A dummy's question about C language?
Dear friends,
I have no knowledge of C language. I have used QBasic for my purposes, but I want to use a more "user-friendly" and "visual" language. I have considered Visual Basic, but it seems outdated; I am using Linux and I would like to learn C syntax and programming principles first, then jump to C++.
Which editor/programming medium shall I use?
Thank you for your responses.
Thank you very much for your interest. I caused a misunderstanding; I used to work with QBasic in a Windows operating system, but I uninstalled windows from my desktop computer right now, I am using my laptop with Windows installed, if I need a QBasic program. I am writing small Basic programs for over 10 years, so I think I am familiar with "programming" algorithms. I suppose that the only thing I must learn is the syntax and the main principle behind C to jump C++.
You should learn C, and ignore the people who are telling you that you are not ready for it. I would even recommend C as a first programming language to anyone.
There are several IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) for C and C++ in Linux. I recommend Code::Blocks which you can get from codeblocks.org, and it's completely free. There are also Anjuta and KDevelop but I don't think that they are so great (they're good for beginners, though).
To learn the language, get a book. There are plenty of free ones in freecomputerbooks.com !
If you need help during your studies feel free to ask here :)
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