Sunday, 30 January 2011

Make Your Own For Dummies Cover

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make your own for dummies cover
anybody else apart from me sick of the dumb royal wedding hype?

i have the cure for it stop demeaning your self as human being by waving a flag and rolling out a red carpet for upper class dummies don't waste your time protesting out side Westminster abbey at these millionaire leeches draining us the tax payer dry simply do this up and down the uk go to those pigeon poop covered statues in every town and city of some long dead general on a horse or a guy with a sword and cover up the brass plague that tells you who this statue is of with one of your own making that simply says "this is was the prophet Muhammad looked like" and let the muslims riot while you go down the pub and have a pint
let them fight the cops and get beat down while you gut laugh in a pub watching it unfold on tv

yes yes i toatly agree with you. its like who cares if these people are getting married. whats so special about them really. they fart,crap,pee like every other person in this world. it makes me sick how people get so exited over something that doesn't matter. the same thing with that justin beiber crap. PEOPLE GET MARRIED EVERY GOD GAM DAY!

iPhone Application Development for Dummies

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Friday, 28 January 2011

Dummies Book Titles

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dummies book titles

Diet 4 Dummies-Lose 9lbs In 11 Days Guaranteed!

Before I give you a review about Idiot Proof Diets (more commonly known as Fat Loss 4 Idiots), let me tell you some things with my self.

• I absolutely hate exercising. I am a mother of 4 kids so who needs to wake up extra early just to shower. Who has time to go to the gym? I know I don't

• I love my liquor. Need to have at least a glass of something with alcohol content a day.

• You can never, in a million years, ask me to eat just rabbit food.

• I am a food person. Food and I never had a love-hate relationship. I always loved food and food most definitely loved me back.

Now that you know something about me, let me tell you how I lost 9.4 pounds in 11 days. By using Idiot Proof Diets. I know this may sounds like a shameless plug but I cannot help it. I absolutely adore the product! Here is how it works:

• It asks you what type of diet do you want, regular or vegetarian. No brainer here if you ask me.

• The program then asks you to list 14 food items you love.

• It will then generate a report scheduling how you will eat your meals.

• There are 4 meals in a day, each meal 2.5 hours away from each other.

• Eat only until you are satisfied and not until you are full.

• Do this for 11 days.

• Idiot Proof Diets suggest trying walking every now and then. (This is recommended but not required)

• After 11 days, you have 3 rest days where you have a free pass to deviate from your diet. But do not overdo it!

I used the product right after my kids left the house to visit their grandparents for a few weeks in Vermont. I hate the cold so I decided to stay and give myself some "me" time. I read books, I watched documentaries that I could not watch before since my kids were always hogging the living room TV, I did my gardening, I redecorated the family room and all these activities I did while doing Idiot Proof Diets. Not one bit did I ever felt hungry or deprived of energy unlike other dieting programs that I tried. In fact I always felt quite satisfied because I was eating every 2.5 hours. The best part was I was eating food that I liked; it even gave me the liberty of choosing how I cook this food listed in my program. Talk about maximum freedom.

You will most definitely lose 9 pounds in 11 days with Idiot Proof Diets. This is guaranteed because this system is very easy to stick to, that even an idiot can follow it (as the title of the program appropriately says). You get to eat what you want, you get to cook them the ways you want and you even get a free pass to let lose after 11 days! How can you go wrong? And the fantastic thing is, so long as you stick to this dummy-proof plan, you will end up losing 9 pounds the way I did!

About the Author

Janet Sommers has been reviewing
diet 4 dummies
for the past 20 years. She's a professional at recognizing the best diets, diet plans,diet pills, and exercise regimens. Learn more about her favorite diet
Fat Loss 4 Idiots
at her website

For Dummies Books To Become Obsolete

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Web Building For Dummies

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Top 10 Web Design Tools

Looking for the perfect tool to help you in designing a website? In today's modern web designing trends, many kinds of tools were introduced to help designers better design a website which conforms in W3C standards. Here are some of the most popular tools commonly used by many web designers today.

For inspiration


Deviantart is a social networking website (like Facebook) which is made entirely for graphic artists and other artists. This website is mostly used by graphic artists to showcase some of their artworks, however, many have also used this to showcase some website designs. This is then used by other web designers as inspiration for their own websites.

Web Design Library

Compared to Deviantart, this website is built only to showcase web designs. However, it also showcases how websites should be built effectively and efficiently.

Style Vault

This is website is very similar to Deviantart in terms of allowing graphic artists to showcase some of their artworks to the world. And similar to Deviantart, this is also used by web designers to build up their inspiration.

For dummy texts and icons


One of the most popular icon search engine used in by many web designers today, such as those from web design Philippines companies. This website boasts thousands of icons which can be freely used by any designers.

Lorem Ipsum

A website mainly used for its dummy text. This is used when designers would want to see the design of their website complete with content.

For designing

Adobe Kuler

A popular tool introduced by Adobe. This can used to create color themes for a website. Other than that, designers can also share their themes with other web designers.

Color Hunter

This website is used to make color palettes from images, allowing web designers to choose the right color theme for their website.


A very popular web design tools used by many designers, such as those from web design Philippines companies. This is mostly used for creating your own font through the use of geometrical shapes.


This website showcases one of the widest collection of fonts. Some are provided for free while others are paid.

For uploading


A Firefox web design tool which is widely used by many web developers and designers, such as those from web design Philippines companies. This tool is a free, secure, cross-platform FTP client for Mozilla Firefox which provides easy and intuitive access to FTP servers.

Visit for more info

About the Author

Margarette Mcbride is a copywriter of Optimind Web Design and SEO, a web design and seo company in the Philippines. Optimind specializes in building and promoting websites that are designed for conversion.

Small Business Web Design? Part 1

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Neuro Linguistic Programming For Dummies

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neuro linguistic programming for dummies

From Wimp to Warrior in 20 Minutes or Less

If you have never heard of Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP, let me be the first to introduce you. I know neuro-linguistic programming sounds like something way over your head that psychologists and psychiatrists practice, but you would be wrong on both counts. Most head doctors do not practice NLP and it is not that difficult to understand. Let us break it down: Neuro = brain, linguistic = language, and programming. Brain language programming is what makes you feel the way feel. The best way I can explain it is music. Why do you always see athletes listening to their iPod before they compete? Why do love songs make you feel romantic? Music can put you into any emotional state. So odds are you have already used NLP on yourself unconsciously.

NLP is what Anthony Robbins used to jumpstart his career. He would call into talk radio shows and claim he could cure anyone's phobia right there on the spot. This eventually led to psychologists and psychiatrists calling in and challenging him. Robbins would cure phobias of people who were in counseling for most their lives in 20 minutes. And I am not talking about your run of the mill"I'm afraid of snakes" guy. No, I am talking about people whose phobias affected their everyday lives, the kind of people who are afraid to even leave their house.

One method I use for fear is the movie theatre trick. The next time you find yourself in a situation that you are absolutely terrified of, pretend you are the hero in a movie. Snakes, public speaking, heights, whatever the fear may be put yourself into a scene in your movie where you are saving the day. So far so good, right? Now, pretend you are in the theatre watching that hero on screen. This will force you to look the situation differently. Instead of focusing on what frightens you, you will focus on the climax of the movie and riding into the sunset victoriously. If you want to take it a step further, pretend you are in the projection booth watching yourself watch the movie starring you. Just remember that thousands of people with fears probably more severe than yours have used tricks like this to cure themselves. Now you can too.

I mentioned earlier how music influences our emotional state. One thing I recommend is to have a few go to songs that you can play on your iPod or MP3 player to put you in the right state of mind no matter what your current outside stimulus is. A break up, you get fired, fail a class, anytime you are feeling down you can play these songs to get you back to a peak state. While the song is playing ask yourself "Will this matter in five years? Five months? Five weeks? Five hours?" It probably won't. One of my favorite songs to listen to at these times is the SNL digital short I'm on a Boat. This song is not only has an upbeat tempo and positive sounding lyrics, but it also makes me laugh a little every time I listen, so it does a great job of evening me out.

If you want to learn more about NLP check out Anthony Robbins' book Awaken the Giant Within. If you want to go even further read NLP for Dummies. And if you really want to become a master of your domain get Creating Lasting Change by Anthony Robbins. All three are more than adequate to understand how NLP works and they can explain it a lot better than I can. I found the two books at a Publication1 library on campus too, so that might not be a bad place to check to save a few dollars.

About the Author

Chris Carlton is a blogger and a graduating student at University at Wisconsin - Whitewater taking up double major in Management and Marketing. Next spring, he will be in Buenos Aires to conduct independent research on what the vibrant city has to offer.
Follow Chris on Twitter and Facebook.


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Thursday, 27 January 2011

Robert S Rules For Dummies

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Finding Hot Stock Markets to Heat up Your Trading Portfolio


We do not like day trading stocks, but we are short term traders and we DO like to hit and run in the US stock market. We like to get into positions when they are moving and then get out in two or three days. We think this is a highly effective way to trade and combines safety with very high yields.

But to do this we use a very unconventional style of trading. We set up a very large group of markets, currently 96, limit our commitment to each market to about $1,000 and then take mechanical trading signals from a trading system we have programmed and have traded with real money for many years. We use a custom trading platform that interfaces with live streaming data from E-signal. We sit in front of a computer for six and a half hours per trading day and we typically take 10 to 30 trades a day.


But because we take so many trades and are only in trades for two or three days our methods will not work in dead markets. Our methods require that we identify volatile markets.

Identifying good volatile markets can be a little tricky. At one time I used a simple form of back testing to do this. I would grab a market, get a couple months of tick data for that market and then apply our trading system and look at the results. If the results looked good I would put the market into my portfolio and if the results looked bad I would discard the market.

The results of this method could be disappointing. A market that had made good money for 8 weeks might produce a string of two or three losing trades just as I was putting real money on it and the market that I had discarded might start making money.

What I soon realized was that this approach was really a form of optimization that was, in effect, trying to predict future trading system performance by trying to fit a system to a given set of data. It was a form of "curve fitting" and curve fitting is the worst thing you can do to identify profitable trading. This simply was not a good approach.

But what I realized when working with market data was that the critical factors for identifying profitable markets was volatility and follow through.

I then investigated some commercial software that allowed the user to scan large numbers of markets and enter certain criteria to identify markets that met those certain criteria. I did find this commercial software helpful for identifying volatile markets but the results were nevertheless not as satisfactory as I had hoped for.

The problem was that most commercial software uses range over a period of time to determine volatility. The problem was that sometimes that range took place in a single day and the rest of the time the market was dead.

I will give you an example of a market with a lot of volatility for two days but that was nevertheless a waste of time to trade the rest of the time. On 12/16/09 there was some breaking news on DCGN, deCode Genetics, and the market exploded and put in a range from 6 cents to over 30 cents, quadrupling its value in a single day. That is volatility! One day this market was at the top of the list for market gainers and on the next day it was on top of the list for market decliners, up and then down in two days. As I write this on 1/10/10 DCGN is back to where it started before the news and is as flat as a pancake. But if you run a volatility scan on all stocks for December 2009 DCGN will probably top the list. And yet it was but a one day wonder and outside that one day it would be pointless to keep it in a trading portfolio.

This kind of market movement is not unusual and it creates problems for identifying good markets to trade. Software that uses range over a period of time does not filter out this kind of market.

After some experimentation I hit on a solution to this problem which I will share here. What I did was to develop a program that could scan a stream of data and identify the characteristics that typically work well with our unconventional trading methods.

The markets that worked best with our trading methodology were markets that had repeated expanding, volatile break outs with follow through for a day or two. After an expansion of range the market might contract for a few days but this contraction might then be followed by another expansion and then some more follow through.


To identify such markets I programmed a dummy day trading system. We do not day trade and I am NOT recommending day trading or this system for actual trading. But to identify good break out markets for our methodology I set up the following simple rules for the dummy day trading system:

1) The "system" uses our proprietary programming method for determining the number of contracts traded and limits the size of our positions to approximately $1,000 per position taken. In the world of stock trading this might be considered a tiny position. We do this to allow us to trade a large number of markets with a small amount of money. We currently trade 96 markets and by doing so we protect our trading equity through diversification. Hence we will buy 1000 shares of a stock selling at 98 cents per share but only 100 shares of a stock selling at $10.02 per share.

2) After the close on a given day the DUMMY SYSTEM determines the range for that day. It then calculates 25% of that range and adds that value to the market close to determine a buy point for the next day. Hence virtually any kind of significant upside move the following day will result in the dummy system buying the market. Typically the dummy system will get a buy signal about every other day and show around ten trades for every 20 trading days or so.

3) A day of entry stop is immediately entered when a position is taken. Using 15 minute bar data this stop will exit a market if it retraces its move more than 75% from the last intra-day high. This stop is rarely hit.

4) All positions are closed out on the close of the trading day.

This dummy system is really just a screening device. This is partial results from a GOOD MARKET, BIOF, which was tested on intra-day data for eight weeks from 11/09/2009 through 1/08/10:

BIOF BioFuel Energy Corp. (NASDAQ) 15 min bars 11/09/09 - 1/08/10

Total Net Profit = $552
Number Trades = 17
Wins = 10 (59%)
Average profit per trade (wins and losses) = $32.49

This is partial results from a BAD MARKET, ARBA, which was also tested on Intra-day data for eight weeks from 11/09/2009 through 1/08/10:

ARBA Ariba, Inc. (Public, NASDAQ) 15 min bars 11/09/09 - 1/08/10

Total Net Profit = $44

Number Trades = 19

Wins = 12 (63%)

Average profit per trade (wins and losses) = $2.32

When you look at the three month charts of these markets you may be inclined to believe that both markets are volatile and would be good markets to trade. Conventional methods of determining volatility will probably show that both markets are indeed volatile. But when we apply the dummy system to the 15 minute charts the difference between these markets becomes apparent.

The bottom line is that BIOF is a great market for our methods, but we are wasting our time with ARBA. The problem is that ARBA is simply not volatile enough to overcome our transaction costs when trading our relatively small positions. For this reason we must reject this market.

As a rule of thumb when I scan markets with the dummy system I like to see the average trade (win loss) over $10. If the average trade is less than $10 I reject the market for use in our portfolio.

I have found that this method of market selection for identifying "hot markets" for short term trading to be superior to other methods, commercial or otherwise. I have found that markets that show an average trade greater than $10 using the dummy system will usually show excellent real time profits trading our short term trading methods.

About the Author

Fifteen years ago, Robert Buran wrote, "How I Quit My Job and Turned $6,000 Into a Half Million Trading". Bob set the system vendor industry back on its heels by publishing all his broker statements to prove the validity of his methods. Bob went on to trade European money in the U.S. stock market and pushed nearly two billion dollars in trades through the stock market in less than two years with annual yields close to 100 %. Although he is quite familiar with trading millions of dollars his interest remains with what he describes as the greater challenge of trading a few thousand dollars into a small fortune and his current work is geared to the small investor. Bob posts all his real time trades twice daily on his website, along with news and market commmentary. Bob is a TradeStation programmer and his current interest is working with intra-day data and multiple market data streams to develop "hit and run" short term trading strategies that combine high yields and low risk. Bob insists that the current U.S. economy and its stock markets present an ideal environment for his methods and he presently refuses to short any U.S. stock market. Einstein Stock is a unique real time stock trading site geared to the small investor and short term trader interested in high investment yields and limited risks. Real time trades and some market commentary by "Trader Bob" is posted twice daily every market day.

Google Adwords - Robert Middleton Testimonial on Camp Checkmate

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Snmp For Dummies

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Monday, 24 January 2011

Epidemiology For Dummies

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College 101 For A Dummy ^ _ ^ Please If Your In College Answer ?

Ok, don't laugh but i'm entering High School. I'm already thinking about college(crazy huh!) i'm thinking about going into epidemiology or ob/gyn. So i check out some accredited universities they have 4 year M.S. programs or PhD program. When I'm done with high school and i get accepted to a university and they have the program available could i just go straight into that program or would i have to take something else.?
And for the programs their in Epidemiology.

No, you need a bachelors degree to enter any graduate (MS or PhD) program. A epidemiologist is a PhD (research degree, 8-12 years of college total) and a OB/GYN is a MD (medical degree, 8 years of college and 3+ years of residency). First do your bachelors in something - biology would be good - and take the premed courses in bio, chem, physics and math. Then decide if you want to go to grad school or med school.

How to be an autism expert without really trying

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Sip For Dummies

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Dealing With A Horrible Wingman

"Oh man" My Friend is Just a Total Geek!

Have you ever went to a club, a bar, or a cafe with the intention of picking up chicks? Did you ever bring along a guy friend who was a sort of a wingman to you? Sure. We all have. Did the wing ever get in the way? I mean you like a woman, but the wing will talk you out of it, get in the way, or come looking like a nerd. Did you ever wish your wing would just turn into a manikin doll, sit there, and shut up? More or less, just a body to fill space and make you look occupied? Did you feel down and out about the fact that you put your best foot forward, but your wingman just wasn't up to par. If you can relate, lets move on.

A Chumped Impression

First impression are lasting. If your wing is ugly or dresses like a nerd, women will associate you with him. So if you have a Beta wing, just make sure he looks OK and dresses nice. You don't want women to think that you both just returned from the audition for Revenge of the Nerds IV, do you? If your best friend is Poindexter, it is best to leave him at home on Friday nights and hit the bar single or call up some other buddy.

Ok, so you have a normal looking beta friend and he dresses OK and smells good enough. The only problem is that he is WBAFC. Now let's be honest. We players would like to hook up our buddies, but the most important thing to us is if we get the prize that night. If your buddy don't get laid that night, that's his problem.

Even YOU Can Use a Manikin Wingman

The Beta wing also wants to get laid that night, but him being AFC or even WBAFC will hinder his chances. It may seem selfish but the experienced player will have to use the Beta Wingman. What is the best way to use the Beta Wingman, you ask? I have enough experience dealing with beta wings, so I have found it is best to get them out of the way and to use them as a decoy, a scout, or even have them sit there like a dummy. Even if he is your best friend, if he is beta he can mess things up. I will touch now on all these tactics.

The Decoy

A decoy is usually a person, device, or event meant as a distraction to conceal what an individual or a group might be looking for. Decoys have been used for centuries, most notably in game hunting, but also in wartime and in the committing of crimes.

For the first time ever, we will revolutionize this and deploy them for the game of picking up chicks! How will you use him as a decoy, you ask? The absolute best way to use these AFC wings is to use them as decoys against haters. If a hater is messing your game, invite him to your table. Sit him down and introduce him to your AFC friend and buy him a beer so they can get to know each other. If this works the hater will get off your back and you can thus roam the floor.

Another way I have deployed the wing as a decoy is if the friend of a chick is a FUG. This works if I want to single out a chick and she has a GF with her who is a FUG. I can go to the FUG friend and say my buddy would like to talk to you. Thus, giving me the one on one time I need with the woman of interest. This is a win-win situation because the AFC friend may have a woman to talk to or possibly spend the night with, that evening.

The Scout

A scout is used for reconnaissance in the military for the active gathering of information about an enemy or other conditions, by physical observation. It is part of combat intelligence. The Scout is going to be used very similarly. The best time to use the AFC scout is when lots of people are in the place you are picking up HBs at. The scout will look around and come back with key information on the number of women, if the women have men, and if possible haters are in the way.

Your AFC friend wants a chick also and he will do a task that does not involve rejection so scouting is a favorite for AFC males. I like to send the AFC scout out many times in a night for reason like getting him out of my way and having him return with vital information. The best way to scout is for him to act like he is going up to buy a beer or by sending him up to get a beer. The bathroom visit also works well. Just make sure whatever he does is nonchalant because people can associate.

The Dummy Wing

Sometimes we hate to do it, but the situation calls for it. Your Wing is a nerd or is so WBAFC that you have no choice but to use him as an object and that object is a dummy. The dummy will sit in place for the simple purpose of making you look occupied. I mean come on, you don't want that chick who was checking you out to view you as a loner loser who is sipping on beer all alone do you? With that said, even a loser wing is better than no wing at all.

Get Out of My Way

All in all, it is always best to have the Chumped Wing clear out of a path for you. Just make sure he stays in the background. If the chick and you hit it off good and she wants to meet your buddies keep it quick on the first impression. Remember that she can associate you with the Chumps. A quick "hi" and "bye" will suffice. There is absolutely no reason why you should introduce your HB to your Chumps for more than 1 minute. Get her the hell away from these guys as quick as you can. And don't forget that!

The End Game

Don't worry how your Chumps will feel about you ignoring them. All of us understand that once out, when friends get with women, we get somewhat ignored. It's natural and men are forgiving. If your Chump is upset just reverse roles with him. He'd do the same thing if he could land a HB.

The mission is to land you a chick. Always and every time. That is the golden rule!

-Best Lion-

This article was first published on the Seduction University Forums.


About the Author

Here at the Paragon Project we have assembled an award winning team of elite dating coaches who have each been hand selected for their particular expertise in the realm of seduction.

Working together as a team has led us to brainstorm and share revolutionary techniques, which were then field tested rigorously, refined, tested some more, then finalized into some of the most potent seduction strategies ever discovered.

Learn how to easily seduce women at bars like a master, without ever buying a drink. In fact, they'll be buying yours! Click here

No joke, no BS! Simply click to instantly download our high-quality 200+ page seduction guide. No strings attached! Click here.


Lazer Tag For Dummies

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Sunday, 23 January 2011

Yoga For Dummies

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yoga for dummies

Social Influencers Help You Sell More Stuff

Social Influence Marketing, as described in Social Media Marketing for Dummies,is a technique that employs Social Media (content created by everyday people using highly accessible and scalable technologies such as blogs, message boards, podcasts, microblogs, bookmarks, social networks, communities, wiki's and vlogs) and Social Influencers, (everyday people who have an outsized influence on their peers by virtue of how much content they share on line) to achieve an organization's marketing and business needs.

Social Media, which was likely one of the most hyped buzzwords in 2008, refers to content created and consumed by regular people for each other.

Social Media and its making now allows everyone in the world to be a content publisher and arbitrator.

Social Influencers are the everyday people who influence the consumer as he/she makes a purchasing decision. Simply, the people who influence a brand affinity and purchasing decisions are Social Influencers. Engagement is a Lost Art, are you targeting Social Influencers as part of your overall marketing objectives?

Social influence is the change in behavior that one person causes in another, intentionally or unintentionally, as a result of the way the changed person perceives themselves in relationship to the influencer, other people and society in general.

Christine Thompson describes Social Influencers in her post titled Social Influence Marketing;

Key influencers – people who have almost celebrity status in the social media world – in some cases can exercise considerable influence on purchase decisions throughout the consumer's buying process. Rarely does the consumer actually know these key influencers in real life.

Social influencers are people whom the consumer follows on Twitter or FaceBook, or whose blogs and product reviews appeal to the consumer. Their influence is greatest during the earlier phase of the buying cycle: awareness and consideration, but wanes during the action phase. Although the social influencers are likely to be within the consumer's social graph, they may not actually know each other.

The greatest impact occurs through known peer influencers: colleagues, friends and family. How much impact these "known peers" exercise varies by product category and how much the consumer respects the person's insight and expertise in that category. For example, a husband can influence the brand and model decisions when it comes to auto purchases or leases; however, he has no impact on purchase decisions for yoga classes, mats and accessories, or other yoga-related items. This is because I don't believe he has an informed opinion in this arena.

  1. Are you connecting with Social Influencers to drive your marketing needs and business needs?

  2. Does your Digital Footprint have the required reach and inclusion of Social Influencers relevant to your brand?

About the Author

Welcome to DigitalSherpa, a social media and internet marketing service for companies of all sizes ready to build and participate in communities that influence and directly contribute to the success of their business. Created by Network Communications, Inc., an experienced social media services provider, DigitalSherpa is a turnkey custom social media marketing program that helps your company grow through consistent quality engagement.

01 Basic Yoga Workout for Dummies Part 1

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Dummies Book Generator

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dummies book generator

Personal Branding for Dummies…. and you

I awoke at 4.30 in the morning, the thought stuck and wouldn't dislodge, was the penis sheath mans first attempt at personal branding…. If not it bloody well should have been, this is personal branding at its finest and since then… well its mostly been down hill.

Personal Branding is neither new, unique or particularly difficult, the only difference between this generation and the last is that now it is crucial. So wake up folks because if you miss this train you will slip below the waves of anonymity and rest in obscurity.

Fantastic I hear the socially timid say as it is only extroverts and narcissist's who seek the limelight anyway. Well that may once have been true but now the game has changed and it now involves you, whether you like it or not.

Personal Branding, we all do it

Well yes and no, we all do it but most of us never give it a second thought and therein lies the problem. You see we think of branding as something companies do, not individuals, and the reason for this is we are not taught it at school, no one ever tells us that we are our brand and what we say and how we act is how we build that brand, and what it stands for will either help or hinder us as we travel on this journey called life.

So who cares

For a while Tigers brand was about his perceived behavior (integrity, trust, truth, good husband etc) and that attracted businesses that wanted to be associated with those behaviors. It wasn't about him being the worlds best golfer, that just elevated his exposure and therefore his price, no it was about is clean cut image that made his brand so strong. And the moment that image got damaged companies no longer wanted to be associated with his new behavior.

It was a shame for tiger he didn't represent a condom company as that would have been a great branding opportunity…. " I may have been unfaithful but I always used protection"

So whats that got to do with me

Well it's because of that little thing called the internet that has woven itself into the very fabric of our lives, and we love it. We share things on Facebook that a few years ago we would have found difficult sharing with friends..and thats where the problem starts. We are now building our brand for the world to see and more interestingly comment on. We have opened ourselves up to ridicule and humiliation without inviting it, other than our private lives are now public, which takes me back to….

We are not taught branding at school

Don't get me wrong I am in no way a fan of institutionalised knowledge ( I can't understand how you can make a degree out of communication, as it just starts with a conversation (thanks Orlando), but I digress. So what can you do to understand what your brand is and what it stands for….Hint what you do for a job is not your brand so don't say I am a carpenter or a doctor, tell people what kind of carpenter or doctor you are. I am a carpenter who loves and respects the value and beauty of trees, and when I make you something from wood that value and beauty will translate into an object you will both desire and cherish.

Now you have a brand that tells a story that I can relate to…. you respect the material, I won't just use it I will cherish it, and underlying that story is, you are a craftsman and you are giving me something of great value.

Personal brand is not a clever catch phrase, it is a behavior and it should represent who you are and what you stand for at that point in time, not what you want to be in the future. Which brings us to the inevitable problem…

Changing your brand

So for a while you were a singer in a rock band and have had so many tales told about your exploits ( some true others not ), which was great at the time as it enhanced your brand and made you desirable to your fans. But now you have given up your rock n roll lifestyle and you want to become a reputable businessman. So herein lies the problem how do you keep your credibility and reinvent your brand. Its easy….

You tell the truth

Its out there anyway so why not use your past to strengthen your position. Its as old as the poacher turned game keeper. What gives you the authority to brand yourself now as a business strategist is your past rock n roll experiences. You can stand in front of hostile crowds and turn them round to loving you, you understand about marketing and what really works and doesn't ( they don't teach you about double booked gigs at university). You have had to negotiate with club owners who refused to pay you after the gig. The times you had to arrange tours and record deals for the band. The list goes on but as you tell your story your new brand grows and more importantly people believe you because its true.

So taking your life's past stories and presenting them in a new way gives your new brand its credibility. Sure you will loose some fans along the way ( I remember when Dylan went electric ) but those people don't matter as they are no longer important to your new brand. But I feel you getting tied now and some of you are asking…

What's the point

I don't need to brand myself as anything, I have a good job a great reputation and friends and family that love me, why should I bother. Well just for a moment think, what if you were to lose that secure job for life and you had to move to another part of the country away from friends and family to take up a new position, or positively you get a promotion in a new country, then how do you show people who you are. Don't worry they will find out, Google LinkedIn, groups, it doesn't matter how, they will learn about you with or without your permission and what they find is your brand. Wouldn't it be best that you refined it before rather than after the event and wouldn't it be best that you control the message, which brings me back to where I came in and the penis sheath.

Who wants to turn up to the annual inter-village dance only to realise you are the only one not wearing one.

It's not to late to start.


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Writing For Dummies

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writing for dummies

Essay Writing for Dummies: It is Not Late to Learn

And now, it is time to provide answers to the most common questions freshmen ask about essay writing. It is not embarrassing to ask something one does not know yet. But, what if students want to look like a pro in writing and do not want to ask for help. Then, the following tips are just what they need at the moment. This article underlines the most typical features of essay writing and suggesting the most convenient ways of planning an essay.

What to start with and how to proceed?

Many students get stuck at the first step, identifying the topic and type of an essay. What should they do to solve this problem?

1.First of all, one should identify what kind of essay he/she should produce. Essay may be of different types:


Compare and contrast;



Evaluation essay;

Review and so on.

2.When the essay type is identified, proceed to the next step. First, look at the topic and try to answer the following questions:

Is research is required to write an essay?

Or should a student only write about his/her own ideas?

What should a student concentrate on: facts, arguments, variety of viewpoint, benefits or disadvantages of the issue in question?

3.If some research is required, one may use library of the Internet. However, one should remember that sources for citation should be reliable and trustworthy. It is advisable to highlight important facts that could be used in the essay. It is also possible to make a list of arguments before starting writing.

4.When some information is collected, a student should make a plan of an essay. Follow it not to get sidetracked from the main ideas of an essay.

5.It is helpful to use a draft before making a final variant of the essay.

About the Author

Michael Cockson is an ambitious young writer and researcher who provides custom essay services in several fields of study. Being a highly educated and all-rounded person, Michael knows research paper writing and college term paper writing services inside out.


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Saturday, 22 January 2011

Dutch For Dummies

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dutch for dummies

Acupuncture Can Aid Fertility Treatment

It’s estimated that around one in six UK couples have problems conceiving, so IVF fertility treatment is very popular. Recent research suggests that this treatment could be made more effective by combining it with acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine, which works by inserting thin needles into specific points of the body to stop pain and control symptoms of illness.

Couples in China have used acupuncture for centuries to promote female fertility, and scientists have been studying its impact on IVF for a number of years. While the results of these studies have generally been mixed, the latest research indicates that acupuncture definitely helps couples to conceive via fertility treatment.

Undergoing IVF treatment is an expensive and stressful process, which has an average success rate of just 15%. Couples without children may be eligible for up to three cycles of IVF on the NHS, but there is often a long waiting list. The cost for one private cycle of IVF is a whopping £2,500, which many people find prohibitive.

The Dutch and US research, which looked at more than 1,300 women and was published in the British Medical Journal, found that every 10 cycles of IVF treatment with acupuncture would result in one extra pregnancy. The overall results indicated that women who had acupuncture were 65% more likely to undergo successful IVF treatment compared with those who underwent dummy versions of the acupuncture treatment, or those who had no extra treatment at all.

Rowan Pelling of the Guardian spoke of her positive own experience of acupuncture and fertility. She said: “After the first treatment, when I felt currents of energy move across my body, something very strange happened. I not only felt as if a portcullis somewhere inside had lifted, but I ovulated for a second time that month, just as my regular period was due, and I fell pregnant with my first son as a result.”

Acupuncture is thought to aid fertility and boost fertility treatments merely because it relieves stress. This may sound simplistic, but a fertility expert recently said that fertility problems could stem from busy couples that just don't have sex enough or stressed out women whose bodies are so frazzled that they’ve started to display menopausal symptoms. However, infertility can also stem from bigger problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome (POS), endometriosis, miscarriages and poor sperm count.

However, Professor Edzard Ernst, a leading alternative medicine expert from the Peninsula Medical School in Plymouth, said that the reliability of these acupuncture trials is dubious. He said: “On the face of it, these results sound fantastic. I would, however, be very cautious as much of the observed effect could be due to a placebo response. IVF may not seem to be "placebo-prone" but it probably is: if women expect it to be helpful they are more relaxed which, in turn, would affect pregnancy rates.”




About the Author

Samantha Srillian is a freelance writer, as well as a naturally gifted psychic medium and tarot card reader. She is interested in alternative therapies, angels and spiritual healing.

Dutch For Dummies

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Idiots Guide To The Stock Market

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YYCCC 2011-05-09 Calgary City Council - Video Archive - May 9, 2011

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Wednesday, 19 January 2011

The Complete Idiots Guide To Music Theory

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Music theory or guitar theory?

I play guitar, and I've bought, but haven't read the book: "Complete Idiot's Guide To Music Theory", And I was wondering how much guitar specific theory isn't going to be in this book. Would a Guitar Theory book or website be recommended or will this book be enough? If I need a site or book it would be helpful if anyone could recommend some.

I think you need a reference that's more geared toward understanding music theory from a guitar standpoint. Music theory is based on the keyboard, and if you're not familiar with the keyboard and how notes, intervals, chords, etc. on the keyboard relate to the guitar, then your book might not be as easy to understand and relate to as another source. It never hurts to have multiple references anyway.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to the New World Order

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Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Nikon D80 For Dummies

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nikon d80 for dummies
very new to photography!?

Is this a good starter camera? I am rather new to the photography world, and everyone I talk to tells me to go with the Nikon D80 to start with. What the difference between the Nikon D70, 80 and 90? I really need like a photography for dummies help!! PLEASE!

D70 much older.

D80 just fine

D90 "State of the Art"!

They are all great cameras. Pick the one you can afford and mount the best glass you can to it!

(The D90 has "Live View". That is a big deal to many.)

Nikon D3000 For Dummies

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Monday, 17 January 2011

How To Books For Dummies

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how to books for dummies

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

About the Author

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Blogging for Dummies 2010 - 8 Books in 1

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Saturday, 15 January 2011

Dj For Dummies

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dj for dummies
How to use Fruity Loops 8?

I just got Fruity Loops 8 XXL Producer's Edition, never used a previous one before. I am trying to learn to DJ and before I get the equipment I am going to learn to use programs. Is there a tutorial on how to use Fruity Loops or can someone tell me how to or the basic outline on how to use it?

Also, what other programs can I use to learn? I heard Acid Pro is another one? I am trying to find programs that I can use to edit music and make beats but if you tell me I need a tutorial on how to use it because I never done any music editing or anything.

I'm just wanting to learn to DJ, I even bought the DJ For Dummies book.

there are tutorials in the programme itself it may help to take yourself back to FL5 and learn from there cos I know in 8 there are hidden gems that wont be found if you not used earlier editions.
Fairly simple (touchwood) but jus need imagination and feel and the music world are yours!!!!!!!

Acid pro is a cool as prog.i have acid pro 6 and fl5 on my comp but do alot of my tweaking in soundforge.

Reason is mos prob your best bet.

beatmixing for dummies counting beats & bars beat structure by DJ John Beck

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Teaching For Dummies

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teaching for dummies
Are there any good online self teaching guides to linear algebra?

I have to take it in a summer and I gotta make an A, so I wanted to start it in advance. Are there any online guides you could recommend or books? Something like linear algebra for dummies.

Try this one:,com_seyret/Itemid,106/catid,7/

What can Teaching for Dummies do for you?

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What Is Cloud Computing For Dummies

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Stock Trading for Dummies

First of all I am going to tell you that I am a stock trading dummy and proud of it.  I have made millions of dollars trading stocks and I am blessed with the inability to understand the technical analysis of markets.

You should be happy that you are a stock market dummy because this fact may help you in making real money in the stock market.

Some of the smartest people I know are in the stock trading business and many are stock brokers and financial advisors.  I am going to let you in on a dirty little secret.  Of all the forces in the economy that have caused people to lose money in the stock market, none have been greater than the advice of financial experts and brokers.  There does in fact seem to exist an inverse relationship between intelligence and effective stock trading.  It would seem that the smarter a person is that the more effective they are in finding ways to cause you to lose your money in the stock market.

It has been scientifically proven that the performance of stock brokers in picking profitable stocks could be replicated by having monkeys throw darts at a page of stock listings in the Wall Street Journal.  So the first lesson for the wannabe stock trader is to plan to MAKE YOUR STOCK TRADING DECISIONS YOURSELF and stay away from those stock brokers in their pin stripe suits and shiny shoes.


You should also stay away from technical analysis.  Technical analysis of market behavior is pseudo science and frequently promoted by snake oil salesmen disguised as brokers and other financial advisors.  Other technical analysis proponents include trading system vendors and trading system software companies.

For some brokers and financial wizards technical analysis is a kind of religion promoted to explain what otherwise cannot be explained about markets.  It is the opium of stock market losers everywhere.  I call it WIGGLY LINE THEORY.

(see Imperfect Market Theory )

For example, the proponents of technical analysis may tell you to buy XYZ stock when the 15 day moving average crosses the 45 day moving average and then take profits on your positions next year when the stock moves into "overbought" territory provided that the stochastic confirms the sell signal.


Hogwash and financial sophistry I say.   Again technical analysis of market behavior is pseudo science and if you are really fascinated by the technical analysis of markets you might also consider the study of cloud formations.   Both technical analysis and cloud formations have a kind of imaginative beauty to them and both can appear to have shape and meaning.  But then as the market moves and the winds blow those shapes and meaning disappear and are soon forgotten.  It is not a good idea to use technical analysis to determine where to put your money.

You may ask, "But all the financial experts use technical analysis and why can't I use this science to make financial decisions regarding stock market investment?"

This is my answer: In the simplest terms technical analysis is pretty useless, not because its math and formulas are flawed, but because the data it attempts to organize and make sense of is predominantly random.  Short term stock market movement is predominantly random.  It is difficult to make sense of random data no matter how sophisticated are your methods of analysis.  It is garbage in and garbage out.  The randomness of the markets defeats technical analysis along with the bravest and brightest financial experts and traders.

Be happy you are a stock market dummy.  If you can't understand it you can easily shut out the noise and not become unnecessarily confused.


So what should we, the stock market dummies of the world, use to defeat and take money from the bravest and the brightest financial experts and traders?  What has worked for me, and in fact has made millions of dollars for me, is not technical analysis, but something I call market momentum theory.  Market momentum theory is based more on physics than math.  I did not learn market momentum theory in an economics school; I learned market momentum theory in a pool hall.

Let me illustrate with a pool hall example.  In pool one player makes the opening break shot by striking the cue ball with the cue tip causing the ball to move towards the racked balls on the opposite side of the pool table.  The cue ball can end up anywhere on the table, in a pocket or even on the floor.  However, because the original momentum pushed the ball from one side of the table to the other side of the table, probability favors that the ball will stop rolling on the opposite side of the pool table from where it was initially struck with the cue tip.

We can easily transfer this theory and apply it to stock market movement.   First we must define "significant price movement" and we can call it the "cue ball condition".  So let us say that in a hypothetical market the "cue ball condition" is met if price moves higher by five dollars.  OK, now let us say that a market closes at a certain price on Monday.  But on Tuesday the market meets the "cue ball condition" by moving five dollars higher and so we decide to buy it at that price.  Now using the previously mentioned market movement theory we decide to always sell our positions acquired on Tuesday on the open on Thursday.

So what will happen?  Well what will happen is that we will make money over time and that about 55% of our trades will be profitable.  Why?

Because by first defining significant momentum we in effect turn stock market price movement into a cue ball headed for the opposite side of the pool table.  There is no guarantee that the ball will always end up on the opposite side of the pool table but momentum theory says it's more likely it will end there than bounce back.  Similarly the stock that meets the "cue ball condition" on Tuesday is more likely than not to open higher on Thursday and if we sell it there we are more likely than not to make money.

How do I know this?  Well first of all I have tested this very basic idea extensively and have traded similar ideas thousands of times.  In fact in one two year period, while trading around two and a half million dollars, I took about 10,000 trades and pushed millions and millions of dollars worth of trades through the marketplace while making about five million dollars in profits.

But what was interesting is that I did NOT have a trading system that was 95% accurate.  Instead I used a simple system based on market momentum theory that won about 55% of the time and lost about 45% of the time.  Because of the random nature of short term stock market price movement I knew that 55% was about the best ANYBODY could do and I settled for 55% accuracy.  And by settling for 55% accuracy I made close to 100% annual returns on the money invested and I made nearly five million dollars in profits in two years.


So 55% accuracy is not really so bad. If you can trade consistently with 55% accuracy you have a "house advantage" of 5%.  That means that for every $100 you push through the market you are going to make $5.  It's like owning your own casino and YOU ARE THE HOUSE.

(see Stock Market Trading and Casino Gambling, You can be the House Investing in the Stock Market Gambling.htm )



Now that I have given you a robust theory of market movement that can make a lot of money for us stock market dummies let me just add a few more important rules and strategies.

1)     MECHANICAL TRADING SYSTEM: Now that you have a theory, you should develop a mechanical trading system, and resolve to follow it for at least one year.

2)     GET YOUR SYSTEM PROGRAMMED:  Put your system into a program that can be run on a computer.  You are a stock market dummy so now let your computer do the thinking for you.  You do not have to understand technical analysis; you just need to love and follow your computer.   You do not even have to think about markets; you just need to place the orders your computer tells you to place.

(see Intra-Day Stock Trader 2010 stock trading software.htm )

3)     DIVERSIFY: Spread your money out thin in many markets.  We follow 96 markets and sometimes are in as many as 35 at a time.  Market diversity can protect you from aberrant price movement and aberrant price movement is an occupational hazard of trading random markets.

4)   IN AND OUT IN TWO TO THREE DAYS:  Limit your trades to two or three days.  The cue ball is struck and it goes forward and then stops.  It's a short term move and so is stock market price movement based on momentum theory and probability.  Momentum theory ends with day 3 and oftentimes sooner.  But keep in mind that there is also great safety in limiting your trades to two or three days.  You have certainly heard stories of people who have lost everything in the stock market.  Let me assure you that the only people who lose everything in the stock market are people who let brokers do their trading for them and who marry stocks and refuse to sell them.  By making it a rule that you will ALWAYS get out after two or three days you cannot lose all your money and become a stock market casualty.


So stock market dummies unite!  Ignore the experts, trade simple ideas you can understand, and let your computer do the thinking for you.  By following these rules for Stock Trading for Dummies we can easily take over Wall Street and put "the suits" out of business.

Stock market dummies can be rich!


About the Author

Occupation: Stock Trader

Robert Buran, StockBrain99 on Twitter, is the author of "How I Quit My Job and Turned $6,000 Into a Half Million Trading". He has traded small accounts and traded millions of dollars. Bob trades live on the Internet and is into low risk with high yields.  His website, Short Term Stock Trading, posts his 2-day and 3-day real time stock trades several times daily and is of great interest to day traders and short term stock traders.

Special Event with Bernard Golden 5/11/2011

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Nikon D5000 For Dummies

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Nikon D3000 Review- Jewel or Junk?

What's the scoop on the Nikon D3000? Now that it has been on the market for six months, what is the word on the street? Is it worth laying down your cash, or is it worthless?

The manufacturer took a chance with this little entry level DSLR... or not.

As an entry level digital SLR, they took a step back in technology from the D5000 which had already been released into the camera market three months earlier. Their gamble was that they could capture the market for the least expensive DSLR. So they came in under the price for the Canon Rebel XSi by a few measly bucks (OK, it's about $50), as well as beating their own entry level camera (the D5000) by about $150.

In all honesty, their camera is a good one, especially when you consider the price compared to just about anything else on the market. However, let's take a look at what the buyer sacrifices for that $150.

  • 10 Megapixel sensor compared to the 12.3 megapixels of the D5000
  • Image sensor is the same CCD as the old D40 while the D5000 has a newer CMOS image sensor
  • Fixed LCD screen - the D5000 has a tilt screen
  • No Live View - (you guessed it) the D5000 has Live View with contrast detecting auto focus
  • No movie mode vs HD movie mode on the "other guy"
  • Slower continuous shooting at 3 frames per second vs 4 frames per second
  • No exposure bracketing which is also available on the D5000
  • More limited image quality settings - JPEG quality only instead of JPEG + RAW
  • Lower range of ISO at 100-3200 while the D5000 has 200-6400

It seems like the manufacturer "dummied" this model down just to get the price point under the competition.

Well, no, that is not true, at least the "dummied down" part. The Nikon D3000 is a solid performer, according to all the reviews. Yes, it is made in the image of the older D40, but there is nothing wrong with that, because the D40 was arguably the best entry level DSLR for a long time.

This newer model follows in the footsteps of the D40 in design and ease of use, as well as in image quality. It has earned the highest rating at dpreview, which is "Highly Recommended".  Nikon chose well when they decided which features could be sacrificed in favor of the price point.

Bottom line is that this camera, the Nikon D3000 ain't no junk. If you read the user reviews, you will find that most buyers are extremely happy with their purchase.

View the entire list of features for the Nikon D3000 at

Happy Shooting!

About the Author

I love photography and all things related to it. Cameras, camera gear, and image editing software fascinate me, so I am either buying the newest piece of equipment (or software) or researching my next purchase. I host to answer many of your camera gear questions.

Nikon D5000 Demo Review Tips 15 tricks

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Friday, 14 January 2011

Human Anatomy For Dummies

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human anatomy for dummies

Dummy Cycling guide for beginners

Everybody starts from beginner and progress accordingly to different level of fitness and skills, to reach the intermediate and advance stage. However during this process, understanding the basic techniques and appropriate gears required for the particular sport is very importance.

This article is to provide you with the basic information you need to know, as a beginner. After going through this guide, you can start your cycling routine safely!

Things to note:

1. Basic attire and gears:

Getting a bike:

As a beginner in cycling, the first thing is to decide getting the right type of bicycle. There are 3 main categories of bicycles, namely the Road bike, Hybrid bike and Mountain bike.

-       Road bike is light weighted with narrow tyres, offering great speed. It is suitable for confident riders, perfect for fitness riding, touring on bike, and competitions such as cycling races and triathlon races.

-       Hybrid bike is a combination of lightweight and wider tyres, suitable for beginners enjoying leisure riding on the road. It can be used as normal transportation, fitness riding, touring and competitions for novice.

-       Mountain bike is heavy with the widest tyres, perfect for off-road riding, and trail competitions and fitness.

Next is to ensure the correct size of the bike that fits the individual, as everyone has different human anatomy. The size of the bike affects the comfort and is essential for biking efficiency as well as injuries prevention. This bike fitting service is available in major bike stores and the price ranged from fifty to a couple of hundreds.

Getting a helmet:

A helmet is essential for absorbing the impact during a crush. Although it is not a compulsory rule to wear a helmet on the road currently, it is a good practice to wear it for personal safety. There are also many types of helmet:

-       Road helmet is designed for aerodynamic purpose with a sharper and longer shape. The cost can be quite expensive.

-       Commuter/Sport helmet is more affordable and good for leisure riders. It is designed for inexpensive protection and has a rounder shape.

-       Mountain bike helmet is harder as it provides better protection due to the hazardous terrain of cross-country biking.

There are also different sizes to choose from, and the general rule to a correct sized helmet is that it sits straight and level slightly above the eyebrows. It should not wobble when you shake your head but allow slight movement with the strap tightened.

Clothing to wear:

Cycling in our humid and hot weather requires light and comfortable attire. To ensure comfortable cycling experience, the clothing includes:

-       a light and comfortable top that is not too baggy. At this stage, a bicycle vest is not necessary, unless you want to look like a pro.

-       a pair of tights with padded seat is preferred over a baggy short, as it provides the cushioning effect for the butt due to the constant sitting position.

-       a pair of sport shoes and socks is good enough for a beginner.

Other gears (optional):

-       front and rear lights (preferred all times), for safety and visibility to other road users.

-       Water bottle holder.

-       Speedometer to track the cycling speed.

-       Heart rate monitor for tracking performance's heart rate.


2. Proper warm up and cool down

Static stretching before exercise is no longer valid based on recent research.  However, there are still coaches and trainers practicing this old school's method. It is not hard to understand why static stretching is not preferred, if we understand the purpose of warming up. Performing warm up prior to cycling is to prepare the body for the actual action, by bringing up the body's core temperature as well as all the joints and muscles ready for the activity.

Static stretching is done by holding on to a specific muscle's stretch, without movement. Hence, it does not create any joints' movement or increase body temperature, which is critical to prepare the body for the cycle process.

The proper warm up is performed dynamically, involving muscles' activation and stretching. Some examples of dynamic warm up include swinging the leg front and back, and side-to-side, or twisting the trunk, shoulders rotation, high knees stepping on the spot, or even just relax cycling at very easy pace. There has not been any specific research to support how long a warm up session should last; a generic 10-mins is good from experience.

After cycling, a cool down static stretching session is encouraged. First, it helps the body to cool down for recovery, and the stretching enables the worked muscles to elongate to normal flexibility.

Both dynamic warm up and cool down sessions are crucial for efficient cycling, injuries prevention and recovery.

3. Recommended training programs:

Start slow and easy pace during the start and choose flat terrain. The distance and duration for novices depend largely on the individual's fitness. For aerobic benefit, perform at least 30-mins or more for 2-3 times a week. At an average speed of 25, an estimated 10km distance can be achieved within 45 mins. It may take a few weeks to a few months (based on individual) to adapt well and ready for higher intensity (faster pace) or longer distance.

Besides performing actual cycling, strength training at the gym is important. Specific strength training helps to strengthen and tone, especially the lower limbs. Some examples of strength training are spinning on the stationary bike, perform squat and many other legs exercises, as well as trunk exercises to strengthen the lower back and core stability. This is crucial for muscles' power, strength and endurance to sustain the continuous cycling on the road.

4. Cycling ethics:

All sports required ethical execution in order to ensure safety of the individual, as well as others. A lot of elite cyclists may be sharing the same route with beginners, hence learning some of the road ethic is very important. Ethics like keeping to the left lane for slow cyclist, let faster cyclists overtake on the right, turn on bike's lights, abide to road traffic, lookout for other road users, slow down on turns...etc.

Ultimately, what we want is to have a safe environment to enjoy our sports with other commuters/sportsmen.

5. Places to cycle:

There are currently many places in Singapore for novices, such as the park connectors around the island, East Coast park and West Coast park. More may be on the way!

There will be more to learn about cycling on the road, but as for a beginner, this information should be relevant enough to ensure a pleasure and safe biking!


About the Author

Angelin holds a Sports Science Degree (ECU) and Strength & Conditioning Certifications (NSCA/ASCA), with years of experience in Fitness. She walks the talk and delivers Personal Training, group's workshop as well as Corporate Workshop's presentation. To know her background, visit

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