Tuesday 27 April 2010

Writing Childrens Books For Dummies

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If you can't understand the Bible, what book should you read?

I know there is a bible for dummies, but what i'm looking for is the Bible written more simpler. Is there such thing? Or am I suppost to get some kinda cliff notes for the bible and try to figure it out on my own? Anyone know. I did look up the bible for dummies but it is not he bible written simpler it is telling....
Where did the Bible come from?
Who wrote the Bible?
How is the Bible put together?
Should I get a childrens bible?
This has nothing to do with IF I can read or not. It's funny how people judge so fast over a question on YA. Pretty sad! If you have nothing wise or nice to say you obviously need to go find God. Get some Jesus in your life...... then we can talk.

If you are wanting to know God and to have a relationship with Him, the Bible is the book to read. I completely understand that it can be complicated and hard to understand at times, but sometimes you just have to concentrate and re-read. Also, pray about it. If you are really wanting to understand it, the Holy Spirit will be there for you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Jeff Crosby on Illustrating a picture book for children

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