Monday 12 July 2010

Retirement For Dummies

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retirement for dummies
Can I buy into more than one mutual fund?

I am an investing dummy..Just know I need to save for retirement....I have a Scottrade account with a ROTH, and currently only have added funds to the IRA to fund CAIBX. Can I add additional funds to my account and buy into other mutual funds in this same IRA? If so, any one that anyone would suggest for a moderate risk?
I am very good in my profession, but please explain as if you were explaining to a 12 year old, as I am lost in your explanations

Yes you can buy more than 1 mutual fund and since your primary concern is investing you can attain good asset allocations by investing in more than one mutual fund.

Yes you can expand your IRA o ROTH IRA with additional funds.

Without having more information about your personal information, such as age, current income and other data such as risk tolerance, martial status, and demographics it would be very inappropriate for me or any other responsible person to provide specific investment information in this type of media.

Also it would not be appropriate for any professional to provide any specific investing advice based on the information provided. And it would not be prudent for you to accept any investment advice from unknown individuals here at YA or a similar media.

There are many people just like you that are, or were looking to invest and those that did bought Mutual Funds and/or Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). One purpose of mutual funds is to help investors like you, who are either just entering the investment world or who have no investing experience. Once you feel you at least have an understanding of investments you should look into ETFs which are similar to mutual funds but are traded on the exchanges.

Mutual Fund companies as well as ETFs have an entire array of products many will fit your needs. Read about the various products and in doing so you will be getting investment ideas and at the same time educating yourself about investing.

You could also contact the funds companies for more information. I have found that Vanguard ( & Fidelity Investments (
can meet your needs for mutual funds. The service and information they provide is all free and you will find it helpful. Or you can call Scottrade and speak to one of their Reps that specialize in fund products, once again this service is free.

Good luck on your journey

Stock market for dummies

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