Thursday 8 December 2011

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Retiring Early

Early Retirement Planning Ideas

It seems no matter where you go these days some one is talking about early retirement. Most working age individuals seem to want to get out of the rat race as soon as possible but don't know that in order to do so they will need to do some early retirement planning. For early retirement to become a reality and not just a dream careful planning needs to be done, you need to start saving early and be disciplined to achieve your goals.
First you need to figure out how much your life is going to cost you, if you are retiring early then you will still be quite active and may require more discretionary funds then a person who retires later in life. Most people in retirement need about 70-80% of their re-retirement income, but if you plan on doing say a lot of traveling you may require more. You should also consider your retirement in two stages. First make sure you've saved enough in your registered plans such as RRSP's, LIRA's, TFSA & pension plans in Canada or 401(k)s, IRA's & pension plans in the United States.
Once you've figured out how much you will need after age 59 in the USA or 60 in Canada including long-term health care costs then you can start to figure out the period of retirement before this. If you have maxed out your contributions to registered pension plans than you can start save money in a non-registered investment account. You should consider investing in assets that reward you to own them for example by way of a dividend.
In Canada if you invest in qualified Canadian corporations that pay you a dividend you will pay a reduced rate of tax than you would on say employment or interest income. In fact with an annual income under $40,970 in 2010 you would pay little to no Federal tax at all on your dividends from qualified Canadian corporations.
Early retirement planning is key if you want to achieve your goal of retirement at a young age. A solid plan for saving money is the only way you will be able to achieve it short of winning the lottery, you must be disciplined in your approach and review your plan yearly to make sure you are on track to meeting your savings requirements. You may need to make periodic adjustments to your plan as your life changes. No one said it was going to be easy but if your goal is to exit the 9 to 5 daily living you'll need to make sure you stay on track.
This article was written by Andi Sachs. Visit Retire Early Guide to learn more tips on how you can effectively save for your future. This blog is dedicated to helping investors achieve financial independence! Or for easy to understand articles on options investing terms visit us at The Stock Options Trading Guide!

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