I need ideas for a new tattoo?
Hello all...I usually wouldn't do this, but I really have no idea where else to go and I feel like a dummy asking for others' ideas cuz all of my other tattoos have been my designs and ideas.
I recently have given up (willingly) doing opiates after about 6 years. I don't want to do them anymore and I want to be clean forever. I want a tattoo that I can look at when I'm feeling down or overwhelmed to help me remember how strong I am for quitting. I want it to make me think twice before going back to that lifestyle and I want it to bring the bad memories too, so that I can remember why I quit. All answers are appreciated....unless you're going to put me down and call me a druggie. I'm not anymore. I had the will power and strength to stop so please don't put me down. I want this to be as positive as possible :)
maybe "never" on one wrist and "again" on the other. Or maybe a symbol of a reason why you stopped (such as for your parents, your siblings, maybe even your pet)
[IMVU] Deving for Dummies: Anyskin Tats pt1
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