Thursday 5 August 2010

Weight Loss For Dummies

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weight loss for dummies
fast weight loss for a dummy?

my friends getting big
we need help
anything and everything

First thing you never lose weight fast if you want it too stay off, two the first thing you need too do is get all the junk-foods oput of your diet,34you need too eat at least1800-2000 calories aday to have enough nurtrtions too stay healthy, get activty too lose weight ,And 2 dont skip meals as in three meals a day low fat,when you eat ,eat slowly chew your food 25 times each bite,and eat stemmed vegetables no butter or oils or fats added,then cut out all junk-foods out of your deit and all processered foods their add more weight,and dont eat chips colas or any breaded foods thats already made.and drink water in between each bite of food, for the water will help fill your stomack and you wont eat as much. and last and most important exercises, but look as it as fun not exercises, walk ,ride a bike, jump-rope, swimming,all of thedse things are fun too do and it will burn the fat.I losted 100 pounds,one other thing if you want too keep it off you must stay activity and eat breastfast, lunch and dinneer at the same time everyday and do the exercises that are fun for you or you wont stick with it and you may lose the weight but you can gain it back plus more if you dont stay active at least 1hour a day, and it took time for you too put that weight on so it will take time for you too lose it also.Dont do no fad diets for it puts more fat on you. and portions sizes matters the most, you can eat all the vegetables and fruits you want but only 4oz of meat a day. stay active,and your lose the weight. dont lose too much though it can hurt you worse than the fat. take care. I losed 100 pounds,I had a medical problem that made me gain my weight, but got it fixed and then started to lose the weight and I'm heathyand ok. theres no fast fix for losing weight and if you staaaaarvee yourself your gain more weight. take care.

"Weight Loss For Dummies" infomercial parody

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