[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] [simplecontent lang="" source="flickr"]instructional design for dummies[/simplecontent]
Building a Chicken Coop For Dummies
With food costs sky rocketing you may have considered ways to produce your own food such as purchasing chickens but then changed your mind once you realized how much money it can take to start building a chicken coop. After all, unless you purchase a set for building a chicken coop you have nowhere to place your new egg producing chickens and it may seem that the storage costs outweigh the potential savings. However, before you give up hope what if you found out that there is a much cheaper way to start building a chicken coop that made it more practical to consider buying chickens?
Well, guess what, with the help of this one simple website that teaches you how to start building a chicken coop there is a way that you can afford to purchase chickens and house them as well. This is because the website offers you an invaluable eBook that can instruct experts and beginners alike how to start building a chicken coop with low cost materials that you may even already own! That's right, building a chicken coop does not have to be expensive or out of your league if you have the proper book to guide you through the process of building a chicken coop. For more details visit www.BuildChickenCoop.net
In fact, most people who have used this websites resource have reported that by building a chicken coop from scratch instead of buying a kit that needs assembly they save over 50% of what they would have paid. By saving 50% you may consider building a larger coop, purchasing more chickens, or simply using your savings to put towards feeding your chickens. What you decide to do with your savings from using this website to start building a chicken coop is your decision, but almost everyone can agree that saving 50% is an excellent choice.
One of the problems that you may run into building a chicken coop on your own now that are getting familiar with the idea is that there are a lot more components you have to be aware of then you may thought. For instance, you when building a chicken coop you have to remember insulation, ventilation, perches, an outside area for the chickens to get exercise, an entrance for you and the chickens, and many more elements. After all, building a chicken coop is a lot like building a miniature home.
However, if you decide to make use of this resource when building a chicken coop you will not have to worry about planning for any of these elements since they have all already been considered and factored in by the author of the eBook about building a chicken coop. Thus, once you head over to the website the only thing you have to worry about before building a chicken coop is where your tools are at because with the simple instructions you will not have to worry about any other factor of building a chicken coop that is safe and well designed for your chickens at a low cost to you! For more info visit www.BuildChickenCoop.net
[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] Any good books or websites that give a good introduction to philosophy?
I am interested in learning more about philosophical thought from a general perspective. I am looking for a good book (preferably) or website that kind of gives a history of philosophical thinking by breaking it down into different time periods and famous philosophers thoughts/theories, etc (anywhere from Plato to Freud, etc). Does anyone have any good recommendations?
I opened up Philosophy for Dummies while in the bookstore one day and was completely turned off.
Some of the above recommendations are excellent, but may be pretty difficult from a standing start. You don't mention what age you are or what level you feel want to start at, but could I suggest 'Sophie's World' by Jolstein Gaardner. I gave my then 12 year-old son a copy to read a few years back.
It's a clever, charming and entertaining novel where the history and basic principles of philosophy are demonstrated in a series of thought experiments and symbolic episodes seen through the eyes a young girl, Sophie. It's good fun and in no way condescending or trite. It led my son to investigate more challenging work by several of the philosophers he learned about in the book (he's now 16).
I was 36 when I read it and thoroughly enjoyed it too!
Socialism For Dummies, Part 7 of 8
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Computer security is a branch of computer technology known as information security as applied to computers and networks. Security for personalized web servers, small business server, dedicated server is in demand these days. Everyone wants their data safe and secure.
The basic Security Measures are as -
1. Choose a secure operating system - If you care about your data, pick an operating system that is secure.
2. Enable a strong BIOS password - BIOS password locks the hard drive so it can't simply be removed and reinstalled into a similar machine.
3. Use a personal firewall on your - Corporate networks protect their Servers and Workstations by configuring a firewall to prevent intruders from hacking back into their systems via the company's internet connection
4. Use the NTFS file system - Use the NTFS file system to protect your data from thieves who may try to access your data. FAT and FAT32 File systems don't support file level security and give hackers a big wide open door to your Computer, Web Server, Small Business Server, Dedicated Server.
5. Disable the Guest Account - Always double check to make sure the guest account is not enabled. For additional security assign a complex password to the account anyway, and restrict its logon 24x7.
6. Rename the Administrator Account - Renaming the Administrator account will stop some amateur hackers cold, and will annoy the more determined ones.
7. Creating a dummy Administrator Account - Another strategy is to create a local account named "Administrator", then giving that account no privileges and impossible to guess +10 digit complex password.
8. Prevent the last logged-in user name from being displayed - When you press Ctrl-Alt-Del, a login dialog box appears which displays the name of the last user who logged in to the computer, and makes it easier to discover a user name that can later be used in a password-guessing attack.
9. Enable EFS (Encrypting File System) - Be sure to enable encryption on Folders, not just files. All files that are placed in that folder will be encrypted.
10. Disable the Wifi or communication port.
11. Backup your data before you leave - Backing up your hard drive before you leave can help you retrieve your data.
12. Consider using offline storage for transporting sensitive documents.
Make security a habit
People are the weakest link in the security chain. If you care about your data, a healthy dose of paranoia will help keep it safe. Get into the habit of locking your computer up when you're working with it, or when storing it.
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Dedicated Servers For Dummies.
[simpleaffiliate source="amazon" results="10"]servers for dummies[/simpleaffiliate] [simpleaffiliate source="cj" results="10"]servers for dummies[/simpleaffiliate] [simpleaffiliate source="clickbank" results="10"]servers for dummies[/simpleaffiliate]
There is a buzz word in computing which has been around a while now, Cloud computing. You may have read about it or heard it in the news, but what is it exactly? I will try to explain for the non techy types in simple terms. Basically it involves hosted services on the internet. Hosted as in meaning it's parked on the internet. In cloud computing each and everything is done on the internet. This means you can access files from any computer which has an internet connection. The internet is the "cloud".
One example of cloud computing that you will have bound to of heard of is Googlemail. You don't need any software to access this email service as the software is on a server (on the cloud). All you need is an internet connection and you can login and freely send and receive email.
If you use Microsoft Excel on your computer regularly then you are using software which is stored on your computer. If you wanted to take a document home to work on you would have to save the document on and then open it up on a computer at home which also had Microsoft excel on. With cloud computing the documents are stored online so you don't need to have the software at home you just need the internet connection. Also if you wanted to share this document with someone in your company you would have to email it to them. With cloud computing the file is stored on the internet and many people can share this document without the need for emailing it about.
With cloud computing, businesses have the ability to track employee activities. You get higher lOther benefits are that there are no more worries about computer viruses, loss of data and system crashes. You can work on expensive software and freeware without having to actually buy them. When you normally buy software you need a licence for each computer, this is where it gets expensive if you have a number of staff that need access to this software. This is where cloud computing technology saves your company money.
If you think your business should take advantage of cloud technology you will need to find a good professional service provider. You need to look for a company that has a proven track record. There are many companies out there offering these services so look around and compare monthly costs. Some offer services like cloud consulting, google apps deployment and training and much more.
Basically cloud computing is an excellent solution for any business looking to utilise their resources better, want more flexibility and security, and want to reduce the cost and complexity of your IT operations.
About the Author
Ancoris is a leading UK integrator of Cloud Computing Software as a Service solutions including Google Apps and much more.
How To Take Apart Your Computer (for dummies) by Dummies
[simpleaffiliate source="amazon" results="10"]computers for dummies[/simpleaffiliate] [simpleaffiliate source="cj" results="10"]computers for dummies[/simpleaffiliate] [simpleaffiliate source="clickbank" results="10"]computers for dummies[/simpleaffiliate]
Is it have to do with the volume of shares? Because i noticed the price and volume both constantly change in the market.
Supply and demand. If there are more sellers than buyers, the market price will decline until more parties are willing to buy.
Beginner Investors: Stock and Shares Difference Explained
[simpleaffiliate source="amazon" results="10"]stocks and shares for dummies[/simpleaffiliate] [simpleaffiliate source="cj" results="10"]stocks and shares for dummies[/simpleaffiliate] [simpleaffiliate source="clickbank" results="10"]stocks and shares for dummies[/simpleaffiliate]
Search Engine Optimization sounds difficult to most. One reason being that search engines are very technical things and the other being that the word optimization has five syllables. But in truth Search Engine Optimization is not an exact science, even though the companies that advertise this service will make it out to be. The steps that are outlined in this article will help you to optimize your site correctly at the design stage of your website.
Selfish of me I know but when I design a site I think of the Search Engines first and people second and I set out to design a site that search engines appreciate. Optimizing the site as much as possible anyway I can without cheating my way to a first position or over optimizing. To be quite honest I'm not upset if I don't hit first place but I do expect to hit the top half of the first page, as most people are too lazy to scroll down.
The following steps should be taken after you have taken care of your Keyword Research.
The Pyramid Method
The Pyramid Method is a term which I like to use to describe the way that I optimize a website to amplify my chosen keywords so that the search engine gives me a nice placing among or above my leading competitors. The Pyramid Method starts up at the top in your title, spreading through your description and Keywords then onto your page body, headline tags, first words, links and then onto the pages that you link to.
The Head region
Page Title
When writing your page title remember that a good page title doesn't have to be 100% grammatically correct but should be a readable sentence, while using as little stop words as you can. Stop Words are words that are not important to a search engine's search i.e. and, if, on etc. These words should be used as little as possible.
The title should be no more than 12 words long, descriptive and clear involving as many of your chosen keywords as you can cram in. When submitting your links to certain sites if your description is too long to be allowed on the link submission site then your title can be used it's place.
‘SEO Bangkok, Web hosting, Thailand. Website Design Consultants and Website Design Courses.'
Meta Tag Description
A grammatically correct description of no more than 24 words is needed here involving all your main keywords that you used in your Title tag plus 12 more keywords or your main keywords again in different collocations (different word order).
On www.itandwebdesign.com we used this as our description.
‘SEO/website design consultants Bangkok, Thailand. Web design, search engine optimization, Adobe CS3 training courses, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash lessons and private computer classes'
Meta Tag Keywords
No more than 48 words should be used here in as many different collocations as possible. If you do have more than 48 keywords or too many keywords to put on one page then put the appropriate keywords on the appropriate pages.
We used 48 Keywords in 17 different phrases, but only 24 niche words were used.
Finally your Title and Meta Tags should be in the following order.
1. Title 2. Description 3. Keywords
1. Title 2. Keywords 3. Descriptions
As most people are lead to believe.
Headline 1 Tag
A nice descriptive text title in h1 at the top of your page or under your banner containing your main keywords is needed to catch the search engines attention. Headline tags show the search engines the importance of these words. A grammatically correct title is needed on your page as humans will be reading this one too. All subtitles on the page I wrap with h2 tags over use of h1 tags can have a negative effect. The problem with Headline tags is that the text is massive and it leaves a leaves an automatic line break underneath. These problems can be quite easily solved using CSS styling.
Our h1 heading on our index page reads like this.
‘Itandwebdesign.com Computer Training Bangkok - Thailand Website Design, Web Design Courses, SEO Company and Link Campaigns'
First Words
There's no point opening your page up with a bunch of words that sound really good to read but contain nothing but your company name and a bunch of adjectives. The first words on your page should be a nice paragraph that contains your main keywords which is very important for the search engines so take advantage of the first words on your page. Make it a readable correctly punctuated paragraph not just a bunch of keywords separated by commas; this would get your website penalized for being over optimized. Repeating your description with a few extra keywords all wrapped up in nicely written sentences would be a good idea here.
Body Text
The niche words you have used in your Title, Description and Keywords mean nothing if they are not referred to in your body text. Google does not like liars so do not throw keywords into your Meta tags and Title if you are not going to refer to them in your body text, we only used 24 niche words so it ‘s not an impossible task. Optimizing your web page should be as smooth and simple as possible and keeping everything related holds the page together and improves performance. Break the text up into small descriptive paragraphs with a hyperlink close by to point to the different sections or products on your site. An h2 sub heading for each paragraph can be added if you choose to do so this will also help to increase performance.
Anchor Text, Link Labels and Hyperlinks
Last but not least. Anchor text (or Link Labels) is ranked highly by search engines, because the linked text is usually relevant to the landing page. The objective of search engines is to provide highly relevant search results; this is where anchor text helps, as more often than not, hyperlinked words are relevant to the landing page. However I also suggest that there be anchor text on each page pointing to the page that it is on. On our site www.seo2marketing.com we solved this problem by using the same navbar on every page, meaning that every page has a link pointing to itself. When creating a hyperlink use a title for your link which will create an alt text description on mouse hover and will also be picked up by the search engine spiders.
For more information on how to resize your Headline tags and correct use of hyperlinks using Dreamweaver please check out our article ‘Optimizing in Dreamweaver for Dummies'.
Mark A Smith Chief SEO and Area Manager
www.seo2marketing.com - SEO Training Programs and Web Developer Courses, Bangkok, Thailand
About the Author
Mark Alexander is the Senior SEO and area manager of SEO2Marketing.com and SEO2Marketing.co.uk. Bangkok SEO services and Internet Marketing Serving International Companies in Thailand and The UK, search engine optimization and Internet marketing.
Programming in Objective-C 2.0 LiveLessons Bundle [Paperback]
[simpleaffiliate source="amazon" results="10"]objective c for dummies[/simpleaffiliate] [simpleaffiliate source="cj" results="10"]objective c for dummies[/simpleaffiliate] [simpleaffiliate source="clickbank" results="10"]objective c for dummies[/simpleaffiliate]
[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] Buddhists, do you reccomend a book like "Buddhism for Dummies" or some other type of publication?
I am trying to study Buddhism, any book recommendations?
I recommend "How to Practise" by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. It's pretty good. It's a bit like a 'Buddhism for Dummies".
I would totally recommend a book like that. Actually, I think we need a "Religion for Dummies" book, to be read by every high school student on Earth. Maybe then there'd be less religious conflict.
Buddhism for Dummies (01 of 16) - Who is Reverend Bob Oshita? Introduction
[simpleaffiliate source="amazon" results="10"]buddhism for dummies[/simpleaffiliate] [simpleaffiliate source="cj" results="10"]buddhism for dummies[/simpleaffiliate] [simpleaffiliate source="clickbank" results="10"]buddhism for dummies[/simpleaffiliate]
[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] Should you back leaders in your political party even if they have proven to be complete ignorant idiots?
Or should people of political parties put blind faith into the political leaders, no matter what, because going against them just helps the other political party?
What's the best Microsoft Word 2007 learning guide ?
Hello, I need to learn some features in Microsoft Word 2007 and fast. I have a project which has a lot of graphics which I could easily make in Photoshop but it would take a lot more time. Everything is done I just need to piece it together add some text styles and boarders and boxes..etc. I would need a fast paced guide not in the "..for dummies" style ..which is too long and annoying. Any suggestions ? Thank you.
Hi Gonzales,
Here are a few short demos that will help you spice up your Word document in Word 2007 :)
Forex For Dummies – 3 Iron Rules In Manual Trading And The Real Solution For Dummies
If manual trading is your choice, don't waste your time looking for a forex for dummies theory that can works because you won't find any. You can't keep being a dummy in forex trading while scoring winning trades on regular basis, thus your goal should be become a trader that posses the ability to do so. Of course, it can't happen overnight, but you can make the process less complicated by paying attention on these points first:
1.Learn how the game is being played
You won't go anywhere without first understanding how forex trading works and how people make a living out of it. I recommend you to get free lessons at forex trading course where you'll get step by step tutorial to master the basis of forex trading. After you finished studying the trader, study the broker and how they gain their money; this is important for later step when you have to choose an online forex broker to put your money.
2. Short term trades or scalping strategies are bad idea
Many "experts" will suggest you to trade with minimum risk by utilizing scalping strategy; unfortunately, this is a recipe for disaster, not a "forex for dummies" strategy. While it seems like a low risk trading strategy due to the tight take profit and stop loss placement, you have to winmultiple trades during the day to gain decent profits. Please also remember that during the day, you will also have a few loss trades as well, so your profits at the end of the day must be large enough to cover the loss.
3. Stick to proven strategies
Trying to master all trading strategies known to men is simply stupid. Search for only a couple proven and reliable strategies and test them in a demo account. If you can obtain decent profits by using those strategies, open a mini live account and continue the test there. You should do this for a few months just to make sure that the strategies can hold against different market conditions. I suggest you read forex wealth builder review for details about profitable swing trading strategies.
As a manual trader, there are no forex for dummies solution for you aside from step by step learning. The true forex for dummies strategy is having an expert trade for you (simple isn't it?). An easy solution for this is having an EA with proven trading system behind it to manage your trades; read more about using an EA at forex robot software.
[simpleaffiliate source="amazon" results="10"]software for dummies[/simpleaffiliate] [simpleaffiliate source="cj" results="10"]software for dummies[/simpleaffiliate] [simpleaffiliate source="clickbank" results="10"]software for dummies[/simpleaffiliate]
Scams take many forms: overseas lotteries, get-rich-quick schemes, work-from-home jobs and hundreds more, but the fact is that unless you’ve been ripped off in the past you probably don’t know how to recognise a scam when you see one.
The people who design the scams are clever. Most scams look like the real thing and they appear to meet your need or desire. They often piggy-back off the reputation of schemes which are proven to be legitimate, for example, not all lotteries are fake, not all work-from-home schemes are rip offs. Unfortunately it can be extremely hard to tell the difference…so let’s commence your education!
Firstly, let me clear up a couple of myths. Many people hold the belief that every business is OK because they are all vetted by some kind of government authority. This is false. While government agencies in Australia and most other developed nations work hard to shut down illegal scams, the scammers might rip off hundreds people before they are caught.
Another dangerous myth is that there are quick short cuts to “getting rich”. People claiming to be millionaires regularly hold seminars or write e-books to explain how you can make a fortune by simply following their advice: perhaps it’s a secret stock market plan, a way to make millions with real estate you don’t own, or participating in online surveys from your own home computer.
Do any of the above scams sound familiar? You probably see them on the internet all the time. Ask yourself: if a person knew the secret to instant wealth, would they want everyone in the world to find out about it? And if they’re already a millionaire, why would they spend all their time telling people about it…and why would they need to charge people money for it?
Keep in mind, however, that not all scammers go for the “get rich quick” headline. Some will entice you with a smaller but equally attractive proposition: the opportunity to quit your day job and earn the same money by working part-time from home. These scams run rampant on the internet and often start by only requesting a small outlay, of say $40 for which they will send you an e-book containing the secrets of wealth.
You might be thinking, “I’m willing to gamble $40 for the possibility of never having to work again! It’s worth it.” Once you hand over the $40 any number of things may then happen:
(a) You get nothing and never hear from them again
(b) You get information via email that is of little assistance
(c) Worse than that, they may start harassing you for more money, trying to convince you to “upgrade” to the next step or pay some kind of taxes or freight cost (telling you that you’ll earn the really big dollars if you just pay them a little more). This cycle can go on forever and under the infamous “Nigerian Letter Scheme” people have been ripped off for tens of thousands of dollars.
(d) They may pressure you into giving them your bank account or credit card details for some seemingly legitimate purpose, e.g. to deposit funds into your account, or to keep your credit card details as “security”.
Here is a shortlist of the most common scams to avoid:
· Overseas Lottery – an unsolicited letter, call or email telling you that you’ve won cash or prizes in a Sweepstakes or Lottery you did not enter.
· Chain Letters
· Pyramid Schemes – a business proposition where you pay a “joining fee” and the main activity is the recruitment of new members. These are illegal in Australia but some people will try to convince you that their scheme is not illegal because they have included some kind of dummy product that is changing hands.
· Ring Tone Scams - you might be attracted to an offer for a free or low cost Mobile Phone ring tone, but what you may not realise is that by accepting the offer you are actually subscribing to a service that will keep sending you ring tones — and charging you a premium rate. (e.g. $10 per week subscription fee) There are legitimate companies selling ring tones, but there are also scammers who will try to hide the true cost of taking up the offer.
Of course, there are many more. Too many for me to list here!
The golden rule is: “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” Now I know that this is a pretty negative mantra - those “positive thinking” and “life management” coaches would have a heart-attack if they heard me preaching such negativity! But they are not thinking about your best financial interests.
Here is how you should react if you receive a suspicious offer:
· In person: Say NO THANKS and walk away
· Via Phone: Say NO THANKS and hang up the phone immediately
· Via email: Delete the email immediately and don’t click on any links
· Via post: Throw it away
If you are concerned about saying no because you think the offer could be legitimate, consider the following course of action.
Be especially wary of a salesperson that tells you that “you must take up the offer today”. If the offer is legitimate, there’s no reason the salesperson cannot give you some information to take home and examine at your leisure. If the offer comes from a Telemarketer, they should be happy to post you some information or give you a return phone number so that you can call back if you are interested at a later date.
Still interested in the offer? Log on to the Australian Government’s Scam Watch website: www.scamwatch.gov.au (or other governmental “fair trading” website relevant to your location). This is actually an excellent website for anyone around the world and will help you identify whether the offer is a known scam.
OK, if you are still convinced that the offer is not a scam, then write down any questions you have. Take a friend or relative with you when you talk to the salesperson again (preferably the toughest, most analytical, least-easy-to-impress person you know!). Make sure you are completely satisfied with the answers to all of your questions and get everything in writing.
I’m not saying that every opportunity is really a scam. There are many legitimate lotteries, employment and investment opportunities out there.
If you come across a great investment, good for you! By completing all of the above steps you are doing your research – something EVERY investor should do.
But if, like many money-making opportunities, it turns out to be a scam, don’t loose sleep over it. Making money takes time and on the SmartPiggy website you’ll find heaps of simple, long-term proven strategies that will help you build wealth. It won’t happen overnight, but you will get there!
About the Author
Sarah Belle is the webmaster of SmartPiggy - http://clik.to/smartpiggy - a money management website designed especially for young adults. There's no sales pitch, just unbaised and easy-to-follow information to help you save money, invest smarter and build wealth.
Simple Techniques To Attract Attention To Your Business
The simple task of letting a prospective customer know that you exist is a huge part of marketing. For many people the first place they notice becomes the place they do business with. When they move to a new town the first dry cleaner they notice gets first shot at their business. But by no means is the first one they notice always the closest or the best it’s just the first one they notice. When I moved to Florida last year and my car got a ding I took it to the biggest and brightest body shop without even noticing at the time that I drove past four others in the process. The first insurance agent I called was the one whose small office faced the main road and had a huge blue sign. The first dentist I called was the only one whose ad said he would take calls 24 hours. I of course had massive tooth ache at 6am on the first morning of a three day weekend. Think back to how you choose a particular business especially when you where new in an area, didn’t you often go to the fist or most familiar looking place? With that in mind allow me to share with you several methods to attract attention and put more prospects, clients or customers into your business.
1. Business signs Often you see huge and expensive signs with nebulous headings like Smith and Associates. Make you marquee sign as specific and clear as possible, letting people know exactly what you do. Computer Repairs, Family Dentist, Attorney at Law, Gift Shop. Remember people buy solutions and benefits nothing else! Putting your name in lights may appeal to your ego but it most cases it will do nothing to increase your income!
2. A-frame signs One of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to attract business is to invest in a colorful A-frame sign. These signs often attract a great deal more attention than your regular marquee sign. This is due to the fact that it sticks out because it’s new. And also, because it’s right on the sidewalk at eye level. Move it around constantly to different positions in your shopping center and you’ll be surprised how many people walk in and ask you if you’d just opened, even though you may have been in the same location for years.
Now, one little tip. A lot of cities have rules against this type of signage. They employee important people often directly related to Napoleon to drive around and tell you that it’s unsightly and against city ordencees, written of course by government officials who never had to meet rent or payroll in their lives. The key to getting around this is to use the signs in the summer evenings after 5:00 or 5:30 when the inspectors go home, or you can put them out on the weekends when the inspectors are off work. I even had one client who swore that his A-frame sign brought in so much extra business that he gladly paid a weekly fine!
3. Car Signs Get magnetic signs made up and put them on your car and you’ll promote your business all over town. If you have a van, you might even custom paint it on both sides. Always put your phone number in large letters. As well as being a great ad while you’re driving around, a well-positioned van parked at the edge of your center parking lot can be like a giant billboard. It also gets around a lot of those restrictive local ordinances about signs. As long as you have staff and assistants that have decent cars, why not get all of them put magnetic signs on their cars as well? Having signs on several vehicles also makes your business seem bigger, more successful.
4. Use a prop to get attention In my karate schools I use to dressing up a mannequin dummy putting it in uniform and sticking it on the roof of your building doing a flying sidekick or a front kick at the street. People who’ve driven past our school for years suddenly started coming in when they noticed the dummies on the roof. We only did it for a couple of weeks in the summer, but it sure attracted a lot of attention. It may sound corny, but it got our school noticed. It would work equally week for clothing stores, uniform shop, sporting goods stores and just about anything else you can think of as long as you use an appropriate prop to tie the dummies into what it is you actually sell.
For those businesses a dummy doesn’t suit there are all kinds of custom balloons and giant blow up icons that certainly make you business stand out from the crowd. From blimps to soda can, houses to cars you name it and you can get a giant inflatable that matches your needs. Giant spotlights are another way to capture attention particularly in the winter or for those businesses that do a bulk of their business in the evening such, as restaurants and nightclubs. Letting people in your area know that you even exist is a big part of getting the ball rolling towards conquering your market. Take whatever action you must to let people know you are there!
5. Change your window even if you’re not in retail Make use of your windows for some type of thematic display even if you are not in retail. There are thousand of businesses like insurance agency’s, attorneys and even doctors offices that have retail based locations with windows and walk by traffic. Instead of covering them up with dusty blinds these could be put to far greater use encouraging people to stop look and remember the name of your business for a future date when they might have need of your services. You want people to stop, to look, to listen. You want them to say, “Wow!” every time they walk past your window.
6. Paint your business for success Paint you building a unique color, Barbie’s Hairstyling might go well in bright pink. While Hall’s paint shop might have splashes of brightly colored paint all over the building. A computer store might attract attention with black paint and fluorescent green writing. The key is to find some color combination that works in a prospects mind for your specific field.
7. Five sense marketing smell There are five different senses to attract people’s attention to your business, you are not limited to just getting visual attention. Place a small all-weather speaker on the outside of your building and play music into the street to attract people as they walk by your business. If you own a clothes shop for teen’s rock makes sense, if it’s a chiropractic office water sounds or oriental music would be far better. Whatever you choose make sure that it sets a mood congruent with what you do. Just as on TV, advertisers get your attention by honking a horn or ringing a doorbell, people will automatically give your business more attention if they hear music drifting out from it as they walk by.
Trying one of these ideas will help good but why not use all of them and really attract some attention?
About the Author
Andrew Wood is the world's leading expert on golf related marketing. He is the author of over 20 books including Cunningly Clever Marketing, The Golf Marketing Bible, How to Market Your Club on the Internet and The Membership Sales Success System. Andrew speaks worldwide on sales and marketing topics and is in high demand as a copywriter and marketing consultant. He is also the CEO and Owner of multiple golf marketing companies including Legendary Marketing and Legendary Golf Management.
Starting an eBay Business For Dummies, by Marsha Collier
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[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] how do you burn a DVD or a VCD ?
how do you burn a DVD or a VCD from a video downloaded off a P2P site like Ares or Limewire? I can get the audio and not the video or the video and no audio. Or it says the file is too big, or any of the other issues i've been having. I've looked all over the internet for help, and keep seeing something about codecs, but i am a real dummy with this and do not understand how it works. Can anyone help with step by step details?
if it says the file is too big, then just check whts the size of the file, and then check whts the size of the blank dvd or vcd.
The burning process is very easy, there's a software "nero start smart" download that software. in that software, there will be option of dvd or vcd, in which u want to burn the video/audio. there will be a icon of data cd or data dvd. just click on that icon and then you will understan what you have to do............
gd byee, if it works do tell me..... and if not then also contact me, i'll help u......... bye bye :-)
How to Create an Audio CD For Dummies
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Making money online is a dream of millions of would-be entrepreneurs worldwide, from those looking to making a living online to those just looking for a bit of help with the monthly budget. So how should most people seek to have fun making money online?
Adsense Blogging
Adsense is a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising system owned and operated by Google, Inc. Adsense blogging is writing a blog that has Adsense ads on it, and every time one of your blog's readers clicks on an ad on the page you make money, from pennies to dollars depending on the niche and ad itself.
So how does Adsense blogging equal fun for most people? The beauty of blogging is that you can write about almost ANY topic that interests you - your hobby, sports, news items, your social activities, your political views, the industry you work in, your travels, etc. You'll find almost any topic you want to write about has ads in the Adsense program.
Think for a moment about how much fun you could have making money online... Are you an arm-chair quarterback? How much fun would it be to review the games, show the refs and coaches just what mistakes they made and what they should have done instead! Love to bake? How much fun would it be to share your recipes & tips online, and have others share their recipes and tips with you? Have better ideas about how your country, state, province or region should be run? Blog about it!
Even high school and college kids can join in... Like reading or writing? Review the latest books in whatever niche turns you on. Love music? Start reviewing new albums as they come out... Hoping to get into radio or TV? Start a multi-media blog using podcasting or online videos - not only will you get a lot more polished as time goes on, you'll be building a portfolio that'll be a big help when it's time to go job hunting!
And seniors can have SERIOUS fun making money online, by blogging about any topic in the vast wealth of knowledge and experience they've built up. Forced retirement may mean your company no longer values your talents and experience, but that sure doesn't men there isn't a worldwide audience who'd LOVE to hear what you have to say!
Love to travel? Use Adsense blogs about travel, destinations and tourist attractions to help fund your travels!
Love taking pictures? Put Adsense ads on your photo blog!
Love to draw or paint? Blog about it!
Love watching movies? Use your Adsense blogs to become a movie reviewer and film critic!
The list goes on and on... Adults of all ages, backgrounds and experience levels can have fun making money online. And if you're passionate about your topics, it'll never feel like 'work' - after all, don't you already tell EVERYBODY about it? So put it online and start sharing some of the pot with Google. Don't worry - they have enough to go around...
And chances are you'll love the fact that here's no deadlines or schedule you have to meet... Don't feel like blogging today? No problem, just don't! Feel like addressing 5 different issues today? Simply sit down and write 5 posts today. The schedule is completely up to YOU!
One other perk to blogging - you can have as many blogs as you like. It's easy to set up multiple blogs in one hosting account under one domain name, or you can build separate domains for each one. Again, it's totally up to you. Have one blog for travel, one for music, one specific to your industry, one about your town or region and one where you tell those coaches what dummies they are - it's all up to you.
Don't like writing? Turn on your computer or laptop microphone and just say your piece - that's 'podcasting', and you just upload those recordings to your blog - even make them available on sites like iTunes. Or do the same thing with your web cam and you've got videos for your video blog - that's called 'vlogging'. Fancy terms, but still just part of having fun making money online!
Fortunately setting up WordPress blogs is easy and can be done in 15 minutes. And changing the standard WordPress theme to an Adsense-enabled theme can be done in under 3 minutes. So launching a new potential money-making blog can be done in under twenty minutes.
So there you have it - a simple system to turn YOUR passions and interests into having fun making money online - I look forward to reading your new Adsense blogs!
About the Author
Get a headstart by getting Wordpress themes designed specifically for Adsense blogging, along with videos that show how to install WordPress and how to enable your Adsense themes, in the Adsense Alive Theme Pack. The pack was assembled for you by Doug Champigny, author of Making Sense of Adsense.
Telikin Touchscreen Senior Computer on 4 Seniors Jim Miller Savvy Senior KFOR Computers for Elderly
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[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] increasing property taxes on home?
i bought a house in 05 for 125 thous, did a lot of remodeling and last may had it reappraised and it came in at 207 thous, good right, anyhow on my proposed tax bill from the county it claims the prop was valued at 35 thous in 05, and has gone to 55 thous a 43 percent increase in 3 yrs, my questions are 1. why does it show the prop only worth 55 thous and not at least the purchase price of 125? if i am smart, i think this is a good thing right that i am only paying taxes on this small amount...rather than the real value of the house
2. so it probably wouldnt be wise to protest the increase on my taxes seeing how it could be alot worse, right, like the 207 thous dollar appraisal? yes this is my 1st home so i am WAY new to all this stuff with taxes etc. so please remember to use "taxes for dummies" language, no 13 letter real estate words...lol
You are correct.....sshhh! While it might be frustrating it went up so much, don't fuss too much or they may come and adjust it up again!
Buying RealEstate Tip - Questions For The Seller
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How to Play Sudoku Puzzles : Where To Get Sudoku Puzzles
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[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] getting political knowledge?
I'm thinking about a career in politics and I want to get started reading books about politics and government, etc. Not something like "Politics for Dummies" but books written by the great political thinkers in the past, like reading Wealth of Nations to learn fundamentals of economics.
Does anyone have any suggestions for must read books for going into politics?
You need to read "The Republic" by Plato.
Discusses the basic fundamental concepts of politics, such as what exactly a government is, what the purpose of a government should be, and the different types of governments that existed at the time, and how they measure up to the established criteria.
You might also be interested to know that Plato was the mentor who taught Socrates, who went on to teach a bunch of great philosophers, including Aristotle.
You should also pick up "The Prince" by Niccolo Macchiavelli.
It is an interesting treatise on the application of ethics in politics, especially as concerns issues of morality, immorality and amorality.
You really should also look at the collected writings of Han Fei-zi, the Legalist scholar from the Qin Dynasty of Classical China.
Economics for Dummies
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Zig Ziglar: “You need a plan to build a house. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or goal.”
When I came to real estate sales from the safety net of the public school system where life is routine and income guaranteed, I was in for a rude awakening. I knew I was going to be good in sales but I had no idea I’d have to learn how to plan and manage time. Oh, and then there was goal setting and attitude adjustment.
So when I speak with you about having a plan and working the plan, it comes from my real life experiences. The realization came that I had to learn to plan and manage my time or starve; It was sink or swim time. So I learned and became the top real estate producer for a major company in San Diego County.
Not to blow my own horn, I’m just saying you have to know where you’re going to be successful.
Zig Ziglar says it well: “If you don’t have daily objectives, you qualify as a dreamer.”
What is the plan?
Planning is what determines success or failure. You either plan and manage your time or fail. You must have a master business plan, a yearly plan, a monthly plan, a weekly plan and a daily plan.
The three keys to planning your work and working your plan are: Time management Attitude Adjustment Goal setting and achievement.
The truth is that those who don’t plan run in circles - Those who do plan reach their goals. Success and prosperity come to those who prepare and work for it.
Brian Tracy: “You must master your time rather than becoming a slave to the constant flow of events and demands on your time.”
Start by finding a quiet place where you will be undisturbed for fifteen to sixty minutes. Sit down and write what it is you’re trying to accomplish. Writing down, “I want to make money.” isn’t definite enough. How much money? By when? What are you going to do to make that money? That’s planning.
Who bothers with that stuff?
Just about everyone who leads a purposeful successful life: The Housewife The Mother The Sales person The Online entrepuerner The Executive
When do you plan?
During the time you scheduled for planning time. Do it daily. Either morning or evening. Or morning and evening this is the best.
Donald Trump: “I’m a busy guy but I set aside quiet time every morning and every evening to keep my equilibrium centered on my own path.”
If it’s good enough for Donald Trump, it should be good enough for you.
Your plan should include activities to do: 1. Daily 2. Weekly 3. Monthly 4. Yearly
You can use a day timer, a week at a glance, or your computer is loaded with calendar and planning programs, the blackberry and numerous hand-held devices also include planning tools.
In the beginning do it the old-fashioned way. Sit down somewhere that is nice and quiet with a note pad and pencil. This is the best way to think and plan.
Once you’ve thought your plan through in rough form than use whatever tools you like to put it on paper.
Your plan must be written. Thoughts are simply wishes. A written plan becomes an achievable goal.
There are a zillion formats for business planning. Find one you like;one that is brief and to the point. Write your overall business plan and then narrow it down to the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly activities. Once you take the time to think it through and put it on paper, the rest is easy.
Once you have the plan, you must work the plan. In metaphysics it’s called treat and move the feet. Learn to include in your plan a time for daily Journaling and Meditation
Napoleon Hill:
“When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.”
Wee Dilts is a teacher, counselor, psychologist. Get her free self help articles, ebooks and sales training courses. Dedicated to helping you succeed. Sign up for a Free sales training e-course, get tips on time management, goal setting and attitude adjustment. http://www.changeyourlifeebooks.com
Catching fish (on a yacht) for DUMMIES
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[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] I need an idiots guide to the internet, please. I am not connected to the internet at home.?
I have been given a wireless laptop and for the 1st week I was able to get onto an unsecured site to get access to the internet. However, suddenly I am not able to access it although my computer tells me that the signal from this unsecured site is excellent. What am i doing wrong? Please help.
Have you pressed the on switch on your computer?
Yeah then basically go on www.google.co.uk (.com) and search for a guide, its eaaasssy as.
[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] is there a book of computers for dummies???!!!?
is there a book fof computers for dummies???!!!
u know those books that help u with stuff so is there a book of computers for dummies??
Yes. Look in a library or book store.
or here --- http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/102-5607284-7565705?initialSearch=1&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=computers+for+dummies&Go.x=13&Go.y=6
Online Education For Dummies [Paperback]
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I would love to set up a website to sell my art online. The problem is I have no idea how to do it. (Yeah, I know, I'm a fool, idiot, moron, etc. Okay?) I know very little HTML. Does anyone know of a site or program or whatever where a dummy like me can do this? I've emailed people who will design a site for me, but they all said I'd still have to learn HTML to get it up and running and then upload my inventory. This is all very confusing. I don't suppose there's any way to set up the site or have it set up and then just enter the items the way you do it on eBay? I'm clearly out of my league here. Please be gentle...
Hi, Alice - Hey, first of all, you are not a fool, idiot, or moron. You're asking the question, right? A f, i, or m would be too dumb to ask. There are lots of web hosting providers that include what are called "e-commerce" do-it-yourself setups. They do not require any knowledge of HTML at all. However, if you have no web design experience you may find that when you do it yourself it looks like you did it yourself. You said you've corresponded with people who were willing to design a site for you, so I'm guessing that means you're willing to pay something for the design. In that case, if you find a friendly designer who doesn't know you don't need HTML to upload your inventory and maintain a shopping cart, point them to this site: www.findmyhosting.com. You can search for hosting providers with all kinds of capabilities. My favorite one, where I host several sites, is www.qualityhostonline.com. It's very inexpensive (a few bucks a month). All of the good providers have what's called a "control panel", and inside that you'll find a thing called "fantastico", which helps you install pre-configured scripts. There you will find a variety of shopping cart and storefront packages, all free!
Good luck!
Google XML Sitemap Plugin - Blog Setup For Dummies
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When entering the used car market the first decision that needs to be taken is what kind of car you need? Depending on your needs you may choose a hatchback, a sedan, a convertible, a mini-van or an SUV. This decision would largely depend on the amount of space you need, the use the car would be put to, etc. After you have chosen the type of used car, you need to determine your budget and shortlist the makes and models you prefer. Keep in mind that the more upmarket the brand the higher will the car's maintenance costs due to more expensive parts and service. So while a used Mercedes may seem like a bargain, keeping it running would be much more expensive than say a used Toyota or a used Honda.
Once you defined your budget and made a selection of the makes and models it's time to decide if you wish to buy the used car from manufacturer's used vehicle department, from an independent used car dealer or directly from the owner. If you pick the first two options, remember that the dealer would typically charge you a premium of 8-12%. The manufacturer owned used car businesses usually sell certified cars which come with a limited warranty and some free services as well. If you don't want to shell out the extra premium dealerships command, you could go through online and local auto classifieds to find the car you want and get in touch directly with the used car seller.
Now that you have shortlisted a few used cars which are on sale, it's time to visit the seller or the dealership and inspect the cars. The key aspects to look at include the car's engine, transmission, suspension, electricals, bodywork and interiors. You should request for a test drive as that would give you a real feel of the used car's condition. While taking the test drive, keep your ears open for any unusual noises coming from the engine, transmission and suspension. See if the used car starts in one go as if takes more than once the car's battery or starter could be damaged. When the car is on, check the tailpipe for signs of excessive smoke as this can point to a tired engine. When on the move, listen if the engine sounds smooth as any unusual sound could lead to future problems.
Note the way the used car steers and goes over speed breakers. If the steering is hard to keep straight and the car is pulling to one side, its suspension or wheels could need immediate attention. Also check the gearshift for smoothness and play. An excessively loose or hard clutch is also a sign of trouble and points to worn out clutch and pressure plates. Listen to the suspension as you go over bumps, it should not make a crude sound and should also not feel too bouncy. Make sure you check the air conditioning, audio system, power windows, central locking and all other equipment during the test drive.
Now that you have inspected the used car's mechanicals and driving characteristics, walk around it and see the bodywork and condition of the tyres. An irregular paint finish is a sign that the used car was involved in an accident and has been repainted. Check the tyres for condition of the tread and make sure they will last for some time. Also check that all lights are in working condition and that the car has a proper spare wheel and all tools in place.
Once you are satisfied with the used car's condition it's time to check that its papers are in order. A valid registration, insurance, pollution control certificate etc are mandatory. You should also ask the seller for service records to see if the used car has been maintained regularly and at a reputed workshop. If everything looks fine, negotiate on the seller's asking price and haggle based on the condition of the car if certain things were found to be worn out etc. Ultimately you should pay no more than your budget and also consider the cost of ownership transfer etc in the final price.
About the Author
Anil Tandon is a reputed automotive journalist based in India. Anil has written columns for numerous Indian dailies and auto magazines. He is currently working as a consultant to the Indian used car industry. Anil is also involved with India's leading used car classifieds Indimoto (www.indimoto.com). Indimoto has helped thousands of used car buyers and sellers transact in a transparent and convenient fashion.
Welding Training/Certification Helps Businesses And Workers
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Do you want to buy something special for a new baby in the family? Here are five Christmas gift ideas that may help get you started.
1. One of the best choices of Christmas gift for babies is clothing. From mitts, socks and sleep suits to vests, cardigans and jumpers. Babies are growing at alarming rate, so parents need rely on family members and friends providing clothes to keep their little ones nice and warm.
2. Depending on your budget and your relationship to the baby, you may be able to help the parents out with a crib, pram, moses basket or push chair. This equipment is all extremely useful and important, so may be the ideal present.
3. If you're looking for some smaller gifts, then skin care products may be a great idea. It's essential that a baby's skin is well looked after, particularly a newborn, so anything from bubble bath and shampoo to cotton wool and wipes will be greatly appreciated.
4. Practical presents are always warmly welcomed by mothers and fathers, especially things like nappies, changing mats, blankets and dummies. Not everyone will think to help parents out with these items, but they are extremely important for a baby's well-being.
5. However, if you want to buy a gift that's just for the baby, then toys are an obvious treat. From mobiles to cuddly toys, you can't really go wrong as long as you go for something soft or colourful. And if your skills permit it, why not knit the toys and give them something personal.
So, if you're looking for something special to buy for a new baby in the family or a friend's child, then these five ideas may help. There are a wide range of newborn baby gifts to choose from, including organic baby clothes, skin care, accessories and toys, so why not start looking today?
About the Author
MumsTheWord.com is an online department store dedicated to mothers, whether it is your first child or even your fourth. Or, if you're looking to help a new mother by buying gifts for new baby, they have everything you'll need - from toys and clothes, to organic skin care and equipment.
How to Knit for Beginners : How to Make the Basic Knit Stitch
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Making Money for Dummies: Are there Ways for you to Earn Quick Money Online?
Increasing your knowledge about making money for dummies is considered to be extremely helpful in your attempt to earn a fortune through the many work at home opportunities. This will serve as your guide in ensuring that you achieve success as an online marketer. Trying to make money online can be a bit complex if you do not know exactly what you need to do. By using the guide for dummies, then you will be on your way towards obtaining the kind of online success that you are aiming for.
The guide to making money for dummies allows you to become familiar of the different tips that will help you increase your chances of success. One of the most effective tips is to first set clear and realistic goals. Keep in mind that if you do not have goals, then there is a great chance for you to just roam aimlessly over the internet without knowing your priorities. There is also a great tendency for you to purchase all of the products that promise to provide you riches within days. If you do this, then you will never become successful. Once you set realistic goals, then it will be much easier for you to focus your mind in accomplishing all of them. Just spend time writing out your goals so you will always be reminded about them.
Another tip that will help you increase your knowledge about making money (for dummies) is to become aware of your options. Try to obtain as much information as you can get about the different methods of earning money online. Blogging is probably one of the safest and the most effective way to increase your income online. All it takes is for you to create blogs that have valuable and informative content and you will be on your way towards increasing your profitability. If you are thinking of trying out blogging, then make sure that your blogs are created in an informative yet humorous manner to ensure that you captivate the attention of a lot of internet users.
If you wish to learn more about how to make money online, it is advisable for you to learn from experts. Start looking for a mentor who has already earned a decent sum of money through the internet and who is willing to share relevant information to you. By trying to gain information from those who know best, you will gain awareness about the basics of making money for dummies, thereby increasing your chances of success.
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Easy Affiliate Marketing - The Exciting Viral Method
Copyright (c) 2010 Riley West
Affiliate marketing is in the area of internet marketing in which the salespeople (the affiliates) get paid a commission each time they cause a sale that comes in through their affiliate"link."
It's a great model and many people have become rich just by selling other people's products.
It's the online version of the offline world's commissioned salespeople, such as the one's employed by cars dealers, furniture dealers, appliances, real estate and insurance, to name just a few.
But being a commissioned salesperson online (an affiliate) is a lot easier in many ways.
First of all there are the onerous things the affiliate doesn't have to do.
Affiliate salespeople don't have to stand "belly to belly' with their prospects.
They don't have to show up at certain hours or work on their days off.
They don't have to dress in a certain manner and they don't have a "boss."
They also don't have to solve delivery or product satisfaction problems.
And they don't have to collect the money and handle the financing.
Add to that the fact that online commissioned salespeople get a far larger commission than their offline counterparts.
However you look at it, affiliate marketing online is, in lots of ways, better than the offline version.
There are some things an affiliate marketer does have to do, though, and one of them can be the most vexing problem for most affiliates.
And that is the challenge of generating enough traffic to their offers.
Many affiliates suffer from volumes of traffic that are too low for their conversion rates.
Higher traffic will 'solve' the problem of low conversion rates. And higher conversion rates will compensate for low traffic.
So the "holy grail" for affiliates is to find high conversion products and expose that product to a high traffic flow. An online marketing marriage made in heaven.
But there is another way. It is referred to as 'viral."
A good example would be an ebook, or a PDF report, or a series of videos that cover all the points and tools needed to be able to succeed at Internet Marketing.
It could cover the basics, such as terminology and marketing concepts. Also included could be explanations of hosting and domains, traffic generation methods, keyword research, and the basics of websites and blogs.
In this product a prospective affiliate could place some of their affiliate links.
They could then sell this for whatever price point it would bring and make some money. And maybe later a few hits on their links therein.
Or they could give it away, and, knowing that many of the people who got it wouldn't take it to the next level, they might click some of those links and make the original product developer a nice affiliate commission.
There are internet marketers out there that offer "rebrandable" reports in which you can take the original affiliate links out and put yours in. That's another great idea.
If you need to make some extra money or you have the ambition to make a lot of money, affiliate marketing could just be perfect for you.
About the Author
Are you in need of extra money? Would you like to see a way to make that money that isn't so hard and can even be fun once you get it up and running! At Riley West's Famous Blog go to Easy Affiliate Marketing and you'll find a way! For other plans with the emphasis on Easy Affiliate Marketing look at the dozens explored in the Famous Blog or see our sister site at One Week Marketing
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