Friday 25 March 2011

Grant Writing For Dummies

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One more Esau and Jacob question?

So Esau was a big dummy. He shouldn't have been so capricious with his birthright. But there's no commandment that says "Thou shall not take things for granted."
"Honor thy father and thy mother"....Jacob honorred his mother, but certainly not his father when he tricked him.
"Thou shall not kill"....Jacob killed off most of his brother's family.
"Neither shall thou steal"....Jacob stole both Esau's birthright, and his blessing. Easy to steal, maybe, but stolen.
"Neither shall thou covet thy neighbor's goods"....I would assume that extends to thy brother's birthright.

So how come Jacob's still the good guy with God? Because the commandments weren't written yet? He didn't know better? If Jacob was meant to have the birthright, wouldn't it have been easier for God to have just pulled a switcheroo in-utero, and have Jacob be the firstborn? Would have saved alot of grief and drama!

God promised Abraham that through him all the nations of the world would be blessed(his descendant would be the Messiah, Jesus, who would save the world) Genesis 12:3. As first born Esau was supposed to inherit this honor as his birthright from his father Isaac, but Esau traded this in for a bowl of soup.

Esau placed his temporary earthly needs above eternal Heavenly needs. Jacob traded earthly possesions in for Heavenly things, he chose right but his actions were wrong and he later payed for them when he was decieved by his uncle Laban.

Tip from the Grant Goddess #1

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