Monday, 28 September 2009

Import Export For Dummies

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is there something wrong with this statement?

i'm reading import/export dummies series right now and i've encountered this,

As a value of a currency increases in relation to the currency of another country,
exports will decrease and imports will increase. On the other hand, as
the value of the currency decreases in relation to the other country, imports
will increase and exports will decrease. Exporters like a strong currency, and
importers like a weak currency.

my question is shouldn't it be that exporters like a weak currency and importers like a strong currency?

pls clarify or if there somethng wrong with the text, please change it for me

If you are buying ( importing ) something , you would prefer to buy at cheaper rate. For. ex: If 50 Indian Rupees have to be paid for 1 dollar , then I shall wait till either dollar goes down or Rupee goes up. Now is 45 Rupees equal 1 dolllar, will not I be beneficial in importing in dollars? i.e. the currency of the foreign country ( for me US is a foreign country here in htis example) should be weak if I wish to import.

Vice versa : I I wish to sell ( export) some thing to US, will It not be more beneficial to sell when 1 dollar is 50 rupees as I will get 50 rupees. If dollar becomes weak and 1 dollar equals 45 rupees, I will get only 45 rupees for 1 dollar. Hence my exports are encourages when the foreig currency is strong.

Hope this clarifies your query.

Import Poverty/Export Jobs for Dummies by Jon Corzine and Chris Christie

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[simpleaffiliate source="clickbank" results="10"]import export for dummies[/simpleaffiliate]

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