Network Marketing For Dummies: Internet Network Marketing Training System
Having been in the industry for more than 5 years it is real easy to spot a fresh fish in the network marketing industry. They are the type of person that is super duper excited about their opportunity, comp plan, and product. Their excitement usually fizzles out though after 2-3 months of rejection. Then they join the witness protection program and go into hiding usually to never hear from them again.
I've been down the road before where the feelings of overwhelm, frustration, no direction, broke and wanting more leads left me feeling like there was no hope. Trust me when I say EVERY living being in network marketing at some point felt that way.
If only there were some type of network marketing for dummies system or manual that was in place. It would help to decrease the down right shocking failure rate of 97% in this industry. Not only that but it would empower newbies with certain skill sets that they can use that no one can take away. If I were to personally create one it would have the following:
1. Systemized step by step training on taking the next step. Provides direction and eliminates the curiousity of what to do next.
2. Marketing training modules for every level: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Helps to lessen the feeling of being overwhelmed, although overwhelm preceeds growth.
3. Written in a language that any newbie can understand. Now everyone is on the same speaking level.
4. Tons of marketing modules, videos, and training showing you how to generate countless free leads on the internet. Eliminates the excuse of people saying a particular marketing strategy doesn't work.
5. Leadership training that teaches the newbies how to grow up fast and lead by action not words. Will cultivate a community of people that are men and women of integrity who are making a difference.
I strongly believe that if this type of network marketing for dummies system was available that any serious business builder will benefit from it.
Fortunately for you there is one.
About the Author
If you want this type of network marketing for dummies system that I mentioned above click here. There you will get more information about the only system I recommend for any newbie in network marketing that wants to shorten the learning curve and get into profit asap.
The Internet for Dummies by Dummies
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