Sunday 26 September 2010

It For Dummies Book

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it for dummies book

Why an Empty Book is the Basis of My Business Success By Arjen Ter Hoeve

Have you ever wondered what the best books are to read that will help you to have nearly instant success? Did you look at books like Think And Grow Rich and Unlimited Power? These are really powerful books.

I devoured these books many years ago. I learned about ways to help people and how I could become successful at the same time. Still... there were two important things missing for me to really become successful in what I want and do.

Perhaps you have a bookstore in your town where you can buy dummy books, or books without content, just empty pages. We have such a store in my town and they sell these hardcover books. They come in many different formats, from very small (A6) to normal sizes (A4). I didn't know back then, but when I first saw these books I knew they would play such an important part in my personal and professional development. You will love these books as well.

One of the things most people say contributes to their not-yet-being-successful is that they don't get the opportunity. You may know the quote that luck is where opportunity meets preparation. Many people don't like the preparation part. They feel that luck is solely based on opportunity. What do you think happens when you start to work on creating your own luck?

If you want to reach a certain goal or get somewhere, you have to take action, perhaps even massive action! This is the first thing I learned from reading all those books. It is great to read and learn. It is even better when you go out into the world and take action and actually accomplish something.

The second thing, and most important lesson from this short article, has to do with the empty book.

Many people tell me that they, if they had know, they would like to do things differently. For me, today is not a prison created by what I did yesterday and the days before. Every day, I have the opportunity to make the best of my life. This is where the empty book comes in. The great thing about an empty book is that you can add your own stories, thoughts and ideas into it. You can literally write your own future in it.

Let's sum this up. You get an empty book. You write down what you want, need, like and think. This is your life-journey-journal. Call it that if you like! And then, when you wrote down your future, you take massive, massive action!!!

I can guarantee you that your life will start to improve. You will move forward faster than ever before. And when you realized your goals, you will help others by showing them what you did!

Enjoy your empty book; it is waiting for you to be written.

When you are ready to create practical visuals of your own future, you should definitely have a look at I love to share more of my ideas on how you can create your own future using just an empty book and pen and a head filled with ideas.


About the Author

Creating overview in your information, environment and life is my goal. I do this using proven techniques like visual and mind mapping, time management, goal setting and summaps.

The basic outcome of my work is always the same: you understand better what you are doing and what influences you. The next step I assist people with is easy. They learn how to create the life they want, all because of a clear understanding of their inner and outer environment.

Despite what you may be thinking, everything we will do is proven and very practical. The things I teach people are the actual techniques I use to give direction and meaning to my own life and the lives of my clients.

As you may have thought, I am not a native English speaker and writer. I believe most native English speakers and people from all around the world will benefit from working with me.

I decided long ago that my life should be moving in the direction I want it to go. This stimulated me to research the many techniques and mindsets needed to do this. I would love to share these with you.

Are you ready to give more meaning and direction to your life?

Digital Photography For Dummies, DVD + Book Bundle

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