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Web Demo: 1.You need to load information about new customers from the NEW_CUST table into the tables CUST and CUST_SPECIAL. If a new customer has a credit limit greater than 10,000, then the details have to be inserted into CUST_SPECIAL. All new customer details have to be inserted into the CUST table. Which technique should be used to load the data most efficiently? A. external table B. the MERGE command C. the multitable INSERT command D. INSERT using WITH CHECK OPTION Answer: C
2.View the Exhibit and examine the description of the ORDERS table. Which two WHERE clause conditions demonstrate the correct usage of conversion functions? (Choose two.) A. WHERE order_date > TO_DATE('JUL 10 2006','MON DD YYYY') B. WHERE TO_CHAR(order_date,'MON DD YYYY') = 'JAN 20 2003' C. WHERE order_date > TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,6),'MON DD YYYY') D. WHERE order_date IN ( TO_DATE('Oct 21 2003','Mon DD YYYY'), TO_CHAR('NOV 21 2003','Mon DD YYYY') ) Answer: AB
3.View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the EMP table which is not partitioned and not an index-organized table. Evaluate the following SQL statement: ALTER TABLE emp DROP COLUMN first_name; Which two statements are true regarding the above command? (Choose two.) A. The FIRST_NAME column would be dropped provided it does not contain any data. B. The FIRST_NAME column would be dropped provided at least one or more columns remain in the table. C. The FIRST_NAME column can be rolled back provided the SET UNUSED option is added to the above SQL statement. D. The FIRST_NAME column can be dropped even if it is part of a composite PRIMARY KEY provided the CASCADE option is used. Answer: BD
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How To Make Accounts In SQL For Dummies
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[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] What topics are covered in an organic chemistry college course?
I keep hearing nightmare stories about how hard this course is so I've convinced myself that I need to study independently a semester in advance so I won't feel too overwhelmed when I eventually take it.
I bought a cheap ochem textbook (and ochem for dummies to supplement) but I'm not sure what parts I should read in the textbook, unless most courses require that you read the book from beginning to end! (which in that case, might be a good idea to start reading now!)
oh yea, if possible, can you specify which ones are in ochem-I and ochem-II?
I am very grateful for your answers. Thanks in advance!
I can't speak for your school, but the course and expectations can vary quite widely. From my experience, most students succeed with stereochemistry, conformational analysis, nomenclature, etc. They describe static things. If given enough practice, students know what sp3 or axial mean.
Reactions are a different matter. You start with something and end up with something else and the variations are endless. I used reaction mechanisms or mechanistic thinking as a staple of my teaching activities. I also introduced a mechanism workbook to supplement the class. By doing so, I raised my class average on the ACS organic exam by 20 percentile points.
Many students (and professors) resist a mechanism approach. A mechanisms is a logical explanation of the electron movements that lead to the products. I like it. That kind of thinking appeals to me and has worked well with my class.
Learn reaction mechanisms with "The Language of Organic Chemistry; A Guide to Organic Chemistry Mechanisms" at http://www.curvedarrowpress.com. Incidentally, I had a summer high school student learning reactions from the book without taking organic chemistry. The book makes the reactions accessible and I believe my results are a reflection of that.
At the other extreme, some schools emphasize retrosynthesis and can be rigid in how it is formatted. I have tutored some students in schools like that. I mention this because it strikes me as being extremely challenging to try to make use of reactions frequently did not know. It is like translating from English with a foreign language dictionary. I would expect organic chemistry to be extremely challenging at those schools.
Catalysts for Dummies
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I want to learn (and teach my son) everything there is to know about hunting (northwoods, deer, birds, rabbits, etc). I grew up with some guns, but we NEVER went hunting. What's a good book, and maybe website. "hunting for dummies" thanks.
Go to Amazon, punch in 'hunting' and hit 'enter'. Thousands of books about all aspects of hunting are available. Better yet, find some local hunters (older hunters are usually best) and tell them that you want to take up hunting. Most guys are happy to help someone new to the sport.
You can't do it overnight; there is simply too much to learn about each species. You can get a good crash course that can make you successful quickly, though. You can quickly become a hunter that enjoys hunting. Make sure that you learn the safety aspects first.
Deer Tracking For Dummies
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Complete Idiot'S Guide To Solar Power - You'll Be Amazed !
If you think it might be smart to start researching on the complete idiot's guide to solar power, then you definitely need to read this quick article - it will give you a new slant on the possibilities of solar technology. If you learned that it's possible to do away with power bills with a system that creates useful electricity for you and your family from ordinary sunlight at a cost you can't afford to pass up - would you be interested? Keep reading the following article.
In the recent past, plugging your home to an independent solar power supply system was considered quite an expensive investment that only few could afford, still, some people hung onto the vision. It's now a common occurrence to seek information on the complete idiot's guide to solar power, which confirms that curiosity about green technology has grown, and with it the quantity of people who want to educate themselves on this electrifying new area.
The latest news in this field is that the time to easily 'solarize' your home is here and now and won't empty the wallet of those who want to start enjoying an absolutely free and unlimited home power supply. This technology has been around for a long time, but few people had the money to invest in getting set up with it; unfortunately we had to keep getting our power supply from the power company, all the while paying high prices for an essential need.
Before you go any further with your investigation into the complete idiot's guide to solar power, I want you to know that not so long ago, a pioneer in the field of 'clean' energy wants to expand the use of green energy by showing you how to make a solar energy system of your own, quickly and easily, with low-cost and easy-to-find materials and a simple method for assembling them. I also learned that there were thousands of american and worldwide users who have already discovered the advantages of this technology, not only to produce free and clean power supply, but even get paid by the power company for the extra power that they produce. Being that affordable and accessible, homemade energy production is sure to 'brighten up' the whole energy 'machine.'
Buying a dummy fake non-working iPhone iPad or iPod Touch
These dummies have the exact same dimensions and weight as the real iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Every detail is there, from the working volume, hold and home buttons (meaning you can actually press them) to the Apple logo on the back.
To make sure everyone understands what we have here - you won't have any reception issues with this version of the iPhone 4 dummy, no reception issues with the antenna, no calls dropped, nothing because you can't make a call on it at all - because its a non working dummy iphone. You would be suprised how many customers came back saying, but why can I not put my sim card inside? the screen is blank? Well, of course you cant buy a real iPhone, iPad or iPod touch for a tiny fraction of its price.
Maybe this will make you feel better if you haven't got the iPad 2 yet. Or use it as a decoy, so a thief can steal the dummy. Or just look trendy and cool without spending a ton of money.
You can not only buy the iphone 4 dummy in black or white but also the iphone 3G/S in black or white. Other than the iphone the other dummies you can buy are the apple ipod touch and the apple ipad (that can be bought with or without the screen displays). We have of course just stocked up on the new iPad 2 Dummy - Your probably thinking what to do with these dummies, well you can show it off to your family and friends, take those professional photo shoots in style, or even buy it as a gift for someone crazy about apple gadgets!
For those of you that own a retail store, this would be perfect as a "dummy" product to display and avoid the risk of someone trying to steal the real thing.
Whether you like playing pranks with friends and family or just an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch fan these Dummy Display products can be used for countless things other than a phone or tablet. Even for your kids to play with and show off at school - Or maybe you even would like to make a video of you smashing an iPhone. It looks, feels, and weighs exactly the same as the real deal.
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Are you looking for a inexpensive but quality musical gift this year. The electrical guitar pack for dummies is a very popular choice this holiday season. It is a starter set so it comes with everything you need so you don't have to purchase things separately. It is made by Kona who has a good reputation in the musical instrument circles. This is primary for people just learning to play guitar not the more seasoned guitar player.
This bundle includes a 10 watt Ul listed Kona amp , guitar bag,cable,tuner,strap and picks , "Electric Guitar Basics For Dummies" book with CD and a 42" X 31" chord chart . This saves time because you don't have to shop for these items individually. The guitar it self is very lite so its easy to use if you are shopping for someone younger.
I was expecting the CD included to be a CD-ROM or a DVD instruction, however, it is just a music CD with a few audio tracks (the notes are shown in certain parts of the booklet. Because this is a stater set the amp only has 3 knobs: volume, bass, and treble. Again very easy to use. It seems the average age of user is around 10-14 years old. If you are looking for a gift for an older teenager this might not be the perfect fit, but is designed for players of all ages.
If you don't know anything about guitars, the electrical guitar pack for dummies is very wser friendly. If you look at many of the starter guitars they look cheap while this product looks of quality. If you campare this to other starter sets you will see it is a good buy.
About the Author
To find the best prices on the Electric Guitar Pack for Dummies click here!
Fashion for Dummies Launch Party with Jill Martin
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Spoons are great trolling fishing lures for several reasons. For starters, they are cheap. This means that you will be saving lots of money compared to the costs of other lures out there. When it comes to saltwater fishing, there are a lot of lures out there that cost over five dollars. There are a few expensive lures out there that cost even more. Sometimes, fishing lures for the ocean cost over ten dollars.
Everyone's talking about the new light emitting Esca Lures.
Spoons are also great for trolling because they emit a great deal of reflections. Every time one of these lures reflects light, it also shines throughout the water. This shining nature also attracts the attention of many fish. When trolling, most fishermen use a down rigger to keep the spoon at a deeper depth. The great thing about doing this is that the device that keeps the spoon down also reflects light and is often bigger than the spoon. A bigger reflection or shine in the water is more likely to attract fish that are farther away. Spoons are also great lures for mackerel trolling because they are very durable. Unlike many rapalas and fish like lures out there, a spoon will not chip or break as easily.
Fish for Your Dinner - Spanish Mackerel
What better way to start your holiday then to go fishing for some fresh Spanish Mackerel.
The first thing you need to ensure is that you have the right fishing gear. Through their migratory periods the Spanish Mackerel are relatively easy to catch and you can use either lures or live bait. We would recommend you use a Daiwa Sealine SLX Conventional Reel 3BB 270yd 30lb 4.9 to 1 or Okuma Titus Gold Alum Lever Drag Hi Speed 6.2 to 1 370yd 20lb Fishing reel combined with a Daiwa Sealine XB Boat Rod 7' 1pc 20-60lb rod.
Other recommended tackle for this style of fishing is an overhead reel carrying 400 yards of 15 to 30 lb line, mounted on a medium actioned rod. Regulation game fishing type tackle is good but longer and softer rods tend to work better than game rods. The main reason for using longer rods is that mackerel have soft mouths and it is easy to pull the hooks out if the fight is forced. The smooth, parabolic action of a jig type rod is easier on the fish and the hooks stay put.
Large thread line reels and large bait casters can also be used particularly on spotted mackerel, although the Spaniards can test them for line capacity. The most important point is for the reel to have a smooth drag, this is essential on fast running fish. When fishing, the reels are set in-gear with the ratchet on and a firm but not overly hard drag. Mackerel are clean fighters and don't have any tricks other than sheer speed. Naturally when fishing for mackerel other fish will take the baits too. And it's not a bad by-catch either with fish like Cobia, yellowtail kingfish, marlin, longtail tuna, mackerel tuna, sharks and bonito. They all take baits intended for mackerel, so obviously this is all a bonus to the day and provides extra sport.
Spanish Mackerel are renowned for aggressively taking trolled lures and baits. Using 1-1.5oz red and white feathered lures as well as minnow lures or the Rapala with red head and white body trolled at about 8-12 knots work best to entice that hook up. You can also troll at 6-10 knots with live bait. Rigged garfish trolled around likely areas will also work well as will small bonito and frigate mackerel on the Spaniards
The first choice for bait is live slimy mackerel. This bait is the most consistently favored by the fish. The big specimens are good for the Spaniards and the small to medium ones are ideal for the spotted mackerel.The next bait in line is pike, followed by local herrings and pilchards..
During the mackerel season, finding the bait can be the most important part of the day as no bait or the wrong kind of bait may mean no fish. Mackerel are a first rate table fish and can be filleted or turned into cutlets as they have a very soft spine. They must be iced soon after capture to keep them in good condition so a large cooler filled with plenty of ice is essential.
Always remember that mackerel have extremely large, sharp teeth and they can and do bite and slash unwary anglers. When the fish is gaffed, the quickest answer is a tap on top of the head with a small bat or length of pipe. Leave the hooks in its mouth and just tie on another trace. The hooks can be extracted later when cleaning the fish.
We recommend trying the recipe below you will not be disappointed!
Spanish Mackerel (Serves 5-6)
4 Spanish mackerel steaks on the bone
4 limes juiced and zested
1/4 cup light soya sauce
Good splash fish sauce
2 cloves garlic
1 soup spoon ginger crushed and chopped
1/4 cup white wine (semillon or sauvignon blanc)
Marinate fish in above mixture 1-2 hours, then prepare the following: 1/4 cup chopped coriander 1/4 cup chopped parsley 2 chopped chillies 1 soup spoon sesame seeds 3 to 4 drops sesame oil 2 garlic cloves, crushed and chopped Juice of 1 lime plus zest
Mix together all ingredients and pat one side of fish steaks and sear on hot BBQ plate with oil, or on char grill, but not for too long as you don't want to burn the herbs. Turn over and cook for enough time to bring to medium (do not overcook). Serve with mixed green leaf salad tossed with remaining mixed herbs.
Should you want alternate Spanish Mackerel recipes or recipes for any other fish please do not hesitate to contact Marilyn. We will email them to you within 24 hours. Alternatively if you have a favorite recipe you would like to share please email that. We shall put that on our site with credit to you.
Surf Fishing For Mackerel With Lures
Mackerel are not the hardest fish in the ocean to catch, I will at least admit that. They are, however, a very exciting game fish to fish for though. The coolest part about fishing for these neat looking creatures is that you do not need a boat. Yep, you don't have to pay all of that money for a fishing charter or guide. Will you probably catch more fish with a deep sea fishing guide? Usually you will, but you can still catch a good many without a guide. I will show you how I catch mackerel from the shore.
When I am trying to catch mackerel from the shore, I always use lures, more specifically a gotcha lure or a spoon. Mackerel love these fishing lures. On several occasions, I have successfully landed over twenty Spanish mackerel while fishing from the shore. I usually either wade out into a couple of feet of water or go out to a pier. The method is actually quite simple. All I do is go out early in the morning and look for schools of bait. IF you find the bait during prime feeding hours, then you will more than likely find the mackerel.
Once I have found the bait, I simply cast near them with a gotcha lure and hope for the best. I pump the rod when using this plug pretty fast, because I usually get more fish that way. That's about it folks, I hope that this information helps you to catch more mackerel in the future. Good luck fishing for mackerel.
Traverse City has become a hot destination spot during the summer. It's fame reaches wider than the National Cherry Festival and its plentiful wineries. It is also referred to as Michigan's Golf Coast, but the biggest attraction this Summer was on Lake Michigan Wednesday morning, as Father Earl Knickers caught a whopping 40 pound mackerel, breaking the old record set 3 years earlier by "Shitlips" McGee for a 38 pounder.
After a 2 hour battle with the fish, Father Knickers, on what seemed to be a fruitless attempt, looked up to the heavens, gave a wink, and with all his might, hoisted the fish from the deep blue waters onto his boat. "It was a dream come true," said the priest. "I have given so much in my life and have asked for so little. But this is something I needed for me," remarked Father Knickers.
Moments before the fight between the priest and the fish ended, other participants had seen the priest in a verbal altercation with the fish. One fisherman, Mark Elios described the scene, "He was doing battle with the fish, when all of a sudden he went on a tirade yelling 'Get the f*ck in this boat! I've given up meat on Lent and having sex with women! I'm not giving this up! Come here, you gilled bastard!'"
After the news of the priest's ruckus on the water hit the dock, he was cheered by a few and booed by others. "There are children here!" yelled one of the mothers at the contest.
A short time later, the mackerel, hanging upside down on the dock, voiced his disapproval saying "It's bad enough that he tricked me with bait, which tasted terrible by the way, then yanked on me for God knows how long, but then he berated me in front of everybody. I am more upset about that, than being gutted open in a few minutes." The mackerel then called over the judges of the contest to file a grievance.
"I empathize with the fish, but I checked the rule book and there is nothing about disqualification for foul language," said Tim Reilly, a local judge at the competition for the past 8 years. After snapping a few pictures for the local newspaper and signing a few autographs, Father Knickers grabbed a bottle of champagne, fashioned it as a fish mallet and knocked the mackerel into next Tuesday. We'll have more on the mackerel's condition Wednesday.
Mackerel - Scomber Scombrus Powerful Torpedo Shaped Fish (UK)
Shoals come to our shores from the Atlantic fairly early in the year although March and April they can still be 20 / 30 miles off shore were there main spawning grounds are , laying up to half a million eggs per female . Around May when the shoals are still spawning they move closer in shore and will be around our shoreline till September. But in some places of the UK you can catch them all year round.
Mackerel is a great all round sea fishing bait with all fish excepting it as a hooked bait . An advantage of using mackerel is that is can hold up to casting and is readily available and inexpensive fishing bait available all year round.
Getting hold of Mackerel
There are various ways of obtaining mackerel for your fishing trip
Catching fresh mackerel on feather is a top way of starting you days fishing. Fresh Mackerel is all ways best for sea fishing as they are full of sent and blood Do not forget the supermarkets as they always have fresh mackerel in the fish departments, and is a great and easy way of getting your mackerel all year round but always check the use by dates Buying frozen Mackerel from your local tackle shop gives you the flexibility but always get the blast frozen type. As mackerel frozen slowly means that the flesh of the fish will not be firm once defrosted thus hindering casting and bait presentation
How do you fish with mackerel? Whole Side Flapper Long and thin Pennel
Quick tips
All bait will loose its attraction sent over time so remember to change your bait every 15 to 30 mins or you will greatly be reducing your chances of a bite
Used a proper filleting knife and keep it sharp, they only cost 10.00 pounds +/- for a reasonable one and are worth every penny
Always cut your mackerel on a chopping board as this gives you a flat surface to cut on and saves your filleting knife . A way of saving money is pop down your supermarket and buying one there, as a handy sized cutting board of 12 inches can be as low as 99 pence ( cutting on concert will blunt your knife very quickly )
Always cut down the fish and away from you that way if the knife slips then you will not get cut
On warm days keep your mackerel out of the sunlight and in a cooler box
Idiot Guide to Mackerel Fishing From a Boat
Mackerel fishing is always a family favorite. Either jigging or trolling for them, the family usually gets fed.
Mackerel are fairly powerful mid swimming fish, so a strong rod and line will eliminate disappointment for the children. Use a minimum of 20 lb line, as often a full string of feathers will produce as many fish in one haul. Set your rig of feathers with the weight furthest away from the rod, if that is the method you choose. Between the main line from your rod end fix a swivel or ideally a swivel clip and fix the ready-made trace of feathers to that. Finally as described before the weight. 3-4oz is usually sufficient for jigging. If fishing in deep water, jigging is probably favorable. This is basically lowering the rig into the water, to start with near the bottom, and then lifting and dropping the weight and feathers. If you have no success at one depth try fishing further up into the water until you catch. Mackerel are fish that shoal in large numbers, so you may be a while before you see a fish and after that there may be lots all at once. A bit like London Busses. The alternative to jigging is to troll. Depending on the lowest speed of your boat, you may need to change the weight to a heavier one, if you boat will not go very slowly under power, a heavy lure or spinner and a para vane my resolve the problem and keep the lure at a depth. Mackerel can easily be caught with a float and bait or spinner. In this instance, a lighter rod may be considered, as you will only be catching them one at a time. Baits: If float fishing, any fish flesh will do. Sand eel, herring or mackerel. They are no too fussy
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Where can I get a Sewing Mannequin ( dressmaking dummy ) in Cork?
I need this for recreational purposes.....i love sewing (my mom is a home ec. teacher) and i like to make my own clothes.....i do require a cheap mannequin to use ....thanks for your help :)
They are expensive to buy have you thought of making our own? This YouTube makes it look fairly easy.
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Credit Repair For Dummies - Tricks Of The Trade With Regard To Repairing Your Personal Bad Credit
If you suffer from from a a bad credit score rating so if you're in need of credit repair, it is advisable to utilize the expertise of a professional. Nevertheless, this does not mean you should completely depend on the actual expert alone.
You ought to educate yourself concerning the numerous tips and tricks available for sale so far as selfhelp credit repair can be involved. Actually if you do not give it a try yourself, understanding of selfhelp credit repair tips and techniques will help you examine the actual overall performance of the experts.
For starters, learn how to control your charge card debts. This is very trial and even the actual professional cannot assist you to till unless you're ready to be disciplined. The actual wisest choice would be to hand over all your credit credit cards to your spouse and keep credit cards belonging to your spouse inside your wallet. This means that you will find it impossible in order to incur expenditure on your credit card all alone. Learn more credit>
You'd need your partner to sign up the actual slip and authorize the transaction. 2 brains go into the image and you will see sufficient range for starters party in order to discourage another through incurring impulsive expenditure. This is simple technique will help you execute selfhelp credit repair as well as bring your own credit card debt under control.
Next, make it a point in order to shop each and every record associated with finances as well as bad debts, particularly your credit cards. This is essential simply because you might need the documents as evidence necessary to convince your credit bureau that your challenge is valid. If you do not possess evidence, you can't file challenge even though you know you're right.
Thirdly, don't already been the rush to try to get brand new credit cards over and over. Be very careful especially when you are becoming turned down regularly. Even though your own proposal is recognized, the large number of queries will certainly " cure " your own favor. This will possess a negative impact on your credit history.
You should use credit repair for dummies that help you improve finances as a whole. As far as specific credit repair tricks come to mind, it is advisable to utilize experts so that you can obtain maximum advantages by putting in minimum effort. You'll find experts on the web with no trouble. Additional, you are able to talk to professionals on the internet and obtain the best repair amenities.
The procedure to remove poor credit can be time consuming. If you're working inside a certain time period as well as need a quicker procedure, choices can be found. Reading through your credit history and eliminating the actual negative represents, through disputation, may erase poor credit. Visit the following link to learn more regarding how to credit repair for dummies quickly as well as legally.
About the Author
For more information please visit The Credit Pros for more info on Credit Repair for Dummies or call (800) 411-3050
School Budget Finance
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What are the steps and techniques for body building (e.g. basics on intensity and repetitions)?
What do I need to do when I enter the gym? How often a week to bodybuild and for how long? What is the diffrence between bodybuilding and endurance-building techniques? How many resistance machines to try? How to use them? What is right intensity? How many repetions in a set? How many sets on a machine? How long does it take for progress to show up in terms of muscle weight? Thanks for explaining this to a bodybuilder dummy...:)
Get a personal trainer, but heres what I do
FOR BULK: 5-8 reps (3 sets), 3-5 times a week FOR ENDURANCE: 10-12 reps (3 sets), 3-5 times a week
Bodybuilding for dummies
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What TEXT-TO-SPEECH software, freeware, best among its pairs, simple to learn, would you recommend?
Please, would some of you suggest me a TEXT-TO-SPEECH software, which is freeware, best among its pairs, simple to learn and use? It must have speed control, pause, resume, etc. It must read from .doc, .txt., .html (perhaps .pdf too).
I have already tried to install "Natural Voice Text to Speech Reader", but it was too much for an old computer dummy such as me (it started to ask me to install codecs and other things, at the end it read very well its own texts, but made a terrible bee-like noise when I tried to make it read all my texts in any text format ... I need something fool-proof).
Readplease.com is the best. Basic version is free (no strings) And, the voices work well. Especially "Mary."
DOMA for Dummies: Feb 28, This Week in Prop 8
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Even an expert in something has flaws and needs new learning too. This is why the World Wide Web has been considered to be the new ‘dummy book' of the 21st century. The internet community has expanded from just being a mere source of communication to being a channel and/or a bank of knowledge. This is where questions about something starts to get answered and answers starts to get questioned. So even the geekiest of them all will still have some questions about something and express some interest about a new, unknown thing.
Guitar players are seen worldwide. Since playing the guitar has produced rock stars, record-breaking acoustic duos, and some other famous musicians, people, especially teenagers, have expressed a want or a passion to learn how to play guitar and earn something by creating music. Some may have enrolled themselves in music schools, home lessons with an expert or even pay for an online module. They say that in playing drums, when you learn and become an expert in jazz and blues, you'd be a pretty awesome drummer who can play any kind of genre. In playing some other instrument like the guitar, you can also prefer playing blues if you would want to start honing your skills in becoming an expert. Playing online blues guitar lessons might seem to be a pretty tough and challenging one but there are for sure a lot of online blues guitar lessons you can find over the internet. Online you can find free lessons for beginners; some require membership for those who would like to continue from the basics to advanced lessons.
If you are looking forward to be one of the best guitar players of all time, then try to learn how to play blues to hone your skills more. It may not be as interesting as your heavy metal piece but it will surely help you in practicing and conditioning your fingers and the musician in you. So connect to your internet now and search for online blues guitar lessons before promos and packages run out! Remember, learning is just the beginning. Make it fun and effective.
As the fall semester draws to a close, many college students are faced with increasing anxiety over final exams, or rather whether or not their performance during those exams will elevate their grade to the desired level. While there’s no substitution for semester long studying and academic preparedness, there are a few things students can do besides cramming to put their most knowledgeable face forward.
The first step is to know your professor. Most college professors will give plenty of indication as to what the final exams will contain. If not, you can usually expect something similar to the midterm or any other tests you’ve taken along the way. Some professors take great delight in testing on the most esoteric statements or principles of the study materials or lectures while others simply stick to the salient points. Those who fall into the former category should take up a lot more of your precious study time than those from the latter.
The second step is to study smart by tailoring your efforts to fit the type of class you’re in. As an example, few literature professors will ask for specific details of a drama or novel, instead wanting to make sure you understand the overall themes of a story or the motivations behind the character contained therein. Study guides on popular fiction, such as the “for dummies” series of books will usually impart a high level of understanding in a very small timeframe. A calculus final, on the other hand, will likely require you to have mastered the equations covered in class throughout the entire semester or at least the second half. Systematically going over them and working through some examples, either as a refresher or to learn what you should have already, is a good investment of your time.
The third step is to know yourself, specifically how much sleep you need to be functional. Getting less sleep than normal is a given, but there’s a point at which your mind will have a much harder time recalling all that last minute knowledge you’ve attempted to stuff it full of. Some people can function perfectly with three hours of sleep, while others need six. It’s better to be under-prepared and well rested than to be the walking dead.
The final step is to play the odds based on your academic situation. If you have a high GPA and want to retain it, you probably have a class or two that doesn’t present much of a problem for you. Skip studying for those and concentrate on the classes that you have a hard time with. Analytical thinkers who dread an essay test may want to brush up on their understanding of sociology themes for a sociology class rather than spend time solidifying their understanding of covalent bonding for a chemistry final. Needless to say, if your goal is simply to pass and you have a class or two for which your performance up to finals leaves you wondering if you’ll have to take the class again, spend your time there.
[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] How to plan a wedding (Canada)?
I am trying to plan my wedding and I have no idea where to start. I'm looking for a book or website that will tell me everything. Wedding planning for dummies would work except that I am planning an outdoorsy, simple wedding. Lots of guests, I would like to follow some traditions but not all of them. Any ideas?
I'm planning my wedding too, here's a rough to-do list!
SOON:- - Choose best man & bridesmaids - Set a date - Pick and book a venue (ceremony/reception) - Find a celebrant/religious figure to marry you both - Write out a guest list
SOONISH:- - Set up a wedding gift list - Write vows - Design and send invitations - Organise catering and alcohol - Shop for wedding dress, bridesmaids dresses and suits - Design your flowers - Find a photographer - Organise the wedding cake - Buy your wedding rings
LATER:- - Arrange music - Book honeymoon - Plan hen night and stag do - Transport to wedding - Favours - Plan decorations for venue
That's the major areas covered! Buy a brides magazine to flick through, they usually have extravagant plans month by month, which will be helpful even if you're planning a simple wedding.
Online bride sites usually have organisers too where you can keep track of everything.
If you did want a wedding planning for dummies, here's a link to the amazon site: http://www.amazon.com/Wedding-Planning-Dummies-Second-Marcy/dp/0764556851
There are other 'weddings for dummies' books available too!
Wedding planner: How to decide if you need a wedding planner
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Idiots Guide to Creating Blogging Ideas and Staying Motivated
Generating Writing Ideas and Staying Productive
A reader recently asked me how I manage to keep coming up with article ideas and stay productive. The strange thing is, repetitively coming up with fresh ideas for articles is my largest challenge by far. Besides just being a part-time author, I have a full-time job and a family. This creates a dual challenge of producing ideas and having the time to plan out and deliver them.
I have to make my own time to get the work done. I try to blog when everyone is asleep and when I get moving with something I don't stop until I finish or crash. As for the task of creating new ideas, I have a few tips that have helped me out a lot.
Here are my best tips for staying motivated and generating content:
Create More Ideas than you Need
More ideas = more production - period.
You need to develop as many ideas and concepts as you can. Then, pick the best ones from that pile. I am perpetually looking for ideas, inspiration, issues, challenges, arguments, and anything else that makes me want to write. Strangely enough, these things are around every corner; whether we're looking or not.
Capture, Store, Process, and Use Ideas - All Day - Every Day
Like I said, great ideas are happening all around us. You need to record these things in a way that you can take action upon them later. My two main tools for capturing and acting on data are a paper notebook and Evernote (www.Evernote.com) application. Evernote works on a Windows or Mac pc along with all smartphones. They also have a browser extension that will quickly send information from web pages to your notebook. Whenever I get an idea or see something useful, I immediately capture it somewhere. If I have my notebook, I write it down. Later on I snap a picture and send it to my Evernote app. If I just have my phone, I snap a picture and quickly type in something to help me remember what I thought. All of these notes get sent to folders like "article ideas" or "marketing" or "productivity".
Take in as much Content as Possible
If you want to get ideas and inspiration then you need to read, watch, or hear inspiring works. I read mountains of information every day. The best tool that I have found for massive, effective information consumption is an RSS Reader. RSS Readers allow you to subscribe to information updates from blogs, news sites, and just about anything else on the web.
I prefer using Google Reader because it is web-based and available everywhere. I am presently subscribed to more than 200 RSS feeds. I get articles, news stories, videos, shopping deals, and more pouring into buckets that I rapidly sift through. I group all of these feeds together by topic (Productivity, Gadgets, Sports, Economy, etc.). When I have some time to read, I can quickly crank through 30 or so fresh articles on a given topic.
For most articles I just scan the headlines and pictures, for others I read, star, and share them. I send the really good ones, to Evernote for future use. I have never seen a swifter way to consume reams of information, plus get a quick feel for how a topic is trending.
Step Away from the Computer and Meet Some Human beings
Nothing puts ideas in your head more rapidly than interesting dialog. I regularly force myself to find local functions where I can get out and meet real people. Some of these people might read my blog and others are involved in things that interest me. You get a surprising number of ideas that way. One of the places that I go to find interesting events in my area is Meetup.com. If two or more people want to gather and discuss a topic, you'll find them there.
Look for Ideas in the Situations and Challenges Around You
Think about your daily life experiences. What kind of things make life harder, easier, more fun, scary, or frustrating? Take those experiences and the emotion that they produce and try to relate them to your topic. I probably write some of my best stuff when I'm angry about something annoying.
What to do with all of these Ideas
I take action on some of my captured ideas right away and others I just save for a rainy day. Whenever I have writer's block or I'm just burnt, I comb through my notes and look for ideas. This has gotten me "unstuck" lots of times.
Christopher Masiello is an E-Learning Guru by day, Blogger by night. I write the VitaminCM.com blog, which features Video Tutorials and Step-By-Step Guides that help you do more with technology. Let him show you how to set up custom, professional blog.
About the Author
E-Learning Guru by day, Blogger by night. I write the VitaminCM.com blog, which features Video Tutorials and Step-By-Step Guides that help you do more with tech
How Many Days? Day 578 - An Idiot's Guide To Blogging
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[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] IN THE HELPFUL".. FOR DUMMIES" BOOK SERIES, WHAT WAS THE FIRST TITLE?
DOS...just a wild guess. It came before windows.
Cisco NSS 300 Series: Smart Storage for Dummies
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4 Depressing Opt In Email Marketing Tricks for Dummies
By having an opt in email marketing plan running on your internet site can just explode your subscribers to new heights my friend. Trust me I know because We've been accumulating free leads for years by having an incredible email marketing pursuing software.
Folks need to realize how to get people to state..this is my name and email, are you able to please send me more info on your topic. Here is the great thing about internet marketing, once somebody gives you there contact data now you are able to build an connection with that particular person.
The difficulties is that the majority don't know how to acquire people to sign up for their opt in email marketing list. Absolutely many people have websites and are not taken advantage of the ability of social networking with readers to develop your blog.
Here I began with two email subscribers and they both were my buddy and best friend. The thing is this been over several years ago and today I mange to gain about 500, 000 more subscribers. This really is hard work for the individual who just beginning to learn the ways on how to build a list the proper way.
People.. it doesn't require an fancy website to create your subscribers, for the reason that I had a single page with simply just an logo on it but it converted very properly into 100 people a day in sign ups…and here are some simple steps to help you get started.
1. You have to have the right marketing with email tracking software..most people use constant contact, I prefer GetResponse because it's a main software I been using for eight many years now.
2. Share something free such as an ebook or perhaps newsletter. Make sure you educate them and don't spam and then, they will buy from you when the time is right.
3. Your own opt in marketing with email should always consistency associated with given great value that will prompt that person to enter their info.
4. Making your opt in box is certainly easier than boiling water..now in the event you can't boil water then you will be in trouble in this article.
Now Think About Traffic? The best way to get traffic fast is social marketing. So you best setup as numerous social marketing accounts as you can and start leaving your internet site so people can certainly visit and subscribe.
Have an ad out inside newspaper a let people be informed on your website. Let people know your distributed free stuff like a newsletter…
Because for whatever reason people love zero cost stuff.
About the Author
Email marketing is one of the seo marketing services that Antonio provides for his clients. His teaching of how to use opt in email marketing to your advantage will help you gain more subscribers and build an honest list.
Fitness For Dummies (ebook)
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Dummy Continued
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I really wish I would've taken them this year, but oh well. I have a small budget (max. like 20-50 dollars) and I have the internet, I was thinking get a dictionary and maybe one of those "German for dummies" books, and find an online thing. Except I don't know which are the best, can anyone help please?
I can't help you to find ways of learning German, but I do know some free sites that can help you with French. First is the French section of About.com: http://french.about.com/
I used this site a lot to help go over some grammar terms. The only problem is that it isn't presented in steps, but a collection of grammar points. However, I found some high school French textbooks that are immensely useful. Here's the site to go to:
Type in one of the three User name and password to access the book. User Name Passwords: BONVL105 w6pUtRux BONVL205 yaN6pRef BONVL305 t6Eta2uw
There's three levels of French, and each book is separated by chapters that cover grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing. It also comes with audio and some videos for each chapter covering the lessons for each chapter on this site: http://www.glencoe.com/sec/medialibrary/
Click on any state, then select world languages, and then select the high school level, and then the book level you are using.
I used the first two books, and I can read a lot of French and write a little bit too. And it was all free.
Good luck on your studies!
French Lesson for Beginners
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[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] CREATIVE HELP NEEDED: - I need ideas for AS English Language coursework!?! :)?
So, for my english language coursework at AS level, i have to write something which can be both informative and instructional (e.g. a revision guide page, or magazine article with directions...) I have no clue what to do. My teacher said to do it on something i am interested in (hobbies) or something which i feel passionately about. Thing is, i only do drama, and i only do that as a subject at school, and something i feel passionately about is Amnesty international and human rights, and i haven't a clue how to interpret that into something informative and instructive.
I had the idea of doing something similar to "Philosophy for dummies" or "Understanding Shakespeare" but i want something funky and different, for example a class mate is doing "How to get over heartbreak" and another "A guide for student life".
Any creative help?? I will be deeply grateful, hope i've supplied enough information.
Well as a degree Performing arts student, I can Give you plenty of help with the drama side of things. It needs to be informative/instructional and comical, so I'd suggest doing something like:
-Drama techniques for dummies - Tips on how to get into the performing arts industry and basics in acting, (Use examples like Improvisation, stanislavski's acting techniques, singing voices)
-So, you want to study drama? - A leaflet/booklet on the basics of drama and what it is.
Or my personal favourite: -How not to act and sing - examples of bad actors and singers and what they did wrong and correct them.
Well If have anymore questions, do feel free to e-mail me at: tankatasker@hotmail.co.uk
Happy essay writing
Shakespeare for dummies - Macbeth Act 1
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[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] [simplecontent lang="" source="flickr"]apa format for dummies[/simplecontent]
Lec 8 | MIT 8.02 Electricity and Magnetism, Spring 2002
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[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] Can you hear a meteorite?
OK, strange question....Last night, I heard this subtle but pronounced "rumble". I couldn't tell where it was coming from (outside?), but I have notoriously bad hearing so I'm not surprised (thanks iPod!).
To my surprise, I read in the paper today that a meteorite pretty much passed right over where I live around the same time.
Co-incidence? Or not?
Any astronomy experts opinions greatly appreciated for this "astronomy dummy"! ;)
A meteor traveling faster than the speed of sound can produce a sonic boom, that is probably what you heard. It can produce a sound when it explodes in the atmosphere, or strikes the earth.
Astronomy for Dummies
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[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] Where can I learn how to program for the Android?
I am a moderate level programmer with backrounds in Basic, C++, Python, and, recently, Java. I recently purchased an Android capable phone as well and would like to learn to write programs for it. My knowledge of the workings of Java are limited (I can understand the code well enough and write it, but I'm not completely competent with all of the classes and everything) , and I know nothing of XML. I purchased Android for Dummies and read through part of it, but I dislike how the book was written (the author did not do a great job). I'd prefer an actual lesson, step by step, that explains each piece in detail, and, more importantly, how to manipulate it, without getting into the unassential behind-the-scenes working. A video tutorial (preferably) or a written tutorial would be great. If, on the off chance, anyone knows of actual classroom courses that are offered or where to look (Phoenix-metro area, AZ, by the way), that would be great. Anyone know where I might find such a thing?
The basics of how android works is given as a part of the Google I/O lectures or the google code university, there are three parts. You should see them all. There are resources at Google Code University and developer.android.com
They take you from Hello World to more applications. Once you are familiarized with all that, you can read the API and being making apps.
dating for dummies book
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[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] For people with Bass Guitar for Dummies?
will Bass Guitar for Dummies actually teach you to play bass guitar? im a beginner...
a little bit, i used that book when i first started the first couple chapters are helpful, but i would suggest lessons after that
also make sure you listen to as much good bass playing as possible while you are learning, the more you hear it the more you will be able to learn the tone of a bass
try these bassists: cliff burton jaco pastorious victor wooten
How To Play Guitar for Beginners : Playing Exercise 1 for Beginning Guitar
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I have not lived long enough to tell horrific first-hand stories about General Idi Amin. I don't believe half of them anyway. Maybe when pigs fly, I will attempt to believe that he had a freezer packed with the heads of his victims.
I have however witnessed some pretty gruesome things in this era. I have seen demonstrating civilians used as training dummies/punching bags. I have seen a man surrender with raised hands, only for his arresters to quickly degenerate into a lynch mob, and beat the lights out of him. I have watched in horror as what was supposed to be a simple arrest turned into a free for all. I have seen soldiers walk up and down the length of a man in a manner that oddly reminded me of someone trying to flatten uneven ground. I could go on to explain that here, shooting men with tear gas right in the face from point blank range does not surprise anyone anymore, but I would be doing the other government howlers a disservice.
The stories are not always violent. Some, well...some are just plain sad. Some of my countrymen lie hopelessly on Mulago hospital beds, right around the same time their government is acquiring 300 million dollars from the treasury for classified state house expenses. Oh yes, they then came back a few weeks later, and took another 700 million dollars to buy fighter jets. Now this here is thoroughly mind twisting. Uganda is a tiny, tiny country with no real territorial enemies, and claims that these jets are for protection just annoy everyone. Protect whom? What, the people that are dying in a government hospital without the most basic medicines? Do I even dare to talk about the underpaid, understaffed personnel? Are we talking protection for the guys that are opting to go home AND DIE THERE INSTEAD?
On Sunday, I listened to a gentleman on spectrum. I don't usually listen to political talk shows because of the occasional catastrophically myopic arguments, and I wished I hadn't. He - and with such gusto - defended his government's spending and lazily brushed off the planned million dollar swearing in ceremony as a mere 1 million dollars; like flicking an annoying, immaterial fly off his shoulder. I mean, what is a mere 1 million dollars to a billion already taken, except for the fact that it is forked – at times under threat of arrest - from the pockets of hard working Ugandan men and women, who after the tax have barely anything to live on. Pugh! What is all the fuss about shooting one insignificant woman in the belly when so many have already perished, except for the fact that a precious life has been taken, and a family has been torn apart.
To whom does our government answer? And here is the heart wrenching, in-your-face fact. We did this. We chose our leadership, so complaining about it is not unlike an impatient man that greedily consumes half-cooked pork, and then loudly complains about the constant and excruciating trips to the bathroom.
1+1 is always 2, even when you apply the most complex Einstein-advanced calculus equations. So what do we do? We stick it out for another 5 years and then do the exact same thing: SSDD. I couldn't say that in full. Mother wouldn't be proud.
Calculus for Dummies ft. Lil Steve and Beezy Weezy
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HI, I have seen many books that tell you what to do...but I am looking for a "for dummies" kind of book that tells you why things are the way they are and what can happen if you don't do it a certain way as well as explain in simple language...does anyone have any suggestions on this?
for example...why is there two (double) top plates? Why not one? what is the purpose of having two....?
I have always wanted to learn about it for a hobby and I am building a chicken coop but have no idea how to build the frame and I thought what a perfect project to learn to build.... any help? Also I noticed someone made a coop and for the frame of the roof...there were teh "joists" and in between each was like a "spacer" but these spacers weren't alined...they were staggered...why?
there is no easy way to learn construction. a carpentry certificate takes 5 years and so is a degree in structural engineering. a degree in architecture also takes 5 years. they all work together similarly with different level of difficulties.
Chicken coops water-proof building Materials Buying Online Hen Houses
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[simpleaffiliate source="chitika" results="0"][/simpleaffiliate] Is there a simple list with HTML codes?
I don't know if there's an HTML for Dummies book out there, but I'm losing my mind! I do a search on how to write something in html and I get back a VERY techy answer. All I want to know is: When I"m making a bulleted list and I have a bullet , can I then make a secondary list with different bullets that indent further from the first set of bullet points? Something like this:
Lets say I want another bullet under the Butter that indents further and says "unsalted" ANY help would be appreciated and please, I'm just learning, so if possible to answer in a plain and simple manner, it would be much appreciated.
Just embed unordered lists within unordered lists like so:
Green beans
Facebook Etiquette and Privacy For Dummies - Creating Friend Lists
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Is 'Guitar for Dummies' a good book for learning to play acoustic guitar?
I play piano and I'm looking to learn to play guitar. Amazon reviews for this book look good but I wanted to know what other people thought?? Also any suggestions for a better book for be appreciated :) Finally, I would pay for lessons but I'm on a students budget and I'm already taking piano and singing. Any help would be great :)
Yes, it's pretty good - but for more informed thoughts on the topic, why not post this in the music section?
Piano Chord Tutorial #1 Tom Willett "Piano Chords"
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It is now possible for any one with a computer and an internet connection to trade in currency. In a world that is cut down to size by the powers of globalization, an investment in currency is the equivalent of investing in a combined world market. A new forex investor must understand the basic concept of foreign exchange investment. It is much unlike a traditional investment that promises a potential profit. It can be considered a hedge against inflation which is a result of the fluctuation of the local currency.
Simply put, a forex dealer buys or sells currency in the belief that its value will go up or down. The only difference between investing in currency and equity trading, is that here you are trading in direct cash. For instance, if you are buying US Dollars that simply means that you expect the US economy to do better than what it is right now.
Major banking institutions play a huge role in regulating the forex markets. They are responsible for maintaining their own balance of trade and ensuring the stability of the economy. When a currency market begins to fluctuate widely owing to large scale speculation, the banks intervene and ensure that stability is restored.
Currency trading is always done in currency pairs such as the USD and the EURO. Buying forex implies buying the first currency and at the same time selling an equivalent amount of the second currency. A trader who deals in forex speculation buys a pair in the belief that the rates for the base or first currency will go up or the corresponding exchange rate will go up.
The forex market was traditionally dominated by a few leading banks and financial institutions. Development in technology has lowered the barriers of entry to the forex markets considerably and opened them up to a new breed of foreign currency investors and speculators.
The currency market is truly a 24-hour market and technically trading is possible at all times. The trading offers a high degree of liquidity and better efficiency as compared to an equity market. Large volumes and fewer instruments help generate greater intra-day volatility, thus creating better opportunities to earn profits.
About the Author
Welcome to Fx Trading Factory, The blog is about trading, whether you are interested in day trading, swing trading using automated forex trading software. If you want to know more about currency trading for dummies, foreign exchange trading then check out the latest information and tips to be a successful forex trader.
Barrows Guide for Dummies! (Ancients)
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