Tuesday 17 May 2011

Cooking For Dummies Book

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cooking for dummies book
Starting a fruit/vegetable diet, help?

Our health has reached the point where the only foods palatable r fruits & veggies. The only meats we eat (& these r only eaten 1x week) r fish & chick, which is all I know how to cook!

I abhor the taste of tofu, so this is going to be hard. If anyone out there can help me find a way 2 a quality diet using mainly fruit & veggies, I would be sincerely grateful.

We r both very ill from Hep C, RA, and cluster headaches, which I firmly believe can be helped by a healthy/healthier diet. We r way 2 young 4 the weight of this disease, but we did the risky behaviour. I need to find some way 2 ensure we r getting nutrients we need. As I said, any "beginners" help, references (r there any "vegetarian for dummies" books???, sites would be greatly appreciated. Peace, KC

There's good news: The reason fruit and veggies are still palatable is because they're the natural foods of humans ........ and the ONLY natural foods! This is why your body's turning away from everything else - to heal itself (any other food is hard to digest, too much fat and protein) and get's in the way of healing.

This happened with me, and some people I discovered ( see youtubes Durianrider )

Dr Douglas Graham promoting a fruit and veg diet in his book: "80 10 10". Just get variety. Some athletes eat this way (Micheal Arnstein) and Gorillas and elephants. So..... you don't need to worry about deficiencies if you get enough carbs (fruit) Dr. Graham explains further on youtube...and you will detox.

But if you still want more, try millet, quinoa, and lentels.

Experts who agree with this include:
Dr Harvey Diamond
Jay the Juiceman
Paul Bragg

To Darkside - canine teeth: We don't have'em.....we have different shaped teeth for the variety in the food, but not pointed teeth - they're for killing...... Carnivores use them for killing....they can't - and don't - chew......their stomach acid is 7 times stronger than ours - for digesting unchewed meat.

chinese cooking for dummies

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