Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Essay Writing For Dummies

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Presented Econometrics:


1. Present the data in a table showing the region and crime alongside the values for each of the variables. Make sure the full definitions and sources of each variable are given

The data below is from the UK website , we will choose robbery and theft and handling stolen goods, the data in for crime rates can be found in table 6.03 while the detection rates are in table 7.03.

crime rates

detection rates

Police force area and region


Theft and handling stolen goods


Theft and handling stolen goods


























Greater Manchester




















North Yorkshire





South Yorkshire





West Yorkshire








































West Mercia





West Midlands



































London, City of 3





Metropolitan Police

























Thames Valley





Avon and Somerset





Devon and Cornwall




















Dyfed Powys





2. Consider the following equation:

CRi =  b0 + b1 DRi +  b2 TYPEDUMi + ui

Where i denotes region and the variables correspond to those listed above.

(i) What type of functional form is being used here?

The type function used in this case is a simple regression model known as a bivariate regression function, the reason why it is a bivariate regression function is because it contains an autonomous value b0 and one independent variables DRi although this will be the case where we will be considering burglary, when we consider theft and handling stolen goods the function will contain two independent variables because the dummy variable will be positive and therefore we will consider a multiple regression model.

(ii) What sign do you expect b0 to be?

b0 is likely to be positive because the crime rate will always be higher or equal; to the detection rate.

(iii) What sign do you expect b1 to be?

We expect  b1 to be positive an this is because detection rate will be high and will be a positive value although lower than the crime rate.

(iv) What sign do you expect b2 to be?

The sign for b2 will be neither negative nor positive because the dummy value when we consider one crime will be zero when considering burglary however when we will consider theft and stolen goods we will consider the dummy variable as equal to 1, the value for b2 in this case will be positive

(v) Why is the final term (u) included in the equation?

u is the disturbance term or the error term,the error is included in an equation because it represents variables that may be omitted in an equation which may influence the dependent variable.

3. Estimate the above equation by OLS and present the results in a suitable table

(n.b. marks will be lost for simply copying and pasting the computer output)

CRi =  b0 + b1 DRi + ui

When we estimate the above function our function will be

CRi = 21.49288446-0.682671503DRi

(i) comment on the relationship between the coefficients and the answers you gave

to question 2 parts (ii) to (iv)

the expected value of b1 did not match ourexpected values, however our expected autonomus value matched the expected value, therefore to this function the detection rates and the crime rate relationship is inverse, this is to say that as the value of detection rate increases the crime rate increases.

(ii) comment on the R2 statistic for this equation

the value of the R2 is 0.309958321, this correlation shows the strength of the relationship that exist between two variables, the value in this function is less than one and this means that the relationship that exist between our two variables is not strong.

(iii) calculate the elasticity of crime rates with respect to detection rates

Elasticity Xi= bi .  (Xi/Y)

Our elasticity is -0.791733188

iv) explain what assumptions need to be made about the u term in order to carry out

't' tests on the parameters.

Assumption of the error term (u)

The disturbance term (u) is random variable

The disturbance term (u) has constant variance across all observations.

The disturbance term (u) and the parameters have zero covariance

The disturbance r term (u) has a mean value of zer

4. You are now going to use the following equation

CRi =  b0DRi b1 expui+ b2 (TYPEDUM)

(i)                  use a suitable transformation and estimate this equation by OLS and present the results in a suitable table

We will use double log transformation and the result will be

our function will take the form

log CRi = log -5.08335 X 10-16-1.157779253logDRi

(ii) compare the detection rate elasticity from this equation with that from the previous equation

The elasticity in this function is -1.543705671, for our previous function the elasticity was

-0.791733188, therefore our current function is more elastic than our previous function.

(iii) work out the predicted crime rates when the detection rate for each crime is 25%

log CRi = log -5.08335 X 10-16-1.157779253logDRi

If  DR increases by 25 then or new crime rate will be log 1.49164 X 10-14

(iv) examine the residuals from this equation to see if you can identify any regions whose crime rates are being over or under-predicted for either crime

Residuals = total sum of squares - explained sum of squire

West Yorkshire has the highest value of residue while London city has the least residual value.

(v)                Is the R2 from this equation higher than that from the previous equation? Is this information of any use? Explain.

Correlation of determination R2

Our current equation has an R2 value of 0.339161292, the previous equation had a value of 0.309958321, and therefore there is no great difference in the correlation of determination of the two equations.

5. Carry out the following hypothesis tests for BOTH equations

(i)                  all coefficients are zero at the 10% level

Equation two

log CRi = log -5.08335 X 10-16-1.157779253logDRi

For b0

Null hypothesis B0 = 0

Alternative B0 ≠ 0

T critical at 10% level and at 2 degrees of freedom is 0.009852

T critical < t calculated

In this case we reject the null hypothesis and therefore our B0 is statistically significant.

For b1

Null hypothesis B1 = 0

Alternative B1 ≠ 0

(i) b1=0 against the two sided alternative at the 5% level

The T value in the T table for 5% is 0.03775; the T calculated is greater than the T critical therefore we reject this null hypothesis.

(ii) b1 is less than zero against the alternative at the 20% level

the T value at 20% is 0.0025, for the hypothesis that

b1<0 where the T calculated is greater than the T critical therefore we reject this null hypothesis.

(iii) b1 is >-1 against the alternative at the 5% level

The T value in the T table for 5% is 0.03775, T calculated is greater than the T critical therefore we reject this null hypothesis.

6. You should now write a short report of 450-600 words first explaining briefly what your results show and their limitations. Second, you should also include further exploration of the dataset and suggestions for improvement of the model you have estimated.

Our first estimated function is CRi =  21.49288446 -0.682671503DRi , this means that the autonomous crime level is 21.49 while the other parameter depicts that an increase in the level of detection by one unit will reduce the crime rate by 0.68, this means that crime rate will reduce if we increase the levl of detection rate. Our second equation is log CRi = log -5.08335 X 10-16-1.157779253logDRi and this means that if we are to increase the detection rate by one unit than the crime rate will be reduced by log 1.1577, also in this function there exist an autonomous value of crime which is log 5.8083, this also shows that crime rate will reduce when we increase the detection rate.

From the above results we can conclude that the higher the level of detection rate the lower is the level of crime recorded, therefore an increased effort to increase the level of detection rate the more we can discourage crime and as a result we will get a reduction in crime occurrence. However our two equations show very little correlation between crime rate and detection which means that the relationship between crime rate and detection rate is not strong, however this does not mean that the estimated functions are not varied, the two equations are varied and they are in line with our assumptions first made that the level of crime rate depends on the detection rates.

There is a need to include other variables that influence crime detection, the failure to include this factors have resulted to a high level of the disturbance term, the equation therefore should be re specified with other factors that influence crime rate, one other factor that could be included is the occurrence of other crimes, other crimes will hinder the detection rates of a certain crime because may be the police will have a large work load to detect other crimes, therefore when we re specify the equation we must consider all the other crimes in our equation.

However our estimated equations are varied but the second one is transformed meaning that it gives us a more clear understating on the relationship that exist between crime rate and detection rates, however there is need to re specify the equations, the hypothesis tests also proves to us that all the variables estimated are statistically significant when the null hypothesis are rejected meaning that our parameters are not equal to zero.

There is however a need for the police force to increase the level of detection rate because as our equations predict an increase in the level of detection rate reduces the occurrence of crime no matter which crime is taken into consideration, the increased detection rate will lead to a reduction in crime rate.


England and Wales crimes (2004/2005) crime rate and detection rates, retrieved on 29th April, available at

P. Schmidt (1976) Econometrics, Marcel Decker publishers, USA

About the Author

Author is associated with ResearchPapers247.Com which is a global Research Papers and Term Papers Writing Company. If you would like help in Research Papers and Term Paper Help you can visit Custom Essays> and Custom Research Papers> or Term Paper Help>

jumping and flatwork; keep on moving on anyway :)

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Essay Writing For Dummies

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Presented Econometrics:


1. Present the data in a table showing the region and crime alongside the values for each of the variables. Make sure the full definitions and sources of each variable are given

The data below is from the UK website , we will choose robbery and theft and handling stolen goods, the data in for crime rates can be found in table 6.03 while the detection rates are in table 7.03.

crime rates

detection rates

Police force area and region


Theft and handling stolen goods


Theft and handling stolen goods


























Greater Manchester




















North Yorkshire





South Yorkshire





West Yorkshire








































West Mercia





West Midlands



































London, City of 3





Metropolitan Police

























Thames Valley





Avon and Somerset





Devon and Cornwall




















Dyfed Powys





2. Consider the following equation:

CRi =  b0 + b1 DRi +  b2 TYPEDUMi + ui

Where i denotes region and the variables correspond to those listed above.

(i) What type of functional form is being used here?

The type function used in this case is a simple regression model known as a bivariate regression function, the reason why it is a bivariate regression function is because it contains an autonomous value b0 and one independent variables DRi although this will be the case where we will be considering burglary, when we consider theft and handling stolen goods the function will contain two independent variables because the dummy variable will be positive and therefore we will consider a multiple regression model.

(ii) What sign do you expect b0 to be?

b0 is likely to be positive because the crime rate will always be higher or equal; to the detection rate.

(iii) What sign do you expect b1 to be?

We expect  b1 to be positive an this is because detection rate will be high and will be a positive value although lower than the crime rate.

(iv) What sign do you expect b2 to be?

The sign for b2 will be neither negative nor positive because the dummy value when we consider one crime will be zero when considering burglary however when we will consider theft and stolen goods we will consider the dummy variable as equal to 1, the value for b2 in this case will be positive

(v) Why is the final term (u) included in the equation?

u is the disturbance term or the error term,the error is included in an equation because it represents variables that may be omitted in an equation which may influence the dependent variable.

3. Estimate the above equation by OLS and present the results in a suitable table

(n.b. marks will be lost for simply copying and pasting the computer output)

CRi =  b0 + b1 DRi + ui

When we estimate the above function our function will be

CRi = 21.49288446-0.682671503DRi

(i) comment on the relationship between the coefficients and the answers you gave

to question 2 parts (ii) to (iv)

the expected value of b1 did not match ourexpected values, however our expected autonomus value matched the expected value, therefore to this function the detection rates and the crime rate relationship is inverse, this is to say that as the value of detection rate increases the crime rate increases.

(ii) comment on the R2 statistic for this equation

the value of the R2 is 0.309958321, this correlation shows the strength of the relationship that exist between two variables, the value in this function is less than one and this means that the relationship that exist between our two variables is not strong.

(iii) calculate the elasticity of crime rates with respect to detection rates

Elasticity Xi= bi .  (Xi/Y)

Our elasticity is -0.791733188

iv) explain what assumptions need to be made about the u term in order to carry out

't' tests on the parameters.

Assumption of the error term (u)

The disturbance term (u) is random variable

The disturbance term (u) has constant variance across all observations.

The disturbance term (u) and the parameters have zero covariance

The disturbance r term (u) has a mean value of zer

4. You are now going to use the following equation

CRi =  b0DRi b1 expui+ b2 (TYPEDUM)

(i)                  use a suitable transformation and estimate this equation by OLS and present the results in a suitable table

We will use double log transformation and the result will be

our function will take the form

log CRi = log -5.08335 X 10-16-1.157779253logDRi

(ii) compare the detection rate elasticity from this equation with that from the previous equation

The elasticity in this function is -1.543705671, for our previous function the elasticity was

-0.791733188, therefore our current function is more elastic than our previous function.

(iii) work out the predicted crime rates when the detection rate for each crime is 25%

log CRi = log -5.08335 X 10-16-1.157779253logDRi

If  DR increases by 25 then or new crime rate will be log 1.49164 X 10-14

(iv) examine the residuals from this equation to see if you can identify any regions whose crime rates are being over or under-predicted for either crime

Residuals = total sum of squares - explained sum of squire

West Yorkshire has the highest value of residue while London city has the least residual value.

(v)                Is the R2 from this equation higher than that from the previous equation? Is this information of any use? Explain.

Correlation of determination R2

Our current equation has an R2 value of 0.339161292, the previous equation had a value of 0.309958321, and therefore there is no great difference in the correlation of determination of the two equations.

5. Carry out the following hypothesis tests for BOTH equations

(i)                  all coefficients are zero at the 10% level

Equation two

log CRi = log -5.08335 X 10-16-1.157779253logDRi

For b0

Null hypothesis B0 = 0

Alternative B0 ≠ 0

T critical at 10% level and at 2 degrees of freedom is 0.009852

T critical < t calculated

In this case we reject the null hypothesis and therefore our B0 is statistically significant.

For b1

Null hypothesis B1 = 0

Alternative B1 ≠ 0

(i) b1=0 against the two sided alternative at the 5% level

The T value in the T table for 5% is 0.03775; the T calculated is greater than the T critical therefore we reject this null hypothesis.

(ii) b1 is less than zero against the alternative at the 20% level

the T value at 20% is 0.0025, for the hypothesis that

b1<0 where the T calculated is greater than the T critical therefore we reject this null hypothesis.

(iii) b1 is >-1 against the alternative at the 5% level

The T value in the T table for 5% is 0.03775, T calculated is greater than the T critical therefore we reject this null hypothesis.

6. You should now write a short report of 450-600 words first explaining briefly what your results show and their limitations. Second, you should also include further exploration of the dataset and suggestions for improvement of the model you have estimated.

Our first estimated function is CRi =  21.49288446 -0.682671503DRi , this means that the autonomous crime level is 21.49 while the other parameter depicts that an increase in the level of detection by one unit will reduce the crime rate by 0.68, this means that crime rate will reduce if we increase the levl of detection rate. Our second equation is log CRi = log -5.08335 X 10-16-1.157779253logDRi and this means that if we are to increase the detection rate by one unit than the crime rate will be reduced by log 1.1577, also in this function there exist an autonomous value of crime which is log 5.8083, this also shows that crime rate will reduce when we increase the detection rate.

From the above results we can conclude that the higher the level of detection rate the lower is the level of crime recorded, therefore an increased effort to increase the level of detection rate the more we can discourage crime and as a result we will get a reduction in crime occurrence. However our two equations show very little correlation between crime rate and detection which means that the relationship between crime rate and detection rate is not strong, however this does not mean that the estimated functions are not varied, the two equations are varied and they are in line with our assumptions first made that the level of crime rate depends on the detection rates.

There is a need to include other variables that influence crime detection, the failure to include this factors have resulted to a high level of the disturbance term, the equation therefore should be re specified with other factors that influence crime rate, one other factor that could be included is the occurrence of other crimes, other crimes will hinder the detection rates of a certain crime because may be the police will have a large work load to detect other crimes, therefore when we re specify the equation we must consider all the other crimes in our equation.

However our estimated equations are varied but the second one is transformed meaning that it gives us a more clear understating on the relationship that exist between crime rate and detection rates, however there is need to re specify the equations, the hypothesis tests also proves to us that all the variables estimated are statistically significant when the null hypothesis are rejected meaning that our parameters are not equal to zero.

There is however a need for the police force to increase the level of detection rate because as our equations predict an increase in the level of detection rate reduces the occurrence of crime no matter which crime is taken into consideration, the increased detection rate will lead to a reduction in crime rate.


England and Wales crimes (2004/2005) crime rate and detection rates, retrieved on 29th April, available at

P. Schmidt (1976) Econometrics, Marcel Decker publishers, USA

About the Author

Author is associated with ResearchPapers247.Com which is a global Research Papers and Term Papers Writing Company. If you would like help in Research Papers and Term Paper Help you can visit Custom Essays> and Custom Research Papers> or Term Paper Help>

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Pki For Dummies

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Why Get a PKI Certificate?


Public Key Infrastructure certificate, best known as PKI, lets a person to incorporate their personal signature to their own digital signature using a public key. With the use of the PKI certificate, the users can prove that they indeed own their claimed public keys. At the same time, this also serves as a security mechanism as well. That is why renewing PKI certificate is vital if you want to secure your own digital signature.

Whenever you have your certificate renewal, you must also have a digital signature first which is a very essential part of the process. The digital signature can be secured from someone who is in authority to assign these certificates. Sometimes the digital signature can also be created by the public key endorser as well.

Once expired, one of the reasons why people get a PKI certificate renewal is to continue authenticating the public keys that are usually cryptographic. Small networks usually allow sharing these public keys and still remain to be secured. But this is not the case with larger networks. By renewing certificate, a network could stop third parties from accessing and interfering in the communication between two people. Users will be able to verify first if they are indeed talking to the right person rather than giving out personal information from someone who is just pretending to be the other.

However, there are some instances that the person authorized to give the recognition would revoke the PKI certificate renewal. This is very common especially to those who decided to change their information, particularly their name, for their own personal reasons. But usually if you would only change details such as your company's name, the status of your employment, and the validity of your certificate, then it is likely that you will be renewing your certification sooner than expected.

Dennis enjoys writing on wide range of topics such as pki certificate renewal and pki certificate database. You may visit for more details.

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Idiots Guide To Powerpoint

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Powerpoint for beginners

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Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Shares For Dummies

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shares for dummies

Stock Market Investing For Dummies

When you first start investing in the stock market you often feel as though you need a guide for stock market investing for dummies, but if you follow a few investing basics, it's not all that difficult. Stock market investing is nothing more than buying a small share of a business. With that in mind, it gives you a few investing strategies.

Stock market investing for dummies is a misnomer because everyone shops, eats, drives a car or watches the media. You already have an idea of investing strategies if you know a little bit about the products that you use on a daily basis. If you saw a company that offered neat new technology, you might buy the product, or, even better, buy a share of stock in that company. If this was March of 1986 and the company was Microsoft, one share would cost you about $25.00. Now fast forward that to the present time. The shares of Microsoft sell for around $26. You probably think that the investment is awful. Well, instead of one share, you now own 576 shares because the stock split so many times. Along the way you also received over $4.00 per share from dividends, this was after the splits took place. Had you reinvested that money you would have an additional 92 shares. Therefore, at this point, your single share of stock grew to a value over $16,000. That is not stock market investing for dummies, that's a buy and hold investing strategy.

Buy and hold is one strategy for stock market investing. The problem with buy and hold is that you need to know which company to buy and hold and which company to release because it's a dog. Krispie Kreme donuts went public in the year 2000 and everyone went crazy for the IPO (Initial Public Offering or when the stock first goes public.). This is quite typical. The price skyrockets and then often drops like a rock, particularly when the company is a craze. Donuts are good, and theirs are particularly tantalizing, but once the donuts saturated the market, they were no longer the novelty that people could only get on their vacation to the West. Today the price of is 1/10th of the original offering price. This one stock could cover several lessons of stock market investing for dummies.

Lesson number one of stock market investing for dummies from Krispie Kreme. Even though you love the product, if it's a one trick dog, stay away from it. There will probably not be many innovations to the donut unless someone finds a way to make it a healthy coronary disease fighter and at this writing, that isn't on the horizon. Although, the concept sounds like a delightful idea. People often go crazy when new trendy stock comes out and the IPO's sell high only to drop later. Look at the type of product and estimate if the demand will increase or new products are on the horizon.

Lesson number two of stock market investing for dummies from the Krispie Kreme example is don't buy and hold unless you get a bargain. If you bought the stock at $40, and saw it drop as boxes of the donuts hit every grocery store in America, take the short-term loss and dump it. You probably became a little less excited every time you bought another box and began to realize that the attraction for these donuts came from the short supply. Financial investing requires you to make hard decisions sometimes. These decisions sometimes require you to take a loss and salvage the money that you have.

Investing money doesn't require a lot of market knowledge and stock market investing for dummies simply put is investing strategies designed for ways you want to invest. If you are a buy and hold person, select companies that produce products that maintain a level of consumption and don't buy when it's trendy, wait until the price drops. If investing money means buying and selling rapidly to you, learn the patterns of the stock you want to buy or find out everything about the company that you can and attempt to invest before they put out a new product, then sell it when the price goes up.

Stock market investing for dummies is nothing more than deciding what type of investing you want to do, long-term or short-term, and then paying attention to those companies or the way the stock moves.

About the Author

If you want to be rich then the easiest way to achieve this goal is to become an investor. is giving away a Free Investment DVD valued at $97.
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Adam Ferrara: Ring Shopping for Dummies

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Monday, 28 September 2009

Import Export For Dummies

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is there something wrong with this statement?

i'm reading import/export dummies series right now and i've encountered this,

As a value of a currency increases in relation to the currency of another country,
exports will decrease and imports will increase. On the other hand, as
the value of the currency decreases in relation to the other country, imports
will increase and exports will decrease. Exporters like a strong currency, and
importers like a weak currency.

my question is shouldn't it be that exporters like a weak currency and importers like a strong currency?

pls clarify or if there somethng wrong with the text, please change it for me

If you are buying ( importing ) something , you would prefer to buy at cheaper rate. For. ex: If 50 Indian Rupees have to be paid for 1 dollar , then I shall wait till either dollar goes down or Rupee goes up. Now is 45 Rupees equal 1 dolllar, will not I be beneficial in importing in dollars? i.e. the currency of the foreign country ( for me US is a foreign country here in htis example) should be weak if I wish to import.

Vice versa : I I wish to sell ( export) some thing to US, will It not be more beneficial to sell when 1 dollar is 50 rupees as I will get 50 rupees. If dollar becomes weak and 1 dollar equals 45 rupees, I will get only 45 rupees for 1 dollar. Hence my exports are encourages when the foreig currency is strong.

Hope this clarifies your query.

Import Poverty/Export Jobs for Dummies by Jon Corzine and Chris Christie

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Sunday, 27 September 2009

Pr For Dummies

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pr for dummies

Extended Adobe Photoshop In Brief – 4 Regions That Require Your Attention - Most Popular Adobe Software

If you ever see the brand Adobe, then Photoshop will typically come to mind, almost certainly because Photoshop is considered the most popular software program provided by Adobe. There are at the moment 2 variants of Photoshop on the image enhancing software marketplace. The first is basic, and the other one is extended.

Extended Photoshop In Brief

The extended Photoshop versions have superior elements which just pros can seriously make any use of, and generally in the media market including publications, pr announcements, animation and the like. Photoshop can help in creating company cards, posters, websites, ads etc. Photoshop helps make the general business presentation of an organization, through creating extraordinary design work.

Photoshop Basics Tutorials For Beginners – 4 Regions That Require Your Attention

Photoshop features several primary elements that are viewable on the Photoshop workspace. These elements would be the menu bar, the status bar, the toolbox, along with the palettes. The most effective learning research to start with, would be to examine menus and also sub menus in more detail, which will enable you to edit any image the way you chose to.

1) The menu bar comes with these 9 selections : File, Select, Edit, Graphic, Window, Layers, Filter, View, and also Support, and each additionally incorporate sub menus. The simplest way to access these menus will be to apply short-cut keys which you'll quickly become accustomed to after repeated usage of the above 9 menus.

2) The status bar is commonly overlooked. This specific application shows up inside the bottom part of the Photoshop work space.

The toolbox has an in depth use for enhancing digital photos … crop photos, background color etc.

4) The palettes, which are located in the right-hand part of the Photoshop work area when you open it up. These types of palettes may be transferred between applications, simply by click and dragging the icon.

The integrated usage of each one of these 4 elements will make a graphic stick out from the rest as, with a crispy clear quality. Diverse boarders and designs will enable you to make your pictures a lot more desirable. The background coloring of your graphic may be improved through the use of the color picker tool.

Apart from that tool you'll be able to make shade selections by using a couple of other palettes, in particular the Color palette and the Swatch palette.

Click Here To Master Adobe Photoshop In Just 2 Hours With David Peters Photoshop CS4 Video Tutorials – Guaranteed (Even If You're A Total Newbie)

Did you like this article? Curious about learning photoshop fast? Well now you can started, what are you waiting for?

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About the Author

Started out in design and then moved into digital photography. I have worked for Adobe in the Photoshop department and now create on line tutorials to help users understand this very seemingly complicated piece of software.Visit :





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Non Profits For Dummies

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Why Nonprofits Don't Raise More Funds


"Cash is King," they say. Sooner or later, nonprofit organizations need to raise funds because funds are the lifeblood of their existence and ability to fulfill their missions. On this much we probably agree.

And we have been blessed. How can we complain when in 2007 Americans gave a record $306.4 billion to nonprofit causes? Charitable giving in 2008 will likely be higher. It's a wonderful record of generosity unequaled by any other country in the world.

But still, we all know too many nonprofit organizations struggling along on shoe-string finances. So the question is, in a nation so wealthy and so demonstrably caring why don't nonprofits raise more funds?

The answers are not rocket science, not magical mystery, not happenstance, not "out there beyond our control." No, while it may be hard medicine to swallow, nonprofits must take responsibility. It's a bit like Abraham Lincoln saying everyone over 40 is responsible for his or her own face. In other words, our life is there for the making. The choices we make and the choices nonprofits make have consequences. The answers to our fundraising question are rooted in a number of basic things nonprofits all too often don't do.

So again, why don't nonprofits raise more funds? Nonprofits don't raise more funds because they...


  • Don't ask. Incredible as it may seem, nonprofit leaders who never ask for support are more common than you might think. They're nice people, but they don't pull the trigger. Experienced major donors repeatedly tell stories about organizations that interested them but never approached them for support. Maybe the nonprofit hinted it wanted help, maye the CEO entertained the possible donor, or maybe the organization invited the prospect donor family to organizational events, but no one ever popped the question, "Will you help us with a gift of X amount?" So the nonprofit has not because it asked not.

  • Don't develop a plan. To raise funds you must develop a plan (a written, workable strategy based upon proven principles and processes), and then you must work the plan. This is true whether it's a boom or bust economy. Sure, during bear markets people tighten their belts and giving is sometimes affected. But one thing we've learned over time. Nonprofit fundraising success is more about having a plan and working the plan than it is about the economy.

  • Don't get the organizational CEO involved as the chief fundraiser. Donors want to meet the person responsible for spending their money and completing the project. They want to meet the person who casts the vision, and who better to do that than the CEO? But amazingly, nonprofit CEOs who avoid fundraising like the plague may be found in every community in the country. Staff members or volunteers can sometimes conduct a campaign without significant involvement of the organization's CEO. But this only happens when a staff member, volunteer, or board member emerges as in essence a surrogate leader. And even then, the CEO's absence or half-hearted participation reduces the likelihood of successfully completing the campaign.

  • Don't develop relationships with their constituents. Nonprofits struggling for funds have generally missed the first law of fundraising: get to know your supporters and potential supporters. People want results from their favorite nonprofits, but they want more than that. They want an emotional bond, a connectedness or involvement, maybe affirmation. People want to be part of something meaningful. Nonprofits too often miss this, crowing about their own accomplishments but forgetting to acknowledge the achievements or the afflictions of their supporters. Nonprofits would do well to understand their constituents' values, needs, and interests. Money follows the heart.

  • Don't develop relationships with the right constituents. Some 80% of funds generally come from 20% of your donors. This is an old rule of thumb that's now morphing to 90/10. Most of the funds you need will not come from direct mail campaigns, email blasts, phonathons, car washes or bake sales, golf outings, or free will offerings. Most of the funds your nonprofit could use will not be gifted from businesses or foundations. Most of the funds you need are in the hands of higher net worth individuals or families-real people with real priorities and real problems and real potential, just like the rest of us. En masse approaches don't work. Get to know the person.

  • Don't engage governing board members in actively promoting, networking, and fundraising for the organization. Fundraising efforts sans trustees work with one hand tied behind their backs. Trustees or directors need to "Give, get, or get off." Nonprofits are not being mercenary when they recruit board members with "Work, wealth, wisdom, and witness" in mind. Being a trustee is an honor, but that's not really what the appointment is about. Being a trustee entails a willingness to work for the nonprofit, give according to ability, share personal and professional expertise, and speak for the organization in the community. Uninvolved, non-giving boards are recipes for organizational decline and fundraising disaster.

  • Don't spend money to raise money. Whether budgeted in operations or included in the amount to be raised a fundraising campaign costs 5% to 12% of the goal. The Better Business Bureau sets 35% as an upper limit. Nonprofits cannot raise funds without investing in the process-in professional counsel, in a plan, in development personnel (staff to assist the CEO in fundraising) and personnel development (training on how to solicit support). Nonprofit boards that pinch pennies when it comes to fundraising soon won't have many pennies to pinch.

  • Don't recognize the reality of competition. About 1.5 million nonprofit organizations are at work in the United States on religious, educational, humanitarian, medical, or other public causes. According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics that total represents an increase of 36.2% in the past ten years. So while a nonprofit can reasonably expect to find a receptive audience to its pleas for assistance it also must compete with many similar organizations asking for support. Like competition in any other endeavor this puts pressure on nonprofits to distinguish themselves and to learn to state succinctly what makes their organization special and worthy of support. If they don't, sooner or later they'll come up "a day late and a dollar short."

  • Don't develop excellent programming. While everyone can think of a shoddy organization that somehow survives, still, quality matters. This is especially the case for higher net worth prospective donors. They can afford and they regularly purchase quality in their own lives and they expect it in the organizations they're asked to support. Nonprofits that use lack of funds as an excuse for lack of excellence create their own self-fulfilling prophecies. No matter how limited a nonprofit's funds may be, it can still do what it chooses to do as well as it possibly can do it. There is no defensible excuse for lack of a commitment to excellence-at least there's no excuse a donor prospect will accept.

  • Don't talk about something other than their need for more money. Nonprofits interested only in acquisition soon find themselves alone. This point doesn't contradict the need to ask. It just recognizes that donors yearn to be approached with more than an ask. We're back to relationship and vision. Raise donors and prospective donors' sights. Talk about plans, solutions, and success stories. Tell prospective donors why and how their support will make a difference. Create hope for something better and funds will come.

  • Don't develop an ethically impeccable record. Lose trust today and lose support tomorrow. Nonprofits known to have misused or misapplied funds can forget about successful fundraising until the problems have been rectified, apologies made, and new practices put in place. Set in motion highly accountable, highly accessible, highly admirable financial and operational systems. Be above reproach. Ooze integrity.

  • Don't understand the role of fundraising consultants. Fundraising consultants cannot typically, practically, or ethically act as conduits to wealthy donors. Besides, name-dropping doesn't work anyway. Nor can consultants guarantee fundraising efforts will be successful. But experienced fundraising consultants can help nonprofits sort issues, put a development plan in place, and encourage nonprofit leaders, partnering with them and increasing their productivity. The highest achievers in politics, athletics, the arts, and business all hire coaches. They want to be the best, so they look for the edge a coach can provide. So should nonprofits.

  • Don't recognize they no longer have a viable mission. Nonprofits sometimes outlive their usefulness and astute donors are often the ones who recognize this fact before it's acknowledged by personnel or board members. The reason is that donors don't usually give their money to lost causes, and they're not generally as vested as those who work within or lead an organization. It's never easy to allow a beloved nonprofit to die a death with dignity, but sometimes that's what ought to happen. Donors withdrawing support is one way this natural process takes place.


The times, the economy-circumstances can affect a nonprofit organization's ability to raise funds. But mostly, nonprofits don't raise more funds because of things they don't do.

This is actually good news. It means a nonprofit's ability to raise more funds is not a matter beyond its control. Your nonprofit can raise more funds if it chooses to do so by taking certain action steps. So be encouraged. You can, indeed, attract more money for the mission. The choice is yours.

Dr. Rex M. Rogers is President, SAT-7 USA, the American advancement arm of SAT-7, a Christian satellite television ministry based in Cyprus and reaching 22 countries across 7 time zones in 3 languages: Arabic, Farsi, and Turkish. He is former president, Cornerstone University, and writes a column, "Good News from the Middle East." Contact him at Read his blog and find additional information at

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Equal Money for Dummies

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The Bible For Dummies

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Secrets of the Bible Revealed


The Bible has always been one of those books which stir controversy and which have long been known to contain, hidden within their passages, secrets for a more fulfilled and successful life.  A life that is better in many different ways.  The thing is that the Bible is also huge. Its size alone has the ability to defeat most researchers. Until now.

In Secrets of the Bible you suddenly have in one volume over 250 verses of the Bible which can guide you through your life and help you to succeed.  From the Law of Attraction to the Power of God within Everybody, this is a book that will help you to immeasurably increase what you receive out of this life.

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction states that energy attracts like energy and that by our thoughts, feelings, and actions we are always creating and sending energy out and receiving like energy in return.   Therefore everything that is coming into our lives is the result of our past thoughts, feelings, and actions whether it is something we want or something we don't want. The application of the Law of Attraction is learning to control our thoughts and feelings to attract back to us the ideas and situations we are desiring. Then when we recognize and act upon these ideas and situations we are able to literally create our lives exactly the way we want.

After first learning about the Law of Attraction and the power of the mind I was very intrigued, but I wanted to make sure that I could use it in my daily life and still be living in accordance with the word of God.  Secrets of the Bible is the result of my research.  According to the Bible the Law of Attraction does exist and is very real and powerful. Of course it is never directly referred to as the Law of Attraction in the Bible, but God and Jesus do make promises throughout the Bible that explain why the law was created.  They also describe how it works and how to use it.

The Bible says we can have everything in Life we want and God makes this very clear throughout the entire Bible.  From Genesis to Revelation God teaches us exactly how to act and think in order to achieve total happiness, peace, and abundance in every area of our lives.  Secrets of the Bible is filled with over 250 of the most powerful Biblical passages which were meant to guide and direct you to create the life you most desire.  When studied and applied daily these passages will open up the awesome Power of God in and through your life, and by the promises set forth by God will bring you everything you could possible want, and more.  God is limitless and so are the possibilities he can create in our lives.

God Bless - Secrets of the Bible Revealed Here

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The Bible for Dummies, Internet lulz Edition

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Anatomy And Physiology For Dummies

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What is the best preparation for Anatomy & Physiology I?

I've heard a lot of bad things about Anatomy & Physiology. I have to take both A&P I & the lab plus A&P II & the lab. Everyone says it is extremely difficult. Is there a really good program or book I could buy and review during the summer before I start the class in the fall?

I know this program looks gimmicky but it had good reviews (just don't know if they are real reviews or not)
or what about the Anatomy & Physiology for Dummies book ?

Same goes for Physics, any recommendations? is the website I used and I took all 4 courses. I think you have to pay for it but I bought my $200 a and p book on eBay for $50 and I could sign onto for free with the code in the book. The book I used for all 4 courses was the international edition with a runner with a missing partial leg on the front. The woman swimmer on the front of another book is the same one. It DEFINATELY helped me.

Mendelian Genetics - High School Biology Videos - Video/DVD; Anatomy & Physiology Videos

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Retirement Planning For Dummies

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retirement planning for dummies
pension for dummies ?

i am currently employed and may choose to leave my company by the end of this year. i am knew at 401k plans and pensions and how they work..anyways my co uses fidelity and i was able to see how much pension benefits i would get if i retired at 51 or 65 . its aid that i am 100 % vested and it had an amount for monthly payments then a diffrnt amount for a lump sum
i am 35 and not close to retirement age of course but does anyone know if i chose to takke it lump sum that i would be eligible to do so or not. and will i get taxed on it ?

If you take a lump sum you will lose 25% to taxes and another 20% to penalties. Roll it over into an IRA and let it grow for your retirement.

Think about that - you will lose almost 50% of the money if you take it as a lump sum.

Roll it over to an IRA for god's sake.

Planning For Retirement For Dummies

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Saturday, 26 September 2009

World History For Dummies

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world history for dummies
which series is better? "For Dummies" or "the Complete Idiot's Guide"?

I'm interested in buying the books on World History, WWI and WWII.
I read some reviews and saw that "the compete idiot's guide" don't offer many maps. Which series is better?

i've always liked the dummies better than idiots. i have used them mainly for computer stuff though, not history.

World History message

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Sip Trunking For Dummies

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10 tips for flying with a baby or young child

Even the most placid child can get frustrated by the confined space of an aircraft; they just have too much energy and need to run around. Add to that the excitement of going on holiday plus the tiredness of getting up at an unsociable hour to get to the airport and you have a potential nightmare journey on your hands.

If you're flying with a baby, young child or both this holiday, careful preparations can help to organise them and relieve the boredom of a long flight.

1. For toddlers and younger children pack chewy sweets to help them cope with the ear pain of take-off and landing. Give very young children, or a baby, a dummy to suck on or bottle of liquid to sip to help alleviate the pain.
2. Use a back pack for your cabin baggage, this frees up your hands and makes dealing with children at the airport much easier.
3. Let your young child have their own hand luggage - it makes them feel ‘grown up' and makes them a self-contained traveller. There are some great bags and cases available for small children, particularly the pull along trunk type which children can drag along behind them, or sit on and ride when they get tired.
4. For toddlers, pack a capped beaker for drinks on the plane - it helps to avoid spills and can be slotted alongside them on their seat for easy access.
5. Always carry a change of clothes for your baby or child in you cabin baggage.
6. If travelling with a baby or small toddler, take a collapsible pushchair / stroller right up to the boarding gate to save you carrying them. It can then be placed in the hold and returned to you as you leave the aircraft.
7. Pack some toys to keep your child amused on the plane: a cuddly toy, paper or colouring book and colouring pencils will help. Pencils are a safer and less messy alternative to felt tips which can mark the fabric of the plane. Even small toddlers, who are unable to write, appreciate the ability to scribble. An electronic game, portable DVD player or the like will help keep them amused. If you plan to take anything powered by batteries, make sure the batteries are fully charged before travel.
8. If your child is not yet toilet trained, or you're travelling with a baby, pack plenty of nappies and wet wipes for the journey and make sure you change your baby prior to the flight.
9. Try to book a window seat for a young child, as children like watching what's going on outside and will often be quite happy to just gaze out the window in mid flight.
10. Keep children entertained when you get to the airport by taking them to the children's area for a run about to let off steam before being cooped up on their flight. With any luck it will tire them out and they may sleep for part of the journey. Alternatively, take them to watch the planes land and takeoff - these things are fascinating for children and will keep them occupied for some time.

Although flying with young children or a baby can seem daunting, being prepared, planning ahead, and following the tips above should help make the journey less stressful leaving you relaxed to enjoy your holiday.

About the Author

Paula Garrett is a frequent traveller and contributor to, the Gatwick meet and greet parking company offering valet parking at Gatwick.

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Friday, 25 September 2009

Building A Website For Dummies

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building a website for dummies

Web Pages Dummies - Err - Beginners

I hope you pardon the expression "dummy". It's meant in jest as not too long ago, I was most certainly a web "dummy" (beginner). Creating web pages for dummy web masters is not as difficult as it may first appear and those new to web page creation should not feel daunted at the thought of learning some basic HTML to create a web page. Trust me, I'm a moron. I mean a straight em' up dunce. I just learned how to turn on my computer a year ago. If I can do this, anyone can. Heck, if I can do this, even a chimpanzee can. Read on to learn how simple it really is.

By making use of a web page builder, creating web pages for beginners becomes easier and quicker. Everyone should have a web page be it for business or personal reasons. This is the internet age. Websites are like real estate. Learn to build and take care of them, and they will appreciate in future value. Trust me on this one. Learning how to create web pages is not only an investment in your skillset, but it's actually an investment in your financial future. The best part is you don't have to spend a lot of money to reap the benefits of being a website wiz. Creating web pages for dummy web novices will show you the basics of using html to create a web page and from there you will be able to develop your web project as you extend your learning and experience.

Creating web pages also must remind you of the need to have a reliable web host for your web page or pages. What's a web host? It's a company that hosts or holds your web pages on their server (computer). Your website is held on their computers in a safe environment where people can access it through the internet. Indeed, some web host services will even make a web page builder component available within the services they offer.

Creating web pages begins with deciding on the focus of the web page to be created. A decision will need to be made around whether it is a page to give information; whether it is a page that will need to include a form to capture visitor details or perhaps a simple sales letter. In this piece about creating web pages for dummy web designers, we want to help you approach your project in a logical and coherent manner. In this way you will not find yourself repeating work or having to re-do something that you later find is inappropriate.

Creating web pages begins with a basic html template. Here you will design the look of your web page before you think about adding the content. Whilst the look of the page is described in the words which form the HTML code, these won't be visible to your web visitors. The only thing the visitors will see for your hard work is, hopefully, a pleasing design and layout with a sensible menu structure.

The use of CSS is increasing when creating web pages. CSS is the acronym for Cascading Style Sheet and these make the work of creating web pages for dummy web masters considerably easier. A cascading style sheet holds just about all of the HTML information that describes the look of the site. This ensures a consistency of view and design and makes the finished web site look far more professional. Don't let this new term scare you, once you enter the world of web page creation, terms like CSS begin to slowly sink into your vocabulary and become secondhand.

Once the purpose and style of web page has been determined the serious work of creating web pages for dummy web designers begins. Having constructed this web page template content will need to be added to the page together with other little scripts as required. These could include stats counters, advertising programs and the l

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Building A Website For Dummies

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Dummies Guide To Computers

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dummies guide to computers
Can you suggest a book / website to teach someone computers if that person has never used one before?

Your typical "PC for dummies" starts off with rather technical details, and what I am looking for is something to guide people who have never used / seen a PC before.

Video Professor - Explains Computer use for beginners in great detail (iv never needed such things but hear this is great)
It has a free trial also. Here is website:

Dummies guide: How to hook up your computer to your TV

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Thursday, 24 September 2009

Wine For Dummies

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wine for dummies
Why can't I play sound on Ubuntu v10.10?

I installed Call of Duty 4 for my computer (Ubuntu 10) and then it wouldn't play so I tried downloading DirectX for my computer using Wine and the next thing I know is that I cannot play sound. When I go to Sound Preferences, all that comes up is this "Dummy Output". How can I get my sound back?
My computer is a Dell Inspiron laptop.

Here is the Official Ubuntu Sound and Sound Troubleshooting Documentation

Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) User Guide


Wine Facts & Information Part 1, White, Red, Burgundy & Zinfandel, Listen Up, Wine 101

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Slappy The Dummy For Sale

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Slappy by Steve Barry

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Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Soa For Dummies

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What’s the Business Value of SOA? Show It with KPIs

What’s the Business Value of SOA? Show It with KPIs

If you’re in IT, you’re being asked to add more business value than ever. In fact, today’s “CIOs are being asked to become drivers of the business while at the same time many are trying to replace old and inflexible infrastructures with modern and flexible ones,” according to InformationWeek’s Analytics 2009 Global CIO Survey. This report adds that “across the globe CIOs are fighting the stubborn perception that IT in general—and CIOs and their teams in particular—are cost centers rather than creators of value and accelerators of innovation.” Does this sound familiar? Whether you already have an SOA in place—or you’re just getting started with SOA—it is essential to prove business benefits.

Today, measuring cost and revenue impact as well as other SOA metrics is vital to any leading organization. Measuring the value and tracking changes to these metrics are critical as your SOA grows and its portfolio expands. Recent surveys from Forrester Research show organizations are increasingly implementing SOA as a business enabler. Furthermore, recent Gartner research concluded that:

  • More than 60% of organizations said their SOA projects had a positive impact on their organization’s ability to grow revenue; and
  • SOA projects generated positive returns…typically within 10 months

A proven way to demonstrate an SOA’s business value is through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). KPIs use a language your business colleagues understand: metrics. They give you the means to measure a return on your SOA investment and directly link SOA projects to real business improvements:

  • What KPIs you can use to start measuring SOA results
  • How leading organizations—Avnet, Coca-Cola Enterprises and France Telecom—measure how SOA contributes to business success
  • How Software AG can help you analyze and deliver on your SOA-based KPIs

Software AG, provides a complete solution for SOA Governance, CentraSite, that enables customers to manage their IT assets and measure their business value.

If you’re looking for an introduction to SOA, please read our book, SOA Adoption for Dummies.

About the Author

Software AG’s 4,000 global customers provide testimony to its ability to deliver software for improving business processes and drive an agile IT infrastructure. Software AG's leading software portfolio helps foster new levels of IT agility through SOA and allows the rapid creation of new business processes with BPM.

Review: "The ACT For Dummies"

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Monday, 21 September 2009

Android App Development For Dummies

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Windows Phone 7 Vs Nexus Vs Iphone. Phone's Dog Fight

The Fight Begins between 3 under Dogs, Google's Nexus, Apple's iPhone and Windows Phone 7.

Will Windows Phone 7 win/beat Apple iPhone and Google Nexus? It is heard that microsoft has totally changed the look, feel, touch and software in Windows Phone 7 Series, a weird name chosen by Microsoft. Let me discuss some points here. Comment below if u agree or disagree or even if you are neutral.

Which one is better? Who will win the battle? What is the future?

My research and thoughts on 3 phones so far. I am talking about the best phones we have including the soon being released windows phone 7.

1. Apple has the largest App store where iPhone users can find whatever they want. Google is catching up with apps and it is doing pretty good. Not to mention the Google Navigator on Android 2.0 and a whole bunch of never seen amazing apps like the Google "Goggles" and many more. And by the way, all the Google maps used in iPhone's GPS and maps is actually Google's own production. The only thing Google's Nexus is missing is the games. And hopefully, Google knows how to do it. We yet, don't know much about Windows Phone 7. Heard, they call it hubs and are in-built. We don't want Microsoft to have us pay for each and every apps they make. For some years, Microsoft will definitely loose in application development.

So, currently, Apple wins in the case of Apps and Games currently available.

Get Windows Phone 7 Apps and Games at

2. Apple's 3GS has no flash player. Stupid Apple doesn't know how to do it when it really knows how to make the iPhone better for web surfing. And again, web surfing without flash is a looser. Google does it very well. Windows phone 7 will surely have it. And, if you have flash, you don't even need a long collection of games since you can easily play flash games on big flash game sites like "" and so...

It's clear that Web integration and surfing is better in Google's Nexus. Google owns the most useful and powerful search engine and knows how to make the surfing experience better.

So, Google Nexus wins in this case.

3. Ok, now lets go to Customization. We don't want a dummy phone that displays the same screen every time we unlock our phone. I guess, Steve Jobs and Apple is working on that. Go on Steve and think about it. Google's Nexus interface and customization feature is so perfect. Customization is freedom. In Nexus, i can have a BIG clock on the home screen or a BIG weather forecast or even my face-book widget. I can have small icons to fit many widgets or I can use 7 home screens where i can place my most used widgets. Google does it so perfectly. Apple iPhone looks dummy. No customization. And it looks so pale.

Windows Phone 7 screen-shots look impressive. Probably windows phone 7 will have the best interface and customization feature. We have to wait until it gets released.

So, Google Nexus wins again.

Get Windows Phone 7 Apps and Games at

4. What about Multi-Tasking? What if Apple comes up with new iphone with in-built flash player and customization feature in its next version? Do i need to stay in line for hours in front of the Apple show room to buy it? How much do I need to pay again? Do i need to pay couple of hundred bucks every six months when Apple adds a new feature and calls it 4GS and then 5GS and so on????

Well, Google knows consumers can't afford to buy a new phone for every added features. We can download the latest android OS and update or phone. So, if I have a HTC hero with Google 1.5 then I can update it with android 2.0 when it is published. When i update it (and its free), i will have a new phone. I can covert my old HTC Hero into Nexus. Windows Phone 7 is also flexible in this case as we have seen in the past with its Windows Mobile versions.

So, again Google wins.

So, overall Google Nexus is the future for now. It already has flash, 5 MP camera, multitasking, customization and all the maps and perfect navigation. Google Android also has a huge market place for apps and they have fewer aps than Apple but they have amazing and useful apps and it's increasing every hour.

Apple's iPhone will be dead soon. If you don't believe me, watch the sales going down. Windows Mobile 7 will compete for sure BUT finally, it has to loose anyways. Microsoft doesn't have the consumers DNA and doesn't know what people really want. So, my final thoughts:

"Google will Rule the Mobile Phone Market." GOOGLE IS THE WINNER!!!

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A first hand look at building an Android application

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