and find a low class restaurant (pizza place) that has a bit of extra space. Ask the owners if you can plant your game in their restaurant and give them 50(negotiable) of the revenue. Then one day a week drop by the place with the key and collect your easy money. After the initial investment you have basically no monetary obligations, although you may want to look into some cheap insurance in case someone decides to smash your game up. An excellent part of this business model is the ability to expand. This lends itself extremely well to the concept of using your profits to reinvest and grow. Soon enough you may own arcade machines all over the area and have employees going to collect your weekly earnings of thousands of dollars.
Money For Teens #11 : Investing In Stocks
Investing in stocks has been my most successful money making method; however, this only works well once you have already amassed some dough. Trading stock requires a few things that you will need your parents for, either a stock broker or an online trading account with Etrade or Fidelity. On top of that, you will need to learn what to look for in the financials of a company to decide on your investments, but to start you can always go with the steady movers, such as Apple, Microsoft, and GE. Tip #1, look at a company\'s earnings and compare them to other companies in the same sector. For more I suggest reading some of the material I read, which I have listed below, also ask your parents if they have any experience.
Money For Teens #12 : Create Websites For Businesses
Many small, local businesses, no matter where you live, are looking to attach a website to their business. If you can learn pretty simply how to design a neat looking website, then you can go to your local businesses and have them pay you a fee to make them a website. They should be willing to take your discounted rate over a professional\'s and once you become successful you can create your own website making business for other businesses to use. You will have to market yourself and do some research and possibly go business to business to try to sell your service, but this job will pay well.
Money For Teens #13 : Deliver Pizzas
If you have a car and a pretty clean driving record, you can make some quick extra money delivering pizzas, call up your local pizza place and check it out.
Money For Teens #14: Waiting Tables
If you are a sociable person this opportunity should really speak to you because nicer people get better tips. The nicer the place the higher the tips so aim high. It really is a pretty easy job and good waiters can make some pretty good money.
Money For Teens #15 : The Classic...Babysit, Babysit, Babysit
The classic teen job, babysitting, it may be boring and take up your free nights, but a good few hours of babysitting can pay off. Babysitters tend to get paid between 10 and 20 dollars an hour, so if you can babysit 4 hours a week and make an extra $60 a week, thats $3120 a year. That works. This is especially effective in richer neighborhoods where parents like to go out a lot and will pay high wages to their babysitters. Just make sure that when you walk in you shake both parents\' hands, look them in the eye, and smile.
Money For Teens #16 : Start A Babysitting Business
Manage a babysitting business. Get a bunch of your friends to work for you and find clients for them and then take a cut of the earnings. Post flyers all around and market your business, then when a parent calls and asks for a time, find one of your employees willing to take that time. The only issue here is trust, you have to figure out a way to make the parents trust any one of your employees with their child. Possibly have bios ready for all your employees and guarantee trustworthiness. Also read one of those above handbooks so you really know what you are doing.
Money For Teens #17 : Pet Sitting / Start A pet sitting business
This one pretty much goes hand-in-hand with babysitting, pet sitting has the potential to be extremely profitable and there is less competition. Ask your friends who have pets if they ever need assistance and offer your service. All you really have to do is walk their dog, maybe feed their cat and just do whatever you want in the general vicinity of the pet. Using the same business model as a babysitting business, pet sitting offers the opportunity to expand into a legitimate business.
Money For Teens #18 : Have A Garage Sale
Pretty simple, have a garage sale. I am sure your parents would be happy to get rid of plenty of old junk and you can do it for them while turning a profit. This method makes you quick cash and does not require too much effort.
Money For Teens #19 : Buy Bargains From Garage Sales to Sell on Ebay/Craigslist
You can find amazing deals at garage sales because most people just want to get rid of their junk, yet some other people will find that junk valuable. An opportunity arises from this difference, you have the chance to flip many items for a profit using ebay or craigslist and many other item selling sites.
Money For Teens #20 : Ref/Umpire For Kid Sports
Reffing and Umping for kids sports is a great way to make extra money when you are young on top of another job. The requirement is typically to attend a short class or two to receive your certification and then you are ready for hire. You can usually start this as early as 7th grade for reffing soccer games and high school for umping baseball games. It is an easy way to make some extra cash every week, making $20-40 per game.
Money For Teens #21 : Learn To DJ
Learning to DJ is an excellent and fairly easy way to make a very good amount of money as a teen. All you really need is a decent ear for music; you do not need to know how to scratch on turntables or any of that fancy stuff when you are young. Mostly you need to be able to put together playlists on your computer with songs that are fun and sound good together or you need to be able to take song requests from kids and click play on your computer. I have seen 9th grade students DJ at bar/bat mitzvahs and make a good amount of money from their employers. If you live in a Jewish area this is an idea you should highly consider because you have a great opportunity to exploit the bar/bat mitzvah parties. And once you become skilled you can break off from whatever company you work for and begin your own, supplying your own equipment and keeping all the profits. DJs often get paid hundreds of dollars just to play music at teen dances. Also with the rise of electronic music DJs are starting to take over the music industry so this is a great feeder job into the music industry if you plan to pursue that type of career.
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About the Author
Using these methods I made a great deal of money in my teenage years, and I now offer these ideas to you with your success in mind. If you want a more expanded list, visit Money For Teens, my website. The website also includes many links to helpful materials relating to the ideas that will help you succeed. So check out and get the full story.
Money For Teens

Monday, 21 November 2011

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Meeting & Event Planning, 2nd Edition

Best Event Planning Guide

Organizing and executing an event can be a very stressful and time consuming task. A professional event organizer or catering services providers can make the process easier as they can arrange everything, right from food to decoration and make your event extraordinary. The information provided in this article will guide you to organize grand parties and events.
Event Planning Analysis: A number of factors must be considered while planning and developing the strategies for event like:
- Vision and purpose of organizing the event
- Goals of the event
- People who will attend the event
- Budget of the event
- Invitations printing
- Theme of the event
Consider each of these factors carefully to make your event a huge success. You must set the deadlines and should start planning about 3 months prior to holding the event. It is also important to have regular planning meetings to make sure everything is taking place in the right order.
Budget of the event: Event organization is not possible without funds therefore formulating a budget plan is the first and foremost thing. The funds for a commercial event can be arranged from hosts, supporters and sponsors. The selection of various services like catering, decoration, publicity, venue, and staffing should be based on the purpose of the event as well as the budget.
Organizing and Finding Professional: Professional event managers can help you organize events in a well-ordered, hassle-free way. Select event management professionals who can take your entire burden from sending invitations to the guests to arranging and organizing the entire event. You can find event planning professionals Event planning and catering companies listed at Bid Gourmet are experts in providing quality culinary and event management services. After selecting the event management professionals, it is necessary to delegate the responsibilities for better planning and make someone in-charge of checking work in progress.
Promoting an Event: The most important point in making an event a success is to promote and publicize it well especially incase of corporate events, fashion shows, social gatherings, seminars, etc. You can publicize by:
- Distributing flyers and pamphlets
- Putting posters in public area
- Publishing advertisement in newspapers
- Announcing on the radio or TV
These tools are an effective way to reach to a large number of people and will help in brand promotion as well.
Event Safety Plans for the Final Day: Safety and security of the people participating in the event is a critical point and the whole event management team is responsible for it. They need to identify the error prone areas where various hazards can take place during an event. To prevent any kind of mishaps the team should make sure that:
- The exit doors should not be obstructed
- Exit signs should be clearly visible
- The decoration material used should be flame retardant
- Rooms should have the adequate lighting
- If lasers are used, signs must be posted.
- Smoking signs should be posted in the pivotal areas
After Event/ Clean up: Once the event is finished, it is necessary to clean up the entire facility. You can also hire a crew to help you with the clean up process. You must not forget to thank the event managers, speakers, service providers for making your event a success.
To find professional event organizer and best catering firms, please visit Here you can also advertise your event management firm for FREE.
Ferron President of has written article on Best Event Planning Guide.

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Starting A Home-Based Business, 3rdEdition

10 Mistakes To Avoid Before Starting A Home Based Business


Larry D Johnson

Copyright (c) 2009 Larry D Johnson
When I started my home based business, believe me I made a lot of mistakes. There was no one I could count on to guide me through it all. I was a little stubborn to ask for help, and no one volunteered. I finally decided to reach out and now I have learned what to do and what not to do.
I am thinking that maybe other folks like me starting out in their own work at home business, may run into some of the same mistakes that I did. So I looked around and found some of the most common mistakes new work at home entrepreneurs make. I decided to use this information to help those of you who are wanting to start a home business. Many 'WORK AT HOME' mistakes can be avoided, when we learn from the mistakes of others.
1. First of all, before you start a home based business, you must know what it is you\'ll be doing. You need to educate yourself about your 'work at home' business. For example , Internet Marketing , Placing classifieds, getting a WEB SITE,Follow-ups,etc. Lets say you have a business that involves signing up people under you, and they need help getting started, how are you going to help them get started if you do not know how yourself? Your first couple of weeks or so should be a learning process for you, getting to know your business, how it works, and how you make money with it.
2. SPAM What is SPAM? SPAM is unsolicited advertising. It is my opinion and many others who believe that SPAM is in the eye of the person being SPAMMED, not the person sending the SPAM. While you may not consider a message to be Spam, if the person receiving it does, it\'s SPAM. If you are not 100certain that the person or persons you are advertising your Internet site to will not complain, DO NOT advertise your site to that person or persons. Any SPAM complaint is very serious and is cause for immediate termination in most online companies.
Lets look at some types of advertising that may be considered SPAM?
Bulk e-mailing (sending an e-mail advertisement to persons listed on an e-mail address lead list).
Advertising with bulk e-mail services (companies who will send an e-mail advertisement to persons listed on an e-mail address lead list for you).
'Bounce back' e-mailing (sending an e-mail advertisement in reply to an e-mail advertisement that was sent to you).
Advertising your Internet site to people that you don\'t know, who didn\'t specifically request the information.
Cross-posting or advertising to Usenet newsgroups, forum or discussion lists, and online chats (IRC) is not allowed.
These are only examples. Remember, SPAMMING includes ANY unsolicited advertising.
3. Posting ads on Forums: Like spamming , posting ads on forums message boards can get you banned. Forums are only to be used as sources of information about business opportunities. You can ask questions, or get/give advice about any 'Work At Home' business, or other topics , but absolutely not allowed to place any ads of any kind.
When visiting Forums. You should always look for the rules or regulations of any Forum which you decide to participate in, so you know what is and is not acceptable on these Forums.
4. Submitting to FFA\'s. These are free for all sites that you can post your ads on. Take a little advice from me. Do not waste your time posting your ads on these sites,because your site will never get seen,because most FFA\'s have such low rankings,it will give your site a low rank, because you posted on them. Instead place your ads on classified ad sites. Here is how to find classified site to place your ads. Go to your favorite Search Engine and type' free home business classifieds' or something like that. Make a list of at least 10 of these sites to use for Free Advertising.
5.Shouting. Other than using caps to emphasize a few words within an e-mail,or a web page, do not use all caps. Using all capital letters in a text or a correspondence is considered shouting, and shouting at people just causes them to leave.
6. Slow response to e-mails: If someone has taken the time to send you an e-mail for more information about your business, or has some questions, and you do not respond to them in a timely manner, then you probably have lost a potential customer, or an affiliate. Even if you do not know the answers, let them know that you do not have the answers, but you will find out for them, and get back to them A.S.A.P. Remember, 'Success is in the Follow-up.'
7. No persistence: Let me tell you that there is no such thing as a 'Get Rich Quick Scheme' They do not exist. If you want to have a successful 'Home Based Business,' then you must be willing to work hard for it. What you put into your business is exactly what you will get out of it.
Persistence is the single most important factor in determining a successful 'work at home' business. Be persistent and you will be successful
8. Trying to start a home business with expectations of making little or no investment. OK Lets get real. Many well meaning entrepreneurs fail at their home business because they were not willing to invest time and money to start and maintain their business. You will never be successful if you do not invest financially in your business. Listen, You don\'t have to go broke supporting your business. Develop a budget you can easily live with and stick with it.
9.Having unrealistic expectations. Almost equally important is the need to have realistic economic expectations when undertaking a home based business. There is no magic here, folks. A home based business provides many rewards such as working in the comfort of your own home, avoiding a stressful commute, being your own boss, setting your own hours,no dress code, etc., but anyone that is also expecting 'instant riches' is sadly mistaken.
10. Not taking Action. I can understand that when you start a home based business, it can seem overwhelming, because there can be so much to learn. Reading and learning is fine, but at some point you must get started. Fear of failing is what keeps many people from ever getting started in their business. Nothing will ever happen, and you will never make a dime, if you don\'t take action to start actually running your business.
So there you have it. I hope you can avoid these 10 mistakes, and concentrate more on succeeding in your home based business.
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About the Author
Larry D. Johnson is teaching normal people like YOU the secrets to earning as much as $5000* to $10,000* a WEEK from their HOME BASED BUSINESS, Using the CarbonCopy Pro Marketing System, Find out here or visit his blog at Help In Starting A Home Based Business

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