Friday 3 September 2010

Programming For Dummies

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programming for dummies

Internet Marketing For Dummies-5 EASY Steps To Become An Affiliate Marketer

Internet marketing for dummies is a walk through of the basic steps you will need to learn to become an affiliate marketer, this guide you will give you a fair idea about the process. Yes, you will have to expand your knowledge on each individual area, but this gives you a foundation to start with. From here on you will then be able to build your own passive income business.

Internet marketing for dummies lesson 1. basic knowledge of affiliate marketing. Firstly you need to decide what you want to sell, digital products or physical product. Then after a decision you will then go to the appropriate place that has affiliate marketing programs. Let us base this whole article on a digital down load guides, and let us pretend you want to promote an internet marketing training course.

Ok firstly pick the best program that ticks all the boxes, ( this you will have to learn) . From there I would get my affiliate code for the product and take that over to my website, or blog and embed that code in an anchor txt of 1 of my KW that links directly to the sales page.

Then write a few articles to start getting traffic to my site, and then  make some money. Sounds easy enough but there is just a little bit more involved then that. Internet marketing for dummies is just a basic guide line, internet marketing training course is the next step.

Internet marketing for dummies lesson 2 what is a code? A code, known as a hop link is design specifically for you, you get it from the affiliate program to promote their product, when someone click on your link, they then know that the sale is yours.

Internet marketing for dummies lesson 3 what is an anchor txt? An anchor txt is the call to action on your page that people click on. For eg, please click here, that would have your hoplink embedded in it. When your visitor clicks on it, it then goes to the sales page ( this is something you need to learn). You have to do a lot of keyword research (KW) to find low competition words (this you will have to learn), after you find your KW's you would then write good articles with the appropriate information in it to attract visitors (this you will have to learn).

Internet marketing for dummies lesson 4 what is a keyword ? KW's are how google finds you and places you in the search engine, but they must be relevant to the product. ( this you will have to learn)

Internet marketing for dummies lesson 5 what is a website and why do I need 1? A website is your own piece of real estate that has pages and post on it. You write articles and advertising products on your site, and when some one click- through from your site  to the sales page and buys, you get payed.

Affiliate marketing has so many advantages, 1 you never have to own your own inventory, you do not need to deal with customers or deliver the goods, this is all taken care of by your affiliate program.

Majority of starting your own passive income business is free, and what little you do have to pay for is next to nothing. You tell me what other business you could start-up with such low over heads and operated from the comfort of your own home?

So has Internet marketing for dummies taught you the basics foundation to internet marketing, are you ready to start affiliate marketing?

About the Author

Follow through to over there we have a FREE step by step affilite marketing guide to walk you through all of the steps above. Are you ready to start your own passive income business?

Alternateley check out Internet marketing for dummies

programming for dummies

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