Saturday 27 February 2010

Wine Guide For Idiots

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wine guide for idiots
Can I switch back to Windows from Linux?

After I learnt that I cant run .exe files on a portable hard-drive, this is pretty much a ditch out attempt on Linux. Can't use Wine unless someone makes an idiot proof guide for me.

This may sound completely obviouse but exe files are windows file and the best way to run a windows file is in windows. For some reason silly people want to say they are using linux but are really spending there whole time trying to make every app form windows work in wine. If you want to try linux then cut yourself off from windows and see what linux has to offere. If you want to use a window program then boot up windows and use it. Wine is a terrible program and not only works poorly but keep people from actually really giving linux a propper try.

I recomment for Windows people that want to learn about linux to just try the liveCD and get comfortable.

If they are more serouse about linux I recommend then dual boot windows and linux so they can get used to linux but still have a fall back if it's needed.

I have run linux for years now and have never needed any program from windows in it. So if you remove the wine options from your mind they you can move to finding the proper linux application that you should be using.

But the dual boot is good because sometimes there is just a time you may need a windows app and the best way to use a windows app is in windows. I even do it to play games some times. Not that I don't enjoy the linux games but I still have windows ones to.

French Wine for Dummies

[simpleaffiliate source="amazon" results="10"]wine guide for idiots[/simpleaffiliate]
[simpleaffiliate source="cj" results="10"]wine guide for idiots[/simpleaffiliate]
[simpleaffiliate source="clickbank" results="10"]wine guide for idiots[/simpleaffiliate]

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