What is the sequence when learning the harmonica?
For example in guitar: Chords-strumming-plucking etc etc
Im thinking the answer would be a little like this (but im just guessing):
Harmonica: single notes (kids song) - bending - chord songs- vibrato - jamiing- making a solo????
Im trying to self learn in the internet and currently learning via Harmonica for Dummies by Winslow Xerxa.... because when i learn by internet they are just so many words like when u 'click learn harmonica' there would be a list 'bending, vibrato etc 'AND I DONT KNOW WHICH TO CLICK.
In an easier term , I feel very overwhelmed. : (
and i hate my harmonica its a chinese thing which cost 3 dollars (converted it from pesos) the hole 3 and 9 wont make a fucking sound.
ANYWAYS please tell me what i should learn first and then afer? I tried Adam gussow but his words turns to jelly when i hear it (hahahah) and i get bored if the teacher wont give me a song ....
The first thing you need to do is get a decent harmonica.That thing you are using is a piece of trash. Spend around 30 bucks and get a Hohner Blues Harp, or Special 20 or a Lee Oskar Diatonic in the key of C. I would recommend getting a decent beginners book and CD. One I like is "Instant Blues Harmonica 9 Ed: Minutes Away From Blues and Rock Improvisation!" It does come with a CD you can practice with as well as a cheap harmonica which would do in a pinch and is better than the one you have although you should get one of the harmonicas (we call em harps) I previously mentioned. The book gives a good explanation on all the terms you have mentioned. Adam Gussow is an excellent player, I've never used his instruction though and he may be a bit over your head. One great source of harmonica songs is a free website
Harptabs.com they have thousands of song tabs.
Don't let the terms throw you. Bending is just moving your tongue on a draw note to change the pitch. A chord is just blowing or drawing through several holes at once. Vibrato is just opening and closing your hands as you play to get a wah-wah sound. Trust me, if I can do it, you can do it.
Good luck.
Harmonica for Dummies (in note 'C')
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